King's Business - 1933-01


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

January, 1933


“Jim,” said he, “ I would be willing to give my life, with all that I have, for such a faith as that!” “Ah, sir,” answered the engineer, “that is just what it costs!” From the beginning, Christianity costs —it cost Christ His life; it costs us ours, and we gain only as we pay the unalterable price. He who understands and gives his all, even though his physical body may be pinned under some wreck, is easily able to repeat, with Jim, the engineer: “I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.” The price of a “lifepiis not too much for an experience like that. Memory Verse: “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee” (Psa. 56:3). Approach: Jesus’ disciples had much to learn before they were ready to carry on His work for Him. Only a few hours after Jesus had told them to let their lights shine so that every one could see God’s truths through them, they showed them­ selves to be such poor, frightened, fearful men, that Jesus must have wondered if they would ever become His brave followers. Lesson Story: On Jesus Stilling a Storm M ark 4:35-41 In great fear, the disciples awakened Him. They said, “Teacher, carest thou not that we perish ?” Jesus awoke and said to the sea, “ Peace, be still.” The wind ceased, and there was a great calm. Then Jesus said to the dis­ ciples, “Why are ye fearful? Have ye not yet faith?” Their fear must have made Jesus sad. Every day they had been with Him, watch­ ing Him heal the sick and seeing Him protect people from harm and danger. Still they had such little faith in Him. It was hard for them to believe that He was the all-powerful, Son of God. Even after He calmed the wind and the sea, His disciples questioned who He was and said, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” Jesus is with us just as much as He was with His disciples who could see Him. Because of this, we need never be afraid. Doing wrong is the only thing of which we need to be afraid. Hard things should not frighten us, because God has promised to be with us always if we put' our trust in Him. What Constitutes Home? If a person thinks within himself, “I will die in my nest,” such a thought pro­ ceeds from self-love, and may exercise an influence over his whole life, and render him the slave of his self-will and his at­ tachment to home, so that he is restrained in all that he undertakes. A man’s happi­ ness depends not upon the place where he resides, but upon the felicity he carries about with him in his heart. That place be­ comes our home, where the most is to be effected for the Saviour at the time. - t -Z in z e n d o r f . < W o * the evening o f this day, Jesus and His disciples were cross­ ing over the Sea of Galilee to the other side. A storm arose, and the waves beat against the boat. The disciples were afraid that the boat would sink. Jesus was asleep at the back of the boat.

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Graduates o f Wheaton College leaving Blanchard Hall on Commencement Day, June 15, 1932 Facing a Useful Future—

T he following sign recently ap- peared prominently in a bank on Wall Street, New York City: “ The average College trained man earns $72,000.00 more than the average High School graduate.” In other words, every college graduate faces a greater opportunity for a useful future, made possible by higher training. But in Wheaton this training is unusually complete because it is Christian. Wheaton offers the highest grade of intellectual culture, a beneficial physical development through clean athletics, and a Christian atmosphere that fosters vital spiritual growth. Developed in mind, body and spirit,

Wheaton graduates therefore possess a truly well-rounded training. They are thrice equipped to bless the world. With such a background in the lives and fortunes of Christian young men and women, Wheaton College, under God’s blessing, moves forward even when merely commercial institutions fail. A Life Annuity Contract with Wheaton College is therefore a safe investment. It assures a fixed annual income for life; yields in most instances the highest return of any first class security; and brings the happy assurance that the Annuitant is already a partnerin the work of higher Christian education.

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" I s The Modern Tongues Movement Scriptural?” This is the title of a 34-page booklet by Dr. Louis S. Bauman, Bible Teacher and Pastor of The First Brethren Church of Long Beach, California. The booklet contains first-hand information and incidents which have come under Dr. Bauman's personal observation, and has been might® used of God in all parts of the world in making known His truth on this difficult subject. Price 20c per copy; 2 copies for 35c; 10 copies for $1.50. In quantities of 100 or more, . . . $10.00 postpaid. B I O L A B O O K R O O M 5 5 8 S O U T H H O P E S T R E E T , L O S A N G E L E S , C A L I F .

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