Amy’s Shrimp Salad
Salad Ingredients
Vinaigrette Ingredients
1 tablespoon olive oil
We’re all about salad variety, so here’s one on the heartier side.
3/4 cup of olive oil
Sugar snap peas
1/4 cup of balsamic vineg a r
Toss sugar snap peas in olive oil and warm in a pan over medium high heat until charred. Chop sugar snap peas and avocado into bite-sized pieces. Sprinkle with pine nuts and pea shoots. Top with Oregon bay shrimp. Combine olive oil, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, and shallots in a small container and stir. Drizzle on top of your salad.
Juice of one lemon
Pine nuts
Diced shallots
Pea shoots
Oregon bay shrimp
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