King's Business - 1933-01


January, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

other? Not until Christ sits on the throne in the kingdom of the soul can there be peace and prosperity there. Consecration makes us saints: Concentration makes us strong. “ Observe the place of this psalm, an earnest personal appeal, standing be­ tween two others which promise great things to the cause of God. It is one of the' plaintive songs, edged with hom&^-'a cloud turning out its silver lining on the night’-— with which the French Huguenots were accustomed to march to death” (Dr. John Ker). JANUARY 28 “ O Lord God o f my salvation . . . Let my prayer come before thee . . . Thy wrath lieth hard upon me” (Psa. 88:1, 2, 7). Terrible though his (the psalmist’s) state be, he does not blame God, or burst forth in words of hot reproach as did Job. On the contrary, he admits that God is dealing with him because of sin: “Thy wrath lieth hard upon me.” The believer’s affliction is by no means always an evi­ dence of God’s wrath, so that in this case, added to his physical suffering was a con­ sciousness o f guilt. Now the admission of this is itself a door of hope, for the! writer knew that Jehovah repents when the sinner does. “ If we confess our- sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteous­ ness.” In the consciousness of sin lies the< germ o f blessing. JANUARY 29 • “My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out o f my lips” (Psa. 89:34). m There are some divine purposes, the ful­ fillment of which is conditioned upon a true response on man’s part; but there are bther purposes' which are sovereign. Among these latter is God’s kingdom pur­ pose. By means of men, or in spite of them, He is going to set His King upon His holy hill o f Zion. The thing that has gone out of His lips cannot be altered. He has sworn by His holiness, and He will not lie. Christ is the ultimate Seed of David, and His kingdom shall be as permanent as the moon and the sun. . . Learn this lesson now, that God is faithful; His will must ultimately triumph; but whether or not-; we triumph depends upon how we relate ourselves to that will. Is the will of God your sovereign law? JANUARY 30 “I will sing o f the mercies, o f the Lord for ever; . . . For I have said, Mercy shall be built up fo r ever” (Psa. 89:1, 2). The psalmist says, “ I will sing . . . for I have said.” His canticle rests on his con­ viction: he sings in the winter because he is sure of the summer. Song is never so sweet as when it is sung in the night. The two notes of his song are God’s loving­ kindness and faithfulness, each word oc­ curring seven times; the former directs him to look back, and the latter, to look on. The song is stirred by the covenant, for a full account of which read 2 Sam­ uel 7.

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Sing of His dying love; .. Sing o f His rising power ; Sing how He intercedes above For those whose sins He bore.


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Bible House, Astor Place, New York City

—W. H amm on d .

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JANUARY 31 “ Who forgiveth all thine iniquities” (Psa. 103:3). Muse upon it until the fire kindles, and until the praise wells up within, filling all thy soul. Who forgiveth—it is a present

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