SMJ Studio has been connected with objekts since before objekts existed. Sara and Doug McKenzie (objekts owner) have been working together for over 20 years. They most recently collaborated on cushions and pillows for NAIOP Finalist Ovation multifamily housing (in process on the left). “It’s always a collaboration with objekts,” says Sara. objekts brings a project to SMJ Studio with as much information up-front as possible, and Sara and her team massage out the details with objekt project managers as the project evolves. The end result may look simple - sofas throughout a space accessorized with pillows - but the scale puts the importance of logistics into sharp focus. 350 pillows in a variety of fabrics for a 30,000 square foot space requires a partner who not only excells in their craft but also in communication and planning.
Sara engages her engineering and pattern-making skills to complete complicated cushions with one piece of fabric. “I’m of the belief that the least amount of seams in a commercial project the better because there’s less opportunity for it to fail. It’s like a one- piece puzzle.”
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