Social Studies Grade 5


Materials Needed: N/A

Online Related Media (Explore More): N/A

Extended Reading Articles: N/A

Article 4: Trade Goods Word Count: 262

Vocabulary: pigments : minerals and soil from the southwest, used in paints mica: a mineral that is reflective and can be cut into thin sheets

High Impact Teaching Strategies: Collaborative Learning, Metacognitive Strategies, Questioning Lesson Plan: 1. Read the article. As you are reading aloud, have students underline the pigments that were found in Hopewell. 2. After reading, have students turn to a neighbor and share the items they underlined. Then, have students discuss why they underlined what they did. a. Did you underline the same things? (Answers will vary.) b. Why or why not? (Answers will vary.) 3. As a class, discuss the following: a. How is Hopewell described in the article? (a metropolis of people, religions, entertainment, and trade) b. Why is Hopewell described as a metropolis of people, religions, entertainment, and trade? (Answers will vary.) c. What pigments were found in Hopewell? (mica, limestone, and copper) d. Where were these pigments found naturally? i. mica: Appalachian Mountains ii. limestone: sides of mountains iii. copper: Utah 4. Exit Ticket: Have students write about the importance of trade networks as a means of disseminating goods. Include information about geography, resources, and the origin of trade goods. Article Assessment Questions: 1. What was used from the Southwest region of America to create color in paint? a. dye

b. coloring c. pigment d. mica

Trade and Economics in North America | Week 8

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