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Un accident majeur est survenu à l’inter- section des rues Aberdeen et Cameron à Hawkesbury, quand deux véhicules sont entrés en collision vers 10h40, le vendredi 10 mai. La conductrice et le passager d’un SUV blanc, toutes deux des personnes âgées, ont étés transportées à l’hôpital. Leur condi- tion physique était inconnue à l’heure de la publication.

A major accident occurred at the intersection of Aberdeen and Cameron streets in Hawkesbury, around 10:40 AM on Friday May 10. (Antoine Messier, EAP) La conductrice de l’autre véhicule a pu quitter la scène de l’accident sans blessures. Les pompiers et policiers sont arrivés sur les lieux vers 10h50. Les ambulanciers sont arrivés vers 11h10, 30 minutes après l’accident. Le poste des ambulanciers des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell se trouve à 1 km du lieu de l’accident. ONTARIO LIBERAL LEADER BONNIE CROMBIE VISITS UCPR


what’s happening jn small communities. I want to know, if you didn’t vote Liberal last time, what has your MPP done for your com- munity, and how can we as a party gain your confidence when it comes time to vote?” Support for Francophones Communities across the UCPR are pre- dominately Francophone, and Crombie said she understands the importance of providing equal representation for the French speaking population. “I made the commitment to reinstate the Francophone commissioner,” said Crombie, addressing the fact that the program was cancelled. “It is very important to stand up for Francophone rights.’ Roads and infrastructure The Ontario government recently an- nounced it is taking over Highway 174, more than 25 years after the road in Ottawa’s east end was downloaded to the City of Ottawa. Premier Doug Ford announced a new $543 million agreement between the Ontario government and the City of Ottawa, which includes Ontario taking over responsibility of Ottawa Road 174. And while Crombie is happy for the City of Ottawa, she wonders what it means for neighbouring municipalities, many of them who rely heavily on the stretch of road to get to and from Ottawa. “Of course it should be offloaded to other municipalities,” said Crombie on the highway. “Every City needs fair infrastructure, roads and bridges.”

Ontario Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie is hoping the provincial riding of Glengarry- Prescott-Russell can return to Liberal glory when Ontarians head to the polls in the summer of 2026. Crombie, who was named the new leader of the Ontario Liberal Party on Dec 2, 2023, following the resignation of former leader Steven Del Duca, visited the United Counties of Prescott and Russell (UCPR) on Friday, May 10, where she had the opportunity to discuss concerns and priorities with local politicians and leaders. “I wanted to hear what the problems are and help with brainstorming some solutions,” said Crombie, during a stop at the Broken Stick Brewery in Hammond last Friday. “The party and its executive really want me to get out there and tour, especially coming to small town communities. I am a new leader with a new vision, and it’s important for people to get to know me.” Crombie, has been touring ridings across the province, and before visiting Hammond, she was in Ottawa, Sudbury and Brockville. Progressive Conservative Stéphane Sar- razin currently represents the provincial of Glengarry-Prescott-Russell riding, and was elected in 2022. “Liberalism has evolved,” said Crombie. “I don’t want to be tied to the legislature. I want to be out there, learning and understanding

Bonnie Crombie, chef du Parti libéral de l’Ontario, a visité les comtés unis de Prescott et Russell le vendredi 10 mai, discutant des priorités et des préoccupations avec les dirigeants locaux. (Anil Jhalli, EAP)

A new voice for the riding Crombie was joined by Trevor Stewart, who is seeking the provincial Liberal nomination for the riding of Glengarry-Prescott-Russell. Stewart, who is from Hammond, is cur- rently a Clarence-Rockland city councillor. First elected to municipal council in 2022 at the young age of 23, the young councillor has made an impression and now hopes to

provide a voice to a region he feels has been ignored by the province. “As a municipal councillor, I have seen how much our (riding of Glengarry-Prescott- Russell) growth has been held back by the provincial government,” said Stewart. “This area has been good to my family, and for me, politics is a way of giving back to the community I love.”

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