King's Business - 1933-01


January, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Oh, greatest comfort to this heart of mine I Oh, blessed promise ¡—covenant divine! It cannot fail !•—the word, O Lord, is Thine: Glorious certainty! Then, to this future, let me look away And borrow courage for my task today, Content to watch and wait, to work and Pray, Leaving the time with Thee. — R obert C r u m l y . FEBRUARY 8 “Sound in the faith" (Tit. 1 :13). We read of “sound doctrine,” “whole­ some words,” “sound words,” “sound in the faith” ; all showing that conditions o f the soul’s health depend on the wholesomeness of the food in doctrine and faith upon which it is nourished. A consecrated life, which it is the calling of all God’s royal priesthood to live, is intended thus to be marked and severed from others; its food and sustenance must be carefully chosen; its health and powers sedulously culti-; vated ; so that God may be glorified with body and spirit which are H is.. . The Lord who came “that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly,” evidently means His people to be in vigor­ ous health. Dead works, dead food, dead likings, dead longings ought to be kept far from such lives. They should be ever at their best, and that best ever growing bet­ ter. — H u be rt B r o o k e . FEBRUARY 9 “ The mah Christ Jesus" (1 Tim. 2:5 ). It is very important to remember that Jesus is always man. If He were not God, His humanity would have no .value; but, being God, the fact that He interests Him­ self in us as a man, as men whom He is not ashamed to call His brethren, is infinitely precious. He can feel with us, take part in all our circumstances, trials, difficulties, and troubles. He loves us as the Father loved Him, a man and Son on the earth. How great is the intensity of the Saviour’s love I How near to u s! How intelligent and intimate is His heart in the conflict of faith I He knows all, feels all, and is with us in everything to help us. Blessed be His love!— S c r ip tu r e T r u t h . FEBRUARY 10 “ Count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations" (Jas. 1:2). A fifty dollar bank note is no more than a one dollar note to a little child, and the one dollar is no more than a thumb paper; because he does, not know how to count it. “ Count it all joy,” says the apostle, “when ye fall into divers temptations” ; yet some of us count these heavenly due bills as worthless as paper. Earth’s woes are heav­ en’s bank notes, with corresponding values reserved to redeem them, in the treasure o f God.— -S elected . FEBRUARY 11 “Lo, I am with you alway” (Matt. 28: 20 ). This presence is promised to certain peo­ ple. It is a missionary promise, and unless we are willing to be Christ’s witnesses in our own little bit of the world, we cannot justly claim it. The “go” and the “lo” are together. . . J;(;“They went forth and preached everywhere." There was once a man in London, homeless and ill-fed, walk­ ing up and down the Embankment, who realized that Christ was near. He says: “Yea, in the night, my soul, my daughter Cry—clinging heaven by the hems, And lo, Christ walking on the water, Not of Gennesaret but Thames!”

FEBRUARY 4 “Sin shall not have dominion over you” (Rom. 6:14). Go to Christ daily and plead His promise jp-“Lord, Thou hast declared that sin shall not have dominion over Thy people: I be­ lieve this word of Thine cannot be broken, and therefore, helpless in myself, I rely upon Thy faithfulness to save me from the dominion o f such and such a sin (as then tempts thee). Put forth Thy power, O Lord Christ, and get Thyself glory in sub­ duing my flesh with its affections and lusts!” : And then trust Him to make His word good, and wait the event. Sooner shall heaven and earth pass away, than shall sin, any sin, thus left with Christ to be subdued, reign over thee . . . Christ is almighty to fulfill every promise in its largest sense and fullest meaning, and there never was a believer who could justly charge Him with the breach of His;1 word.— R o m a in e . FEBRUARY 5 “ Endure afflictions" (2 Tim. 4:5 ). Among our afflictions we may certainly reckon those chastisements which are a part of God’s most Fatherly dealing with us. “Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth” is an assurance that sets, forever and for­ ever, a sacred seal *pon all the suffering which comes as a mark of His paternal care. “Affliction cometh not forth of the dust, neither doth trouble spring out of the ground” (Job 5 :6). “It is good for me that I have been afflicted,” said David, and there is a strong agreement'of testimphy to the same effect from the saints of all ages. Lady Powerscourt says, “ Let us accept affliction as the boon we are most unworthy of. We may rest assured that the day is coming when the bitterest dealings shall be to us the sweetestj’^;— L u c y A. B e n n e t t . FEBRUARY 6 “ Whatsoever things ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them” (Mk. 11:24).. It is to be feared that many Christians attach no sure and clear meaning to these great words of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to some they are an insoluble perplexity. Nevertheless, they are to be wholly and joyfully received, and their true purport diligently sought for. Let every believer persevere until he has learned to avail him­ self of the Lord’s marvelous promise. The root of prevailing prayer is acceptable de­ sire ; that given, all else is simple and straightforward.'. . . The formation of worthy desire is a chief work of the Spirit of God in our spiritual life. It may be that it sometimes takes years to perfect in some child of His the human desire that exactly corresponds to some choice of God’s, and so, in His order, make possible its realization. . . Nothing in earth or hell can frustrate the fulfillment o f divinely begotten desire—only our own neglect and unbelief.—C. G. M oore . FEBRUARY 7 “I will come again, and receive you unto myself” (John 14:3). When I have grief that seems too hard to bear, When I am almost overcome with care, This is the hope which, shining bright and fair, Makes every shadow flee; My eyes will never, never weep again, My heart will never feel the ache of pain, And ev’ry mystery will be made plain When Jesus comes for me I

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