Express 2024 10 09

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La Commission scolaire Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier compte quatre établissements dans la MRC d’Argenteuil, dont l’école secondaire Laurentian Regional High School. (Photo SWLSB)

FRANCIS LEGAULT Local Journalism Initiative (LJI) L’Argenteuil

for the Township of Harrington, which is part of district 1. At the end of the nomination period on Sept. 29, nearly all positions on the board of commissioners were filled by acclamation, except for districts 2 and 4, as well as the presidency of the SWLSB. For district 2, in Argenteuil, two can- didates will compete: Desiree Ramacieri from the Unis pour la réussite (United for Success) party, and independent candidate Rosa Fuoco. For the presidency, voters will have a choice between James DiSano, leader of Unis pour la réussite, and independent candidate Adam Mark Gordon. The outgoing president of the SWLSB, Paolo Galati, chose not to run for re-election, as he is also a municipal councilor in the City of Laval. The elections will take place on November 3rd, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Advance voting will be held on Oct. 27, from 12 p.m. to 8

p.m.. Only those registered on the electoral list of an English-language school board will be able to vote in these elections. Parents of children attending or who have completed their studies at an English-language school board are eligible to vote. However, they must first check if they are registered on the electoral list of their school board. People without children attending a school of a French-language school service center also have the right to vote. They can request to be added to the electoral list of the English-language school board where they reside by contacting the election president. In the first weeks of October, voters registered on the electoral list will receive a registration notice by mail. Anyone wishing to register on the electoral list or make a change of address must appear before the revision commission of their school board. The deadline to register or modify an address

sur des conditions plus graves, telles que la fatigue liée au cancer, les symptômes de maladies comme la démence et la maladie de Parkinson, ainsi que les troubles du sommeil. «Pourquoi ne pas maximiser notre biologie afin d’améliorer notre bien-être? Pourquoi ne pas être la meilleure version de nous-mêmes et profiter pleinement de la vie ?» a lancé la Dre Filion avec passion, invitant les participants à envisager la luminothérapie comme un outil puissant pour leur santé mentale et physique. Son nouveau livre, Les secrets de la luminothérapie, couvre l’ensemble des sujets abordés lors de la conférence. Il comprend des chapitres dédiés aux jeunes, aux personnes âgées, et aux femmes, incluant des sections sur la ménopause, le syndrome prémenstruel et la dépression postpartum. Un autre chapitre est destiné aux travailleurs de nuit. Le livre propose également des techniques pour renforcer la résilience en général. Ceux qui souhaitent en savoir davantage sur la façon d’améliorer leur énergie, leur humeur et leur sommeil peuvent se le procurer aux Éditions de l’Homme (https:// is Oct. 15. The last elections for the English-language school boards were held on Sept. 26, 2021. These elections were a resumption of the ones that were supposed to take place on Nov. 1, 2020, but were suspended after the nomination period due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, many positions on the boards of commissioners were filled without opposition. In 2021, 17 positions were filled in 8 English-language school boards. There is no overall voter turnout rate for the 2021 elections, as most presidency positions were filled without opposition. In fact, the overall turnout rate is calculated based on the number of people voting to elect the board presidents. In the 2014 elections, the turnout rate was 16.88%. For more information on the SWLSB scho- ol elections, visit under the "Council of Commissioners" tab.

More than 295,000 people have regis- tered to vote in the general elections of the nine English-language school boards in Quebec, which will take place on November 3rd. These individuals will be invited to elect the person who will hold the presidency of the school board and the person who will be the commis- sioner for their school district. The Argenteuil RCM (Regional County Municipality) has four institutions attached to the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board (SWLSB): Grenville and Laurentian elementary schools, Laurentian Regional High School, and the Lachute Skills Development Centre. The RCM is part of electoral district 2, except



Hawkesbury a accueilli, mardi dernier, le 1er octobre, un événement mémorable avec la conférence et le lancement de livre de la Dre Suzanne Filion au Complexe Sportif Robert-Hartley. Plus de 300 personnes se sont rassemblées pour entendre cette experte livrer une présentation dynamique et engageante, axée sur l’amélioration du bien-être à travers la luminothérapie.

La Dre Filion a captivé son auditoire avec des conseils pratiques et accessibles, expliquant comment une utilisation spécifique de la lumière peut transformer notre quotidien en agissant sur ce qu’elle appelle le «CHAPALÉS» : concentration, humeur, appétit (en réduisant les envies de sucre et de glucides), performance, attention, libido, énergie et sommeil. Au- delà de ces aspects, elle a également abordé l’impact positif de la luminothérapie

Un don de 4 000 $ du District 32 Prescott-Russell des Enseignants retraités de l’Ontario (RTOERO) soutiendra la campagne « Soulève-moi! » de la nouvelle Résidence Prescott et Russell à Hawkesbury. Les fonds serviront à acheter des lève-personnes Maxi Sky, qui permettront au personnel de transférer les résidents en toute sécurité entre leur lit et une chaise. La nouvelle résidence, située sur l’avenue Spence, est un établissement de soins de 224 lits. (Photo fournie)

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