Douglass & Runger - May 2024



The brain is like a command center for our bodies; it processes everything, from memories to emotions. Our happiness, cleverness, and general well- being require us to take good care of that gray

matter. If we give it what it needs, it will serve us well. Here are a few tips anyone can incorporate into their routine to give their brain some TLC. KEEP THE PHONE OUT OF BED. When you transition from asleep to awake in the morning, your brain waves steadily transition from alpha to theta to beta. So, don’t reach for your phone when you open your eyes first thing. Doing so interrupts your brain’s essential waking process, resulting in a slew of adverse effects throughout the day, including making it harder for you to think creatively, among other things. STOP NEGATIVE SELF-TALK. We’re our own worst critics. Doubting and discouraging ourselves is easy, but pushing away negative self-talk is imperative. It leads to stress and overwhelming perfectionism while harming relationships. It undermines positive self-esteem,

confidence, and body image. The cyclical nature of negative self-talk makes it hard to get rid of, often requiring therapy, but cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a standard and effective treatment. AVOID ULTRA-PROCESSED FOODS. Ultra-processed foods aren’t just bad for your heart; they also harm your brain. Hot dogs, sugary sodas, and TV dinners — just a few culprits — harm emotional and cognitive health. One study found that people who eat these things are more likely to have depression and anxiety. Another study correlated high ultra- processed food consumption with an intelligence decline, especially with aging. It’s unclear why ultra-processed foods are so bad for brains, but the leading theory connects it to gut health. Regardless, abstaining from or reducing your intake of these foods is vital to protecting your mental and physical health.


A single oversight in your estate plan can significantly impact the future of your assets and the well-being of your loved ones. We’ve encountered a wide range of common mistakes that can undermine even the most well-intentioned plans. Here are some top estate planning errors to avoid. PROCRASTINATION: THE ENEMY OF PLANNING Perhaps the most common issue is the simple act of procrastination. Many people delay estate planning, assuming it’s something to address “later.” However, life is unpredictable, and delaying the creation of an estate plan can leave your assets and your family’s future uncertain. Starting early lets you make informed decisions and provides peace of mind, knowing that your affairs are in order. THE SAFE THAT BECAME A TIME CAPSULE Another common mistake is treating an estate plan as a “set it and forget it” affair. Some people meticulously draft their estate plans, only to lock them away in a safe and never review them again. Estate plans should evolve with your life circumstances.

Major life events such as marriage, the birth of a child, divorce, or significant financial changes require a review and possible update of your estate plan to reflect your current wishes and situation. OVERLOOKING DIGITAL ASSETS We live in a whole new era of digital currency and assets, so it’s crucial to understand and incorporate digital assets into your estate plan. These assets hold monetary value and contain sentimental content, such as photos and emails, which your loved ones may want to access. Without clear directives, these assets could be lost forever or become inaccessible due to privacy laws. Incorporating digital assets into your estate plan, with detailed instructions for their management, ensures that your digital legacy is preserved and passed on according to your wishes. NOT PLANNING FOR DISABILITY Life’s unpredictability requires a plan for potential disability. Disability planning is essential to a comprehensive estate plan, addressing what happens if you cannot make decisions due to illness or injury. Without a plan, your family may face

lengthy and costly court proceedings to obtain the right to make decisions on your behalf.

Estate planning is a vital process that shouldn’t be delayed or underestimated. If you avoid these common mistakes and seek professional guidance, you can create a comprehensive plan that secures your legacy and provides for your loved ones in the best way possible. If you need assistance creating your estate plan, please call us at 901-388-5805 to schedule a strategy session with one of our experienced estate planning lawyers.

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