King's Business - 1933-01


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

January, 1933

begin. He recognized the authority o f Jesus by adjuring Him not to torment him before his time. He recognized the purpose of Jesus to do away with all demons, in the millennium. We may judge of the confused state o f the man in the expression that he ran to Jesus, while the, demon ad­ jured Jesus not to torment him. III. J e s u s ’ P o w e r over M a n (5:18-20). Nature and demons must obey Jesus; it remains for man alone to decide whether or not he will obey. There is an awful power possessed by every man, which per­ mits that man to choose whose voice will be obeyed, whether the voice of. Satan calling to eternal night, or):,the voice of Jesus calling to eternal glory. This man from whom the demons had been driven presents a perfect picture of an ideal Christian. First, he desired the presence o f Jesus; he “prayed him that he might be with him.” This is the supreme desire of the true Christian’s heart, a desire possible o f ful­ fillment today in a manner the healed demoniac could not know. We have the Lord’s word, “Lo, I am with you alway,” and, “ He hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.”S?| Second, he promptly obeyed the word of Jesus, even though obedience frustrated the fulfillment of his desire. Our selfishness frequently interferes with out obedience, even when we really love the Lord. Third, he went away confessing the Lord’s grace; he published throughout all that section “how great things Jesus had done for him.” Fourth, he was instrumental, through his testimony, in bringing fame to the name of the Lord. Desiring the Lord’s presence* obeying the Lord’s word, and confessing the Lord’s grace will lead to the fulfillment of our highest purpose as Christians, that of bringing glory and honor to the Lord’s name. Lesson Questions 4:35-41. What had taken place on “the same day” referred to in verse 35? Since the disciples were obeying the command of the Lord, how do you account for the sud­ den difficulty which they encountered ? How does this incident declare Christ’s deity? What two rebukes did Jésus give (vs. 39, 40) ? 5 :l-8. Describe the man who accosted Jesus. What was his first impulse when he saw Jesus? Can you prove that the demon that was possessing the man recog­ nized Jesus’ power, His authority, and His purpose? What was Jesus’ remedy for the man’s affliction?- Vs. 18-20. What request did the de­ livered one make of Jesus? Where does one’s testimony usually count for most, among friends or strangers ? In what city did he begin to witness for Christ? What was the result? Golden Text Illustration A speaker at Northfield told a vivid story of an express train which was wrecked on its way to the Pacific Coast. The president o f the railroad company was on board. He hurried to the front, where_ the engineer, faithful to the last, was pinned down, helpless and dying, un­ der the wreck of the engine. Bending down,_ the president heard the engineer repeating to himself in his agony, “I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.” The president was greatly moved.

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imagination cannot reach to the bounds o f what He is. He is the one Person of whom too extravagant language can never be used. When language is exhausted, He still remains unexplained—the “mystery of godliness, God manifest in the flesh”— Jesus Christ, the One in whom dwells all sufficiency for the meeting of every human need. He is the Saviour for sinners, the Master for saints, the Brother o f God’s sons, and the unchanging Friend o f all who trust Him. II. J e s u s ' P o w e r over D e m o n s (5:1-8). ; A terrible picture is presented by this poor demonized man. He was completely controlled by the agents of Satan who had deprived him o f his reason, driven him in a frenzy from his friends, and forced him to take refuge among the tombs. Let us remember that demons are supernatural personalities with the power to think and plan and desire, having knowledge o f what occurs about them, and power to control and direct those who fall into their clutches. This man was abandoned to them, he thought he was one with them, his physical strength was increased by them, and he was fully controlled by them. Here was a case in which only grace was sufficient to effect deliverance. There was no help in the man himself, except an his unspoken desire for relief. He desired relief, but he was not allowed to express his longing. We must sometimes regard the words spoken by sinners, not as their own, but as those of the demons who possess them. W e are told that no man “could bind” this demoniac. Binding was the mode adopted in the past in an attempt to con­ trol such sufferers. And even today, so far are we from understanding the soul, or the psychical part o f man, that we sometimes think that all we can do with the demonized is to shut men up behind stone walls and steel bars. We are com­ ing to cease trying to “bind” them and are now attempting to “tame” them (cf. vs. 3, 4). But there is no more success in our efforts to tame them than there was in endeavoring to bind them. The Lord’s method is the only hope for such; He com­ manded the unclean spirit to “come out of the man” (v. 8). The demon in the man recognized Jesus at once (vs. 6, 7). Throughout the uni­ verse, there must be the recognition of the Lordship of Jesus. In a coming day, “ every knee shall bow, of things in heaven, and things in the earth, and things under the earth; and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father” (Phil. 2:10,11). The_ demon recognized the person of Jesus in the words, “ Thou Son o f the most high God.” This name, the Most High, is the millennial name o f God. This demon was afraid the millennium had come, and that his time of torment was about to

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