2024-2025 Directory-Digital

Leading Through Relationships Demonstrating God’s Love: CCBFis committed to the success of local business/ workplace leaders by demonstrating God’s love to a divided, broken and often polarized world. We want to be known first and foremost by our authentic expression of God’s all- inclusive and non-judgmental love. Christ, Our Example: We welcome all business/workplace leaders whoever they are, whatever their past, who they are now, or wherever they are on their faith journey. Our example is Christ who welcomed everyone, including men, women, children, sinners, gentiles, and tax collectors. Personal Journey: We believe positive growth and change is a personal journey that happens through God’s love, supported by a respectful community. Study & Apply: We aim to foster authentic relationships by sharing the path of life and business together. As we study and apply Biblical leadership principles, we will see changed lives and the meeting of personal and business needs.

Consider Joining this Movement of Christian Business Leaders, Today! ccbf.org/join-now


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