Social Studies Grade 5


of concepts for students. ● Analyzing multiple perspectives, through primary accounts, helps us to understand different perspectives of events. Primary sources can often be difficult for students to understand and comprehend. You can differentiate the lesson plans as needed based on student ability and understanding. Consider reviewing the primary source accounts in small groups with students or as a whole group, chunking the content, or reading aloud to students. Essential Question: What role did trade play in both cooperation and conflict between and among European settlers? Learning Objective: Students can identify the role trade had in land ownership, the movement of people, and the French and Indian War. “I Can” Statement: I can identify the role trade had in land ownership, the movement of

people, and the French and Indian War. Student Edition Vocabulary and Phrases:

ambitious: having a strong desire to succeed assassination: when someone is killed for political or religious reasons

Language for Social Studies Learning: N/A Critical Thinking Question: When we study history, it is important to consider the different perspectives of the people who are involved in an event. After reading the perspectives of Ensign Jumonville, Tanaghrisson the Half-King, and George Washington, talk with a partner about the different information that each person shared regarding the events that took place near Fort Duquesne. What do we learn when we hear more than one ● Describe how Ensign Joseph Coulon de Jumonville, Tanaghrisson the Half-King, George Washington, Mary Jemison, and the Ohio Company are all connected to each other. ● Explain what the Iroquois Confederacy meant when they said, “He who controls the Mississippi controls the continent.” Wellness Question: ● What are some ways the Indigenous people of the Americas were able to meet their basic needs? ● How did travel and movement impact the way the Indigenous people of the Americas met their basic needs? ● How do you think the Indigenous people of America felt when the European settlers arrived? Weekly Assessment Questions: 1. Whose death was part of the events that led to the French and Indian War? a. Joseph Coulon de Villiers de Jumonville Clash of Empires | Week 17 version of an event? Let’s Draw or Write:

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