a. Who created it? (It was issued by President James Madison in 1823.) b. Why was it needed? (It was issued because the United States was concerned that the other European governments would try to restore their colonies.) 4. Pass out the graphic organizer One-Sentence Summary. Tell students to fill out that information in the appropriate space. 5. Read the rest of the article to determine what the Monroe Doctrine did. 6. Have students write a summary paragraph stating the who, what, when, and why of the Monroe Doctrine. 7. Watch the video “What Was the Monroe Doctrine? Intro,” from related media, then hold a discussion as a class about what students learned. 8. Review the political cartoon associated with this article, “Keep Off! The Monroe Doctrine Must Be Respected.” a. Who are the people in the cartoon? (representations of various countries) b. What countries do they represent? (Britain, Portugal, France, Spain, Germany, the United States, Nicaragua, and Venezuela) c. The Library of Congress shares this summary: “Uncle Sam, as an armed soldier, stands between European powers (Britain, France, Germany, Spain, and Portugal) and Nicaragua and Venezuela.” d. Instruct students to write a caption for this cartoon based on what they have learned about foreign policy.
Article Assessment Questions: 1. What are the government's guidelines for dealing with other countries called?
a. foreign policy b. business policy c. domestic policy d. economic policy 2. When was the Monroe Doctrine issued? a. 1812 b. 1823 c. 1845 d. 1867 3. What did the Monroe Doctrine establish? a. a western economic free trade zone
b. the independence of all European colonies c. U.S. territories in the Caribbean and Oceania d. that the hemisphere was protected by the U.S.
The New Nation | Week 30
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