King's Business - 1933-01

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

January, 1933


off the arms and hands of living men and women. Then, later, came the almost equally merciless and hard-hearted Georgian, Josef Vissarionovich Dzchugashwili, who, in his youth, had his name changed. to “ Stalin”— “ the man of steel’’— now the Russian dictator. The anti-God program that began in 1918 resulted in a martyrdom seldom, if ever, surpassed even in the darkest ages o f the world’s history. By placing terrible penalties upon any one, even parents, who would teach a child so much as a verse o f Scripture, or who would attempt to fire a spark o f belief in God, and by compelling atheistic instructions for all the children in Russia, it has succeeded in eradicating practically the last vestige of faith in the eternal verities from the hearts o f all Russian youth. As a result, today there are 25,000,000 youth in this nightmare of the world, between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five years, who have attempted to tear the robes of righteous­ ness from Jesus Christ and have spat upon His wounds, even as they have canonized and haloed the head of Judas Iscariot, embracing a new devil-inspired religion known as “ Iscariotism.” These youth are absolutely loyal— fanatically, enthusiastically loyal— to Soviet Russia, even though it enslaves them body, soul, and spirit, and enwraps them with ignorance, suffering, and blood. Official Russia seems chiefly concerned with the making of an assault upon the three most precious shrines that all nations, past and present, have known—mother, home, and heaven. She has made all three objects to be despised, if not to be cursed, by her 25,000,000 youth. Mother— only until she is delivered o f her child, when she goes back to the factory. The State becomes the “ mother” upon whose atheistic breasts the child is to be nurtured. Home— of course, there can be none without the mother. Heaven— the very thought is to be anathematized. The repercussions o f this communistic assault upon these three holiest sanc­ tuaries of the human race are being felt violently through­ out the whole world today. The Russian State has set itself against every moral and spiritual ideal which God’s Word proclaims. It de­ termines, no matter what the cost, to teach at all times, just the opposite o f every divine command or holy or­ dinance. I f it is in God’s Word, enough!— official Russia is against it! The whole aim was stated by Lenin’s w idow : “ W e must make our school boys and girls, not merely non­ religious, but actively and passionately antireligious.” Just what that means can be understood by continual incidents such as the sentencing o f two Russian priests (under the law prohibiting the teaching of religion to any under eigh­ teen) who are even now serving terrible sentences in Si­ beria for advising groups of young people to preserve their chastity! Who, among even nonreligious but decent people, can keep from crying aloud in the words of Daniel: “ O my Lord, what shall be the issue o f these things?” (Dan. 12:8, R. V . ) . Fortunately, those who know the “ sure word o f prophecy” are not left in the dark as to “ the issue o f these things,” even as we shall see. T he L atest D ecree in the “ W ar on G od !” God must pack His trunks and get out o f Russia, bag and baggage, within the next five years. Such is the signed decree of the world’s arch-criminal—Josef Stalin, dictator over one-sixth the land surface o f the earth. This expul­ sion is the ultimate objective o f a new “ five-year plan.” Thus runs the decree: On May 1, 1937, there must not remain on the terri­ tory of the U. S. S. R. a single house of prayer to God, and the very conception “God” will be banished from the boundaries of the Soviet Union, as a survival of the Middle Ages which has served as an instrument for the oppression of the working masses. The Russian correspondent o f the London Morning Post informs us that, in the carrying out o f this decree,

under the auspices o f the Workers’ International Relief. No sooner did Einstein land upon our shores (December 15,1930)than he called upon all America to “ refuse military duty in the time o f war” — a thing that the Soviet murder­ ers in Russia devoutly hope we will do. But has this com­ munist, Einstein, ever gone to Moscow and preached this same propaganda? If not, why not? We, too, believe that “ war is hell,” the cruel, unholy method o f an unre­ generate world; but it would be more apropos for this loudly vaunted “ intellectual” who talks much o f the “ cursed bombast o f patriotism” to go to Moscow and carry on his propaganda against war where such propaganda is needed. Again, at that “ shrine,” the masses who worship might take more kindly to his reference to Christian people who believe in God and the after life, as “ feeble souls” who “ harbor such thoughts.” Thus Einstein marches with the procession of the anti-God crusaders. As one who has in­ finitely more confidence in the reality of God than in the reality o f “ relativity,” we devoutly pray that this “ côn- fusionist” (as one distinguished authority in science, Pro­ fessor Thomas Jefferson See, calls him) may hereafter go to his “ shrine” in Moscow instead of asking passports into America. No nation can raise its fists against the God of heaven, or even ignore the Light o f the World when His beams fall upon it, and prosper. Modern statesmen might profit by inquiring of the kings within the shades—-prefer­ ably Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar ! An old beautitude still stands: “ Blessed is the nation whose God is Jehovah” (Psa. 33:12). A N ew T h ing in H uman H istory The world today gazes with amazement upon a new thing in human story— old in prophecy but new in realiza­ tion. This new thing is the spectacle of a mighty nation raising its fists against all that is called “ God,” actually making official declaration o f war to the death with Him ! The Pharaohs, Nebuchadnezzars, Alexanders, and Caesars all, worshiped at the shrine of some deity. But o f deities, true or false, the official Russian will have none. The only god he worships is a man—a dead man at that ! More and more do the “ devout” communists crowd to gaze with rev­ erential awe and worship before the mummified corpse of Lenin, as it lies, encased in glass, in the Kremlin. Verily, if man is not a religious saint, he becomes a religious brute. Man will worship ! T he D eclaration of W ar It was in January, 1918, that official Russia took its first step toward a declaration o f war on God. At that time, the Soviet o f Commissars issued a decree, Article 12 of which saidIff‘No church or religious association shall enjoy the rights of judicial persons.” The decree throughout opposed every fundamental right of religious associations, and that decree has stood in practice, in spite o f some loudly pro­ fessed “ religious liberty” declarations made solely to alle­ viate the injured feelings o f influential religious groups outside the lair o f the bear. With the issuance of this decree, thousands of believers in God began to suffer all the agonies that maddened, de­ monized, blood-crazed tyrants could inflict. These godless sons o f hell were happy only when frenziedly torturing their victims with physical and mental tortures too awful for description. One is almost crazed to madness through righteous indignation even by reading thé true accounts. Nero, at his worst, was a miserably poor inventor of im­ plements for the production o f ghastly spasms o f agony, when compared with the inhuman Felix Dzerzhinsky (now dead, thank G od !), life and soul o f the dreaded Secret Police of all Russia, known as the Cheka. It was he who brought about the execution (and torture in execution) of nearly three million of his own people.. It was he who or­ dered the making of “ human gloves” by peeling the skin

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