December 2020 E-Newsletter


Don’t miss out on a great experience competing against other country clubs, playing a variety of local courses. If you are 50 or older and retired from at least one occu- pation, you are eligible to join the league. ANCC fields two separate teams which are very competitive in league play -- one at Arlington and one at Fairfax. Both teams are always looking for new players. During the 2020 season, the league showed that it was able to safely conduct competitions between its 15 clubs. After initial golf restrictions were eased in late Spring, the league’s weekly Thursday matches resumed. Observing the full range of COVID restrictions in effect, between eight and twelve foursomes were able to play each match. During the season, each team plays 12 other clubs twice, once at home and once at their away course, for a 24-match season. The home club provides practice balls and waives green fees. In a “normal” season, the hosts provide morning pastries, coffee, and a sit-down lunch afterwards. This past year, COVID safety restrictions limited clubs’ ability to provide all these amenities, though we hope to be able to do so next year to the extent possible. The league’s season runs from early April through early October. Play is on Thursday mornings and is four- ball match play with a 3-point Nassau, combined with a sweepstakes competition. We use handicaps in all matches and our team members have handicap indexes ranging from the single digits through the thirties. As a team member, you will be assigned to play in eight or more matches during the season and may volunteer to play any matches to which you are not assigned. The 2021 Army-Navy teams will be put together within the next few months and eligible ANCC members can sign up for either team. Visit the teams’ web pages on the ANCC website for signup instructions. Signups are open from now until 31 January 2021 for the Arlington Team and 1 March 2021 for the Fairfax Team. The pages for the two teams can be found under Golf, ANCC Golf Organizations & Teams, Men’s Groups. For more information, visit the teams’ web pages. The team captains for 2021 are Mike Downs 703-317-1822, Jim Schroeder 703-237-1939, and Frank Kyle 703-405-4703 for the Arlington team; and Mike Golembieski 703-643-1444, Dennis Bruns 703-534-7913 and Russ Powers 571-643-2908, for the Fairfax team. Sign-up as soon as possible.


The Senior Men’s Golf Organization (SMGO) invites all ANCC members age 55 and over to participate in our men’s senior golf program in 2020. This is organized play that develops new friendships and enhances your enjoyment of the game of golf and Club facilities. Let us hope we have a better year of golf than 2020 turned out to be! And thanks to you all for being patience and understanding as we finally had to cancel our 2020 season due to COVID-19 issues. The SMGO program features an ABCD scramble at 8:30 AM typically on the first and third Wednesday of each month, at the Arlington course, commencing in April and continuing through October. Other tournaments may be scheduled when play dates are available. All ANCC members are welcome regardless of their handicap. If you were a member in 2020, your membership will automatically be renewed for 2021. A sign-up list for new members to the SMGO will be posted in the Arlington Golf Shop by 1 December. If you do not want to participate in 2021, please indicate your decision to be deleted on the sign-up sheet at the Arlington Golf Shop or you may contact Tim Campen at campta3435@gmail. com or 703-901-3609. New members who may be leaving the area for the winter are encouraged to sign-up prior to departing. The 2021 dues will be set prior to the opening of the season. Dues cover the cost of lunch in the Clubhouse at the completion of each of the 14 ABCD Scrambles. Standard cart fees are charged for each event in which a member participates. A $10.00 entry fee for the prize pool and the cost of coffee and pastries, available before each ABCD Scramble, is collected at check-in prior to the 8:30 tee off.

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