Online Related Media (Explore More): Image: “Signers of the Declaration” Video: “Signers of the Declaration of Independence Intro” Extended Reading Articles: N/A
Article 3: Government During the American Revolution Word Count: 609 Vocabulary: N/A High Impact Teaching Strategies: Collaborative Learning, Explicit Teaching, Metacognitive Strategies, Questioning Lesson Plan: 1. Begin the lesson with a class discussion. Ask students: a. If you had to move to a new house, city, or state, what items would you need to take with you? (Answers will vary.) Have students make a list of items they think are essential to take with them. b. Discuss students’ responses as a class. 2. Explain to students that during the American Revolution, the Continental Congress had to pick up everything and move several times. It was essentially a portable government. This means that not only did the delegates have to move to avoid capture and imprisonment by the British, but they also had to move all of the documents and vital records they needed to run the government, including the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation. 3. Have students read the article individually, in pairs, or as a class. 4. Then, show students the images of the locations of the Continental Congress, found in related media. 5. Give students a copy of the graphic organizer Cause and Effect Dominoes: Government During the American Revolution. 6. Read the instructions and clarify any questions that students have. Article Assessment Questions: Independence and Revolution: The Government | Week 23
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