King's Business - 1933-01

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

January, 1933


LIVING LESSONS [Continued from page 19]

THE VISION T H A T VITALIZES [Continued from page 21] what to teach, or preach, .but when and how, and to be able, in each task whether great or small, not only to say: “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” but to so hear and obey Him that you shall get an answer back from God. Perhaps the greatest les­ son you will need to learn, as a Bible stu­ dent, is how to pray, and how to get such answers from God as will make you His living messengers and ministers in each day and hour. It is not enough that you should know—though that is o f vast importance— where your life is to be invested: whether in the home fields, or in some distant mis­ sion ; whether you shall sing the gospel message, or write mighty messages; or whether, your life shall be devoted to the ministry of intercession; but you must so dwell with the King and abide in Him, you must be so “turned into an­ other man,” .that out from the leadership of your teachers here, you shall go to “do as occasion serve you” ; for, the Holy Ghost.-having come upon you arid you hay­ ing been changed into another man, you so dwell with the King that, moment by mo­ ment, you may be guided by His Spirit. To be transformed in your life by the con­ trolling presence of the Spirit of God is as important as to know your Bible; and the task before you,.fellow student, is greater than your teacher can perform, and greater than you will be able to achieve without that spiritual guidance promised to you by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. The great essential agents in your trans­ formation, then, will be the Word of God, this Bible that you study here, and the Holy Spirit, that wondrous Third Person of the matchless Trinity, through whom our Lord Jesus Christ wrote all His mighty Word, and through whom He offered Himself, without spot, unto God. Your part in the divine order must be obedience, humility, and faith. If, fellow student, you shall reach that goal in which, when you begin to speak, the Holy Ghost falls on those who hear, you will have achieved that which the world needs more than anything else. Men will turn from their evil way,to God when preachers speak the Word in the power of the Holy Spirit. Current unbelief and the tide of materialism have paralyzed nearly all until there are few who expect God’s blessing or power. L iving th e W ord of G od Shall God have men who will pay the enormous price of humility, •self-denial, prayer, toil, and faith, until they know what it is to'be led, by the Spirit of God? It costs so much that many, instead,of seek­ ing that power, which would glorify, God, spend their time in argument, relegating all such promises to the past, or applying them to the future, insisting that the gifts of the Spirit are no longer possible. Fel­ low students, th y are not possible save to the humble and to those who are willing to be transformed by the mighty presence and power o f God. Today, as in all the past, “the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart [desire] is perfect [entirely] toward him.” Learn something from every experience, in every hour, and from every teacher; but for an example in your life and service, follow only those teachers who, when they speak, bring to you the consciousness that God Himself is ministering something to you. Let God work “in you both to will and to do o f his good pleasure,” but to do this, you must be “hid with Christ in God.” Then, and only then, will the Holy Spirit fall on those who hear you.

grandeur. Many of the soul carvings have been destroyed. O f divine tracery, little remains. Natural man is in a condition of ruin. He nèeds to be restored. The win­ dows of his soul, opening homeward, need to be replaced. Gaping holes in his char­ acter need to be refilled. His heart house needs to be reroofed in order that the raging elements o f diabolical influence finish not the work of demolition. Reims Cathedral will never be entirely restored. Only the original architects could do that ; and they are dead. Only the Architect and Builder who planned and created the original man can restore thé soul to former holiness and beauty; and bless God, He lives 1 W e need to preach the gospel of restoration by grace through faith in Christ. Jesus Christ 1. Absolutely necessary (Acts 4:12). 2. Absolutely sufficient (Heb. 7:25). 3. Absolutely accessible (Matt. 11:28). — I saac P. W ard . An Example of Faith J o shu a 14:12 I. A Remembered Promise. Caleb, now eighty-five' years old, remem­ bered the Lord’s promise for forty years. II. A Difficult Task. This was hill country, as the spies re­ ported—good land, great grapes, but giants. Giants and walled cities were there. Every worth-while place must be wrested from the enemy. III. An Able Cod. “If so be the Lord be with me” means, “Since the Lord has promised to be with me.” Caleb did not minimize the difficul­ ties, he magnified God. Scripture is care­ ful to assure u s: 1. That God is able; nothing is impos­ sible with H im .' 2. That God is for us. IV. A Victorious Servant. “I shall be able to drive them out.” Note the measure, “As the Lord said.” The act was accomplished in the purpose of God, before a blow was struck.—F. B.

o f indelible crime.” Time heals all wounds, however. The French finally contemplated attempts at restoration, but sufficient funds were lacking. Later, a rich American gave a million dollars for the reconstruction of what was once the “crowning glory of Christianity.” The walls were rebuilt; the ancient stained glass windows were replaced; the delicate tracery o f the Gothic arches was reproduced; the edifice was reroofed; the medieval carvings were remade; the cathedral was restored. Man was once a magnificent cathedral. The glory o f God filled him from founda­ tion! Jb! roof. But fallen, fallen is man 1 The artillery o f hell has shelled this temple since Eden. The world, the flesh, and the devil have played havoc with pristine A New Year Sermon A Glimpse Info Paul’s Experience E ph esian s 3 :12-16 au l ’ s desire is here contrasted with his attainment. The apostle had not yet reached his ideal of Christ’s pur­ 1. ~ It reveals the nature of conversion. a. The response of man to a heavenly calling. Conversion is the response of the human heart to the call o f God. ’ b. A seizure of man by God_ Paul likens his conversion to a gtasping, a seizing, an arresting, a laying hold of the heart under the sway o f worldliness and sin, and bringing it under the sway of the all-conquering grace o f Christ (cf. Acts 9; Col. 1:13). 2. It reveals that God’s purpose in Paul’s conversion is to be the purpose of the apostle’s life.;', God had saved Paul in order that he might save others. _ 3. It reveals obliviousness of the past. pose in his calling. I. A Look into the Past. Just as the Olympian racer did not took behind, but kept his eye on the1 goal,, so Paul forgets the things that are behind and reaches toward the things of the future.. It reveals, a conscious dissatisfaction with the present; III. A Look into the Future. 1. It reveals a determiried, concentrated struggle; A reaching forth, a pressing, or bear- Ving down and reaching for j ust “one - thing.” Just as the Greek athlete was ' born for one thing, lived for one thing, counted everything but loss for that one thing, namely, victory in the games, so Paul concentrates every­ thing on the, attainment of the high calling. 2. It reveals an assurance of winning. Our prize is bound up with our call­ ing. Whom God justifies, He also glo­ rifies. In -the Christian race, all may receive ’the crown of glory that fad- eth not away. 3. It, reveals the time of the bestowal of rewards. Paul looks forward to the time when he shall be called up before the great Judge to receive the crown for the victory won (cf. 2 Tim. 4:8). — W illiam E van s . II. . A Look into the1Present.


Beside the Sea Walking by the sea (Matt. 4:18). Dwelling by the sea (Matt. 4:13). Sitting by the sea (Matt. 13:1). Meeting by the sea (Mk. 2:13). Teaching by the sea (Mk. 4:1 ). Sailing on the sea (Matt. 14:13).

— L ife of F a it h .

Directions for the Christian P h ilippian s 1 :9-ll

I. Increase in Love (v. 9). “ Love... abound more and more.” II. Be Sound in Mind (v. 9). “A b oun d knowledge and in all judgment.” III. Be Tactful in Action (v. 10). 1. ' “Approve things that are excellent.” 2. “That ye may be sincere.” 3. “Without offense.” IV. Be Fruitful in Righteousness (v. 11). “ Filled with the fruits o f righteous- ness.” V. Glorify God (v. 11). “Unto the glory and praise of God.” — E stella E. H owes .

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