December 2020 E-Newsletter

The Women’s Nine Hole Golf Organization always welcomes new members throughout the year. Consider joining in 2021. Any questions, please contact Membership Chairman Sally Mitchell at (703) 409-1438 or at 2020-2021 Executive Board Chairperson: Lillie Simpkins Vice Chairperson: Susan Hyre Membership Chairperson: Sally Mitchell Nominating Chairperson: Penny Wood *Play Date Coordinator: Annette Wagner *New Position Winter Golf began 1 November and ends 31 March 2021. Sign-up sheets are posted in the Arlington and Fairfax Ladies Locker Rooms and players are to post their scores on these sheets. A total of 10 rounds of golf must be played only at ANCC courses. For information contact Winter Golf Chairperson Mary Fields at (703) 698-9427 or at Secretary: Shannon Hardy Treasurer: Bonnie Weiss WNHGO: WOMEN’S NINE HOLE GOLF ORGANIZATION

WGO-18 CONGRATULATES ITS 2020 TOURNAMENT WINNERS The 18-Hole Women’s Golf Organization recently concluded its reorganized schedule of bi-weekly Play Days and occasional special and major tournaments. In one of its last special tournaments —the Ace of Aces Competition—Judi Enright and Lisa Moore claimed the top two prizes for best gross scores, while Carol Mills and Jane Tuck were the top two net winners (both netted scores of 66). For more information on other 2020 Tournament winners, see our webpage here. Next year, WGO-18 plans to return to a full schedule of Play Days and regularly scheduled tournaments at both the Arlington and Fairfax courses. To join WGO-18 for the 2021 season, please contact our Membership Chair Jan Albers at jea l We are always open to new members.

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