Social Studies Grade 5


Vocabulary: N/A High Impact Teaching Strategy: Collaborative Learning Lesson Plan: 1. Discuss the following questions:

a. What is a timeline? (a line that shows different events that have happened over a time period) b. What can we learn from reading a timeline? (Answers will vary.) c. What is the important information that is included on this timeline? (event, date, location, and significance of the event) d. What do you expect to learn from reading this timeline? (Answers will vary.) 2. Show the video “French and Indian War Intro,” from related media. 3. Read the article and timeline. 4. Have students highlight the names of the people who were involved in the events on the timeline. Ask the following question: a. Why were these people important? (Answers will vary.) 5. Have students glue the timeline into their interactive notebooks. 6. Have students participate in creating an interactive timeline, using the graphic organizer French and Indian War Timeline. Cut the timeline pieces up. Put signs up in the classroom. You will need the following signs: a. Western Pennsylvania 7. Divide the students into groups of 10. Give each student a piece of the graphic organizer French and Indian War Timeline. Each group will need to put their pieces in chronological order without talking to each other. 8. Have students stand together based on where their event took place. Have them share their event with the group they are standing with and be prepared to share with the class what is happening in that location. Ask students the following questions: a. Who benefited from your event? Stand together based on who you identify as the victor of your event. i. the British ii. the French iii. the American colonists iv. the American Indians b. Who won the French and Indian War? Be prepared to share one reason why you think this group won the war. i. the British ii. the French iii. the American Indians c. Who lost the French and Indian War? Be prepared to share one reason why you think this group lost the war. i. the British ii. the French iii. the American Indians b. American Colonies c. Upstate New York d. Quebec

Clash of Empires | Week 17

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