King's Business - 1933-01



T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

January, 1933

ture rather than by an arbitrary title. The Word o f God is the most marvelous picture book the world has ever seen. The book of the Revelation is a series of pictures ; the book of Hebrews one o f the most marvelous picture books that can be imagined. The entire Book is a picture book, and when one who knows it teaches it, whether addressing lit­ tle children or all ages up to the very old, he will be able to present marvelous pictures o f the revelation of divine grace and divine purpose. The Bible Institute graduate should know these things. He should know each book and its relation to the other books, and the relation of its teach­ ing to other teaching in other books. He should know the acrostics and thé significance of numbers. It is possible for one to exaggerate the relative importance o f many of these things, but the significances should be mastered by the man who would be able to teach others, so that he may use them as God meant they should be used— for His glory, and for the manifestation o f “ the-exceeding greatness o f his power to usward who believe.” Not one jot or tittle of all God’s Word shall fail; no single wonder of the Book, whether in its literary arrangements or in its numerical marvels, was put there by accident—God had a purpose, and the Christian teacher is to find and fulfill that purpose. The origin of the Book and the various languages in which it was given to us, the Bible student who would'meet mod­ ern doubts and questions must know and understand. The preservation o f the Book, the Bible student must under­ stand, for its preservation has-been no less marvelous or miraculous than its original giving. A pplying the W ord of G od If you will be true to the call o f God, you must know and understand and give, out His Word. You must know how to state, how to explain, and how to apply the Word o f God, and in order to do this, you must know men. It is not enough that you should know the wonders o f the Book, but you must find the way to teach it to bthers so that they, too, may know it. And as. no man may know fully the thoughts, the hopes, the desires, the exact state o f any other life as God knows it, if you would minister the Word in the power o f the Holy Spirit, you must know God and how to be so led by Him 'that you shall know, not only [Continued on page 22]

Timothy-S-that they shall give “ the same things” which they have “ heard among many witnesses”—-no room for new theories- and philosophies of men, only that which God has spoken in His eternal Word. No new gospel is needed, but the old message filled with the Spirit and power o f God will be, by this faculty, committed to faithful men who, when they have finished their course, shall be able to teach others. The man who goes out into the business or professional world, in these days, must know his business, and he must know it better than the people he is to teach; and the honor of God, the honor of this institution, the honor o f its fac­ ulty, as Well as the honor of the parents and friends who make possible :your study here, demands that when you go from this institution, you shall know the Word o f God well enough to teach. K now ing th e W ord of G od First, then, you should know the Word o f God; mem­ orize it all. That task sounds big, but it is not impossible. You may not be able to learn it all during a three years’ course o f study, but it is by no ineans impossible, and it should at least be begun. Men do such things in the pro­ fessions of the world, and why should God’s messengers be less diligent in the greatest sphere o f service ever opened to mortals ?' The few men who have committed the whole book to memory are among the greatest that have been known in human history. Then, every student who completes the course should know the doctrines o f the Word o f God and realize their value and their relationship. He should know the dif­ ferent dispensations and the great lessons which God has taught to His people under varying conditions and in dif­ ferent ages, so that they may take their proper relationship to one another, and to the great sum o f truth in the Word o f God. He should know the various literary divisions of the Bible; he should know its history and its prophecies, its prose and its poetry, its writers and its heroes, its prom­ ises and its warnings,: its laws and its calls to fellowship with God, to holy living, to victory, and to service. He should know its types and its pictures. Some languages in heathen lands are described as “ pic­ ture languages,” where the thought is expressed in a pic­

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