King's Business - 1933-01

January, 1933

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


To become a member of the K. Y. B. Club, first write for a Gospel o f John. When this has been read through, send a statement to this effect, signed by parent or Sunday-school teacher. Then a K. Y. B. C, pin will be sent, and the owner be­ comes a member of the Know Your Bible Club. Address: Junior Dept, of K ing ’ s B u si ­ ness , 536 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Opening Days I want the New Year’s opening days To fill with love, and prayer, and praise. Some little things' to do for Thee, For Thou hast done great things for me. I want some other soul to bring To Thee, my Saviour and my King. Thou wilt not, Lord, my prayer deny, For Thou.Canst all my wants supply. In Jesus’ name our prayers we raise, Whose guiding hand has blessed our days. And may we, Lord, in godly fear Serve Thee through all this coming year. — S elected . Gospel of John The following; letters, when they are in the right order, are names .of places or per­ sons mentioned in the Gospel o f John. Rearrange them, and give one fact in con­ nection with each: 1. ACAN With new hearts and receiving the new family name, we now become NEW CREATURES (2 Cor. 5 :17) ; that is, we belong to a new race of people, the chil­ dren of God, no longer under the rule of Satan and sin, but under the rule of God and obedient to Jesus Christ. Then He gives us a NEW SONG. David, the writer of -the Psalms, said that God had put a new song in his mouth when He delivered him from his sins. It was a song o f praise to God’s name (Psa. 4:3). Only those who have a new heart, and who have become new creatures, can really sing the new song. Once more, our Heavenly Father has promised a NEW HOME for all of His children. What a beautiful description we have of this new home in the last chapters of the Bible I Just before His death on the cross for us, Jesus encouraged His dis­ ciples by telling them that He was going to prepare that new home for them. He is getting that new home ready for those who have received new hearts, and to whom have been given new names, and who have become new creatures, and have learned to sing the new song. It may be that at Christmas time you received from your parents and friends many new things. But alas, sooner or later, they will all lose their freshness and become old things. It may help us to remember that God’s new things never become old things. The new nature will never become the old nature, as new creatures we will never again belong to the old fallen race, while the new song will never become an old song—and finally, our heavenly home will never loose its freshness and attractiveness. ' 2. UASALZR 3. RWADNE 4. AYHETNB 5. INMSUDECO 6. SEEHTABD 7. IIPPLH 8. LAAANNETH

A New Year’s Investment Many boys and girls have a small bank, back on some shelf, where all of the extra pennies are nut. I suppose you' often lift yours and shake it, wondering how much you have saved, or how long it will be before the bank is full, a,nd you can take it down to a big bank to start a savings account. > You would not think of throwing any of the precious pennies away, Would you ? A l­ ready you have dreamed and planned of the many ways you would like to invest that money. We may not all have banks .full of pennies to invest, but as we stand at the beginning o f a New Year, we all do have something to spend for the Lord Jesus. Before us lie three hundred and sixty-five days, should we live throughout the year. Three hundred and sixty-five days, each full of hours, minutes, and seconds ! How shall we spend these days and hours and minutes? Each one of Us will have to decide. Shall we waste some and throw some away? We are told in God’s Word that we are to “redeem [or buy up] the time.” Let us buy up the days that lie ahead for thè Lord Jesus, boys and girls. Let us invest the New Year for, Him— then some day, perhaps not until we are in His presence, we shall receive from His hands .the interest on our investment. K. Y. B. C. News We are glad to welcome to the Know Your Bible Club this month: Alta Porfily, Prineville, Ore.; Shirley Turnidge, Verl Sims, Evelyn Kendle, and Jack Yeager, Scio, Ore.; Arthur and Ed­ win Danneberger, Bethlehem, P a.; Alma Blachadar, New Canada, N. S.; and Tommy Kilgore, Los Angeles, Calif. How glad we ought to be that our Heav­ enly Father is permitting us to enter an­ other year that will be filled, with new ex­ periences I New things are attractive to us all. We like new clothes, we love new books and playthings, we delight in new friends, and I trust that we are all eager for new les­ sons. I f this new year is to be better than the past years of our life, we must be sure that we possess or have some of GOD’S NEW THINGS. Our Heavenly Father of­ fers us many new things to make us happy and useful. We will mention only five at this time. These five things are for the boys and girls who have taken Jesus Christ as their Saviour. The first thing our Heavenly Father gives us is a NEW H EART .' Read Eze­ kiel 36:26, which means, of course, a new spirit within us. The Bible tells us that our own hearts are “deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jer. 17:9). But the new heart given to us by the Holy Spirit is a heart of love, kindness, and gen­ tleness. ; Next, we receive a NEW NAME (Rev. 3:12). People know what family we be­ long to by the. name, we carry. Our name also stands for what we are. Jesus gave Si­ mon, one of His disciples, the new name of “ Peter,” which means “rock,” because al­ though Simon was weak and cowardly, Jesus was going to make him as strong and steadfast as a rock. We carry the name “ Christian,” because we belong to the fam­ ily of Christ, if we have placed our trust in Him. Therefore, we should be like Him. *Pastor, Lincoln Avenue Presbyterian Church, Pasadena, Calif.

God’s Library How we all enjoy visiting the library 1 W e like to look over the long shelves of books and choose one here and there to take to our homes to read. Near the Bible Institute is a large city library.. I wish you might all visit it. .There are rooms and rooms full of lovely books, and even though the library is large, one has no trouble finding the books one wants, be­ cause signs over the doors of each room tell just the kind of books found inside, as history, music, etc. Then there is a chil­ dren’s department, and here every day boys and girls may be seen going in and out with their arms full o f the books they love. Yes, libraries are splendid places. Today I want to tell you about God’s Library. There are sixty-six books in this wonderful Library—but now you have guessed its name—the Bible, the most won­ derful Book in the whole world. I wonder how many of our boys and girls have a Bible o f their very own. Let us look into this wonderful Library. First, we find there áre two big divisions —the Old Testament and the New Testa­ ment. Find the first, book in the Old Testament and the first book in the New Testament. Now turn the pages' of the Old Testament and count the books ; you will find thirty-nine on the shelves of the Old Testament, and twenty-seven on the shelves^ o f the New Testament, making sixty-six in all. Sixty-six books all in' one, isn’t that remarkable! There are departments or divisions in this wonderful Library, too. I am sure your Sunday-school teacher will help you to write the name over each group, or division—as law over the first five books; history over the next twelve, etc. As for a children’s department, why there are stories in each division that boys and girls love—and best o f all, every story is true. God is the Author of every book' in this wonderful Library. Now, of course, we should know the names of the sixty-six books found in God’s Library, so shall we begin to memorize them the very first day of the New Year ? When you have learned them and repeated them correctly to your Sun­ day-school teacher or parent, will you write and tell the editor o f the J unior K ing ’ s B u siness , having the letter signed by the one who heard -you recite them correctly?

SOME OF GOD ’S NEW THINGS B y R obert L. E van s *

Memory Verses for January John 14:15 John 15:5 John 14:27 John 15:7

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