Soto Law Group - July 2020

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Soto’s Chronicles

July 2020

DeDe Soto

Protecting your most valuable asset — your family



DeDe Soto


With so much going on in these changing times -I do hope you are finding time to enjoy some summer activities, whether its beach time, BBQ’s bike rides or reading a book! I must say I do have a new normal wearing masks and protecting myself from as much as I am able to do. Having said that, I do hope you will take the time to protect yourself and your family. Whatever your new normal is, don’t leave your family unprotected. With so many vacations and conventions being cancelled this is the perfect time to refer your family, friends and clients to us. We are continuing to meet virtually and hope you will take advantage of your down time this summer. If you go to our website you can see all of our upcoming webinars.

Kids are about halfway through summer vacation, which means their brains are probably on summer vacation too. Seasonal boredom often stems from a lack of creativity, so if your child is feeling that slump, then it’s important to boost their brain. Creativity is a necessity in everyone’s lives — it’s a key component of health and happiness, and there are no limitations to its applications. You can practice this core skill with your kids in a variety of ways.

Until next time, Many Blessings,


The most important creative resource is time. Children need plenty of time for unstructured, self-directed, imaginative play. They don’t need to be encumbered by adult direction or commercial objects. Space is also an important resource. Designate a place where it’s okay for your kids to make a mess, like the garage for painting or the family room for dress-up. And when buying gifts, choose items that foster creativity — like art supplies, building materials, or costume components — and always make them accessible for your kids.


Give your children a variety of ideas to run away with, but fight the urge to evaluate what they come up with. For example, during dinnertime, brainstorm activities to do over the weekend and encourage your kids to come up with things they haven’t done before. You don’t need to point out ideas that aren’t feasible or don’t make sense. The focus of the activity is to generate new ideas. In general, it’s okay to encourage kids to try things that they’ll make mistakes doing or fail at all together. Celebrate the process of trying and trying again until success and innovation are reached.

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It’s true that you’re the parent and you’re in charge of your children until they turn 18. That’s how you protect them and guide them. But when it comes to fostering creativity, exerting your authority in abundance will stifle the very thing you’re trying to grow. External constraints, like curfews for safety, are necessary to a point, but beyond that, try not to worry about your kids. If they don’t want to build the LEGO set according to the instructions, then they don’t have to. If they want to color outside the lines, then let them go for it. If they want to play with the neighbor kid down the street, then give them that freedom. Kids can make a lot more healthy decisions for themselves than some might think.


This seems to go against everything else on the list, but it’s important to remember. Incentives interfere with the creative process and reduce the quality of responses to creative stimuli. The flexibility of thought processes is stifled when the focus is on the reward at the end rather than the activity at hand. Allow your child to develop a mastery of the creative activities that they’re most naturally drawn to rather than try to motivate them to be creative doing things you’d like them to do. For example, instead of rewarding your child for playing the piano, even though they don’t enjoy it, ask them what they’d enjoy doing more. It’s often something like drawing, playing sports,

or attending a summer camp. As long as they want to take part in something creative, there’s no need to force them into activities they don’t enjoy. When it comes to creativity, the possibilities really are endless. Even though no two children are the same, the healthy ways we can encourage kids to discover themselves and the world around them are universal. It’s all about having an open mind, enthusiasm, and a lot of love.

KNOCK KNOCK! WHO’S THERE? The Wacky Evolution of the Knock-Knock Joke

as we can tell, they actually evolved from another kind of joke: the “Do You Know” joke. This style of joke was popular in the early 1900s, and according to an Oakland Tribune article NPR dug up, this was a typical one: DO YOU KNOW ARTHUR? Arthur who? ARTHURMOMETER! Not very funny, is it?Well, over the years this style of back-and-forth jesting evolved into knock-knock jokes. The popularity of the“knock knock”bit of the joke could harken back to Shakespeare, who BestLife credits with“the first-known occurrence of a knock knock, who’s- there dialogue” in Act 2 of “Macbeth” (though it likely wasn’t intended to be funny), or it could be a reference to 1936 vice presidential hopeful Frank Knox, whose name made“knock knock” irresistible wordplay for the radio.

KNOCK KNOCK! Who’s there? THERESA. Theresa who? THERESA CROWD!

Whatever the reason, knock knocks were all the rage in the 1930s, to the extent that people formed knock-knock clubs, businesses held knock-knock contests, and orchestras set them to music. However, the heyday was short-lived. In the following years, people started getting sick of knock knocks, and even psychologists turned against them. According to NPR, “people who loved knock-knock jokes were said to have social problems.” Today, knock-knock jokes are still around, but they’re mostly considered a game for kids or demoted to the realmof “bad dad jokes.”Maybe you think that’s warranted, maybe you think it’s tragic—either way, odds are the format will continue to evolve and probably outlive us all!

Unless you’re living under a rock, odds are you’ve laughed, grumbled, or groaned in response to a knock-knock joke. You may have even told a few yourself before you realized knock-knock jokes had gone out of style in favor of sarcasm and memes. That’s because at their core, knock-knock jokes are a quintessential American experience — and the perfect homegrown fodder for International Joke Day, which falls on July 1. But where did they come from, and why do so many people knock the knock-knock joke today? Well, according to NPR, knock-knock jokes have had a roller coaster of a history. Near

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5 TRICKS TO ENHANCE YOUR CHARISMA ON VIDEO Selling Remotely? Don’t Lose Your Personality!

calming backdrop behind you? Are you the right distance from the audience (the camera)? Does your costume fit the part? When all of these things are done right, your personality will take center stage without unnecessary or annoying distractions. Exaggerate like an actor. According to Psychology Today, posture, gestures, and facial expressions are key to communicating well over video. That means you need to be focused and constantly aware of them. Amp up your positive reactions, like eye contact with the camera, affirmative nods, and leaning in to listen, and tone down your gestures to avoid smacking a crucial piece of tech. Ask questions and listen actively. A key part of a great sales persona is showing genuine interest in others according to

Odds are if you’re a successful salesperson, you’ve cultivated a “sales personality” crucial to closing your deals. However, if you’re used to working face to face, it can be a challenge to translate your charismatic persona to the screen when you need to sell remotely. Video calls are a step in the right direction because they reveal body language and facial expressions, but they’re still not ideal. To make sure your charisma pops, try these handy tricks:

Inc. magazine. When you can’t read the mood of a room, asking questions and listening closely will help you gauge the temperature. A subtle head tilt and hum of acknowledgment will help you come across as more empathetic and inquisitive. Master the mute button. If your neighbor starts the lawn mower or your dog starts barking, it pays to be quick on the mute button. Having fewer distractions means your charisma is more likely to shine.



Secure a top-quality connection. Nothing kills the mood on a video call faster than a disintegrating picture or crackling audio. That’s why it’s crucial to test your mic, speakers, camera, and platform thoroughly before you use them with clients. If they can’t hear or see you, your personality doesn’t stand a chance.


With these strategies in your back pocket, your sales mojo will continue flowing, even from a distance. Good luck, and happy videoconferencing!



Set your stage. Every sale is a performance. Is there an uncluttered,

Take a Break!

No-Churn S’mores Ice Cream

Inspired by

July is National Ice CreamMonth, so why not cool off with some sweet, homemade s’mores ice cream? You don’t even need an ice cream churn!


1 chocolate bar, chopped

14 oz sweetened condensed milk

2 cups whipping cream, chilled

2 tsp vanilla extract

10 graham crackers, crushed

Directions 1.


Fold whipping cream into the condensed milk mixture. Transfer ice cream to a freezer- safe container, cover, and freeze for at least 8 hours.

In a large mixing bowl, combine sweetened condensed milk, vanilla extract, graham crackers, and chocolate. In a separate bowl, use an electric mixer to beat whipping cream until peaks form, about 3 minutes.






Serve and enjoy on a hot summer day. It’s especially delicious in a waffle cone!

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The Soto Law Group 1101 Dove Street Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660



INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of DeDe PAGE 1 4 Ways to Boost Your Child’s Creativity PAGE 1 The Wacky Evolution of the Knock-Knock Joke PAGE 2 5 Secrets to Selling on Video PAGE 3 Take a Break PAGE 3 Homemade S’mores Ice Cream PAGE 3 The Power of the Golden Spice PAGE 4


doesn’t react with these or other medications and has many other benefits. CAN IT IMPROVE JOINT HEALTH? In many cases, yes! The Arthritis Foundation recommends taking a 400–600-milligram tablet of turmeric up to three times daily. Multiple studies cite turmeric’s ability to reduce inflammation and relieve arthritis pain, and one study even notes that turmeric seemed to work just as well as ibuprofen (Advil) for people with arthritis in their knees. Participants in that study took 800 milligrams of turmeric every day. CAN IT HELP THE LIVER? Yes. One of the spice’s most notable characteristics is its powerful antioxidant abilities. Antioxidants play an important function in our bodies. The average person is exposed to refined and processed foods, smoking, environmental pollution, and chemicals found in pesticides and drugs. Turmeric can protect the

People have raved about many superfoods over the past few decades, but one that’s garnered notable attention is turmeric. Fittingly known as the golden spice due to its orange-yellow hue, turmeric is famous for being a crucial part of Indian cuisine, ayurvedic medicine, and Chinese medicine. But does turmeric actually help people? And if so, how? Let’s start with the basics to find out. WHAT’S IN TURMERIC? First, it’s important to know what the spice contains and why researchers are so excited about it. Turmeric is packed with a chemical known as curcumin, which has been shown to provide anti-inflammatory effects, pain relief, antioxidants, and a decrease in the risk of cancer. Pro Tip: You should not consume excessive amounts of turmeric if you take medication that has blood-clotting effects, such as aspirin. However, a moderate amount typically

liver fromdamage due to these toxins, which also aids those who take strongmedications known to cause long-term liver damage. CAN IT DECREASE SYMPTOMS OF HAY FEVER AND DEPRESSION? Some symptoms, yes. The curcumin in turmeric can help reduce hay fever symptoms like sneezing, itching, runny nose, and congestion. When used in tandem with antidepressants, turmeric may help reduce symptoms of depression. There are many benefits to using turmeric in your weekly meal routine. Try out some Indian or Chinese recipes or prepare some Instagram-worthy golden milk. In whatever you make, enjoy the rich flavor combinations turmeric offers!

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