King's Business - 1936-02

Keystone Photo Service

The float which won the theme prize (the theme being "History in Flowers") at the Pasadena Tournament of Roses, Pasadena, California, on New Year's Day, beautifully typified the faith in Sod which was held by the Pilgrim Fathers. To the principles of these early American leaders, our nation needs to return. "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people."

W H A T T O R R E Y B E L I E V E D Success and growth in Christian life depend on few things more than upon liberal giving. A stingy Christian cannot be a growing Christian. It is wonderful how a Christian man begins to grow when he begins to give. Give systematically. Set aside for Christ a fixed proportion of all the money or goods you get. Be exact and honest about it. Don't use it for yourself under any circumstances. A tenth is a good proportion to begin with. Don't let it be less than that. After you have given your tenth, you will probably soon learn the joy of giving freewill offerings in addition to the tenth.— R. A. Torrey.


amount o f the gift that is important; what counts is the regularity with which the contribution is sent. W ITH IN TH E LAST FEW MONTHS , THE IN ­ COME FROM THE B IOLA HONOR ROLL HAS PRACT ICALLY DOUBLED IN VOLUME , Every person making a donation of any amount to the work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is eligible to membership in the Biola Honor Roll. Membership is recognized in two ways. A certificate ( 6 " x 9 " ) will be sent to each member. Donors are also entitled to re­ ceive the K IN G ’ S BUSINESS (regular subscription price $1 .50 ) as follows: If you donate $1.00, 25 cents may be applied as a three months subscription. If you donate $2.00, 50 cents may be applied as a six months’ subscription, and if you donate $5.00 or more, 75 cents may be applied as a year’s subscrip­ tion. If you are already a subscriber, these additional months will be added to your present subscription, provided the addition does not extend your subscription two years from date. The United States Post Office requires that persons may receive the K ing ’ s B usiness according to this plan only when they make request for it in writing. Use the attached coupon. Because of what it will mean of blessing to the individ­ ual as well as to the Institute, I would cordially invite every reader o f the K ing ’ s B usiness to have a part in this de- lightful world-wide fellowship of prayer and giving. By becoming a member of the Biola Honor Roll, you act in accord with the teaching of the Word of God (1 Cor. 1 6 :2 ) ; you honor the memory of one of the greatest of human leaders of the Lord’s people, R. A . Torrey; and you advance the work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles where nearly 400 young people are now in training for Christian work. ■ ¡W H Y NOT USE THE ACCOMPANY ING COU ­ PON— NOW ? Joyfully yours in the Lord,

Reuben Archer Torrey, “ the father of Bible Institutes” and the first Dean o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, believed and taught that systematic, giving on the part of Christian people was God’s way o f carrying on His work on earth. In this connection, Torrey frequently quoted Proverbs 11:25: “ The liberal soul shall be made fat” ; and 2 Corin­ thians-9:6, 8: “ He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly ; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully . . . . And God is able to make all grace abound toward you ; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.” THE BIBLE IN ST ITUTE OF LOS ANGELES BELIEVES AND TEACHES EXAC TLY W H A T TORREY T A U G H T ! The Biola Honor Roll makes systematic giving both easy and effective. Whoever joins— signifying a willing­ ness-to pray often for the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles and to give REGULARLY to its support— receives a beautiful certificate suitable for framing. It is not the I hereby agree (1) to pray for the work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles; and (2) to contribute........................................per month for a period of three, six, twelve ....................) months. Please place my name on the Biola Honor Roll. To receive the K ing ’ s B usiness according to terms described on this page, subscribers are required by the United States postal authorities to give the following information: □ You may apply $............--~iil l S .of my gift toward a subscription to the K ing ’ s B usiness , sending me the magazine for.....................months. Name .............-:....L.>T.^City.....-..,^^............... State.........L Street N o ............... ....... ................................ ..Date......... ........... Amount enclosed...................... ................................._....... . The amount indicated may be discontinued, reduced, or increased at any time. BIOLA HONOR ROLL Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California

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I S L I K E The Weather Mark Twain r em a r k e d once that "the weather is something everybody talks about, but no­ body does anything about it." And so we find it o fte n with regard to God’s covenant people, Israel, and the importance of giv­ ing them the Gospel in these last days. The Lord Jesus Christ gave us solemn warning that we shall be doers of the Word, and not hearers only. He gave the Phari­ sees a scathing rebuke when He told the disciples, "F o r they say and do n o t." Surely no child of God wishes knowingly to be guilty of saying and not doing! In the c r o w d in g of tragedy upon tragedy, the era of Gentile world dominion is about to come to a catastrophic end, and now if ever is the time for the true child of God to "speak comfortably to Jerusalem." A recent letter from a friend put the case as effectively as we have seen it put: "F o r a long time I have been conscious of our obligation to the Jews, and now the need is more acute than it has ever been. A s 1 study the Word and realize the awful plight the Jews are in, my heart is crushed for them, and 1 pray that Christians everywhere may wake up to the fact that now is the time to befriend them and show them the error of their ways that they may accept Christ as Lord, and that they in turn may preach the Gospel to their own race even before the rapture, that the chosen people may have a part in that marvelous redemption prepared for all who will accept it." Need we say more? Your fel­ lowship in prayer and gift is always a welcome evidence of the Lord's provision for us, and it adds you to those faithful ones who wish to become partners with Him in the closing program of the age. AMERICAN BOARD of MISSIONS TO THE JEWS, Inc.

SheSible Tamils Sfiatine Motto: "Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood ."—R ev . 1 :5.

Volume XXVII

February, 1936

Number 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS Around the King’s Table— Paul W . Rood...........................................42 The March o f Events— Ezra S. Gerig................................................. 44 Is Death the Result of Sin ?— Leonard H. Prentice............................ 46 Eternal Punishment— H. A. Ironside................................................... 47 Powerless Disciples—Anna J. Lindgren................................................ 49 Jinsaburo Speaks His Mind— Opal Leonore Gibbs.............................52 International Lesson Commentary...........................................................53 Junior King’s Business— Martha S. Hooker.......................................61 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Mary G. Goodner............................. 66 Daily Devotional Readings.......................... . •r. .........71 Bible Institute Family Circle....................................................................78 Evangelistic Notices .................................................................................. 79 Helps for Preachers and Teachers........................................................... 79 Our Literature Table................................... ................. ...........



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POLICY AS D EFIN ED BY TH E BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE B IB L E IN ST ITU TE OF LOS A N G ELES (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To make the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith. 558 So. Hope St., BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Los Angeles, California

31 Throop Avenue Brooklyn, New York



K I N G ' S


February, 1936

^Around the King’s Tables B y P a u l W . R o o d

visitation, and in sorrowful remembrance of our own faults and crimes as a nation and as individuals, to humble ourselves before Him and to pray for His mercy—to pray that we may be spared further punishment, though most justly deserved; that our arms may be blessed and made effectual for the reestablishment of law, order, and peace throughout the wide extent of our country; and that the inestimable boon of civil and religious liberty, earned under His guidance and blessing by the labors and suf­ ferings of our fathers, may be restored in all its original excellence: Therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, do appoint the last Thursday in September next as a day of humiliation, prayer, and fasting for all the people o f the nation. And I do earnestly recommend to all the people, and especially to all ministers and teachers of religion, of all denominations, and to all heads o f families, to observe and keep that day, according to their several creeds and modes of worship, in all humility and with all religious solemnity, to the end that the united prayer of the nation may ascend to the Throne of Grace, and bring down plentiful blessings upon our country. How sorely the United States needs a leader in this dark and solemn hour who would call the nation back to God. Oh, for national humiliation and repentance that would lead to a national awakening! Recently a lady came up to M. E. Dodd, the well-known Baptist preacher and leader, Unto Jesus after he had concluded a powerful sermon, and she said, “ Dr. Dodd, I have read your books, I have heard your radio messages, but I have never seen you face to face. Please step down from the platform so that I may have a good look at you.” “ Sister,” said the preacher, “ you had better not look at me too closely. I am afraid you’ll be disappointed. I am just an ordinary, frail human being. I want you to look beyond me to Jesus. You ’ll never be disappointed in H im !” One o f the members o f Charles Haddon Spurgeon’s church induced a friend to come to hear his pastor. Spur­ geon preached a magnificent sermon in which he exalted Christ. The guest was strangely silent as he left the church. “ What do you think o f Spurgeon?” asked the man who had brought the visitor. “ Oh, I haven’t been thinking o f Spurgeon,” came the answer. “ I ’ve been thinking o f his wonderful Lord.” A preacher had begun to slip spiritually, and there was a lack o f vitality and warmth in his message. One morning this preacher found a slip of paper on the pulpit with this message: “ W e would see Jesus.” The words came like an arrow into the pastor’s heart and drove him to his knees, where through contrition, confession, and tears he was brought back into intimate fellowship with the Lord. There was new unction and power in his preaching, and one morning soon after, he found another slip with these words: “ Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.” Does the world see Jesus in you and me? Are we ex­ alting Christ or self? Are we making disciples glad be­ cause they see Jesus in our lives and in our ministry? Men are hungry. They need Jesus. We are here to represent the Lord. Are people impressed with our won­ derful Christ when they see us and listen to us? “ Have Looking

Abraham Lincoln and A Day of Prayer I N t h is month when we celebrate the birth of Abraham Lincoln, it seems especially appropriate to call attention to the fact that our martyred President was a God-fearing man. One of the outstanding sights in Washington is the Lincoln Memorial, located in Poto­ mac Park, facing the Wash­ ington Monument and the Capitol. The statue o f Lin­ coln, designed and modeled

by Daniel Chester French, is in the central hall o f the Memorial. On the south and north walls are massive stone tablets, extending from floor to ceiling and inclosed in stone frames. The Gettysburg Address is inscribed on the south wall and Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address on the north wall. The serious reader is deeply impressed with the Biblical quotations and the references to God found in this inaugural address. W e quote some of these phrases that refer to God: “ The Almighty has His own purposes,” “ a living God,” “ if God wills,” “ fervently do we pray,” “ as God gives us to see the right.” The reverent attitude o f Lincoln is further revealed in his letter to Thurlow Weed, written March 15, 1865: Every one likes a compliment. Thank you for yours on my little notification speech and on the recent inaugural address. I expect the latter to wear as well as—perhaps better than—anything I have produced; but I believe it is not immediately popular. Men are not flattered by being shown that there has been a difference of purpose between the Almighty and them. To deny it, however, in this case, is to deny that there is a God governing the world. It is a truth which I thought needed to be told, and, as what­ ever o f humiliation there is in it falls most directly on myself, I thought others might afford for me to tell it. One of Lincoln’s most significant state papers is his re­ markable proclamation o f a national fast day, August 12, 1861. W e quote it in fu ll: .Whereas a joint committee of both houses o f Congress has waited on the President of the United States and requested him to “recommend a day of public prayer, humiliation, and fasting, to be observed by the people of the United States with religious solemnities, and the offering of fervent supplications to Almighty God for the safety and welfare of these States, His blessings on their arms, and a speedy restoration o f peace” : And whereas it is fit and becoming in all people, at all times, to acknowledge and revere the supreme govern­ ment of G od; to bow in humble submission to His chas­ tisements; to confess and deplore their sins and trans­ gressions, in the full conviction that the fear of the Lord is the beginning o f wisdom; and to pray with all fervency and contrition for the pardon o f their past offenses, and for a blessing upon their present and prospective action: And whereas when our own beloved country, once, by the blessing o f God, united, prosperous, and happy, is now afflicted with faction and civil war, it is peculiarly fit for us to recognize the hand of God in this terrible



K I N G ' S


February, 1936

affirmatively. The Wordless Book has four pages— one black, representing sin; the second red, representing the blood; the third white, representing the purified heart; and the fourth golden, representing heaven. As one o f the stu­ dents was explaining simply and carefully the blackness o f the human heart, she was interrupted with the exclamation, “ I thought my heart was red.” Proceeding carefully after making the explanation more clear, the student asked the children, “ For whom did Christ die?” ' ' “ He died for His country,” answered one of the girls. “ He died for you and me,” explained the Bible Institute student. A few more words made the way of salvation plain, and the girls one by one accepted Christ. “ Thank you for telling us about Jesus,” the girls said, and their faces glowed with new-found joy. In relating this story to the writer, the students said, “ We thought it would lighten your burdens to hear that God is using us in winning boys and girls.” God is blessing Biola with a revival of child evangelism. Hallelujah! The word “ fundamental” was given new significance when Lyman and Milton Fundamentals Stewart, desiring to call the organized Association church back to the fundamental doctrines, issued twelve volumes called The Funda­ mentals, and gave four million copies o f these books to preachers, missionaries, theological students, and Chris­ tian leaders throughout the world. These books played a prominent part in making the issue clear, and one o f the results was the formation of “ The World’s Christian Fun­ damentals Association,” an organization which is generally recognized as the most effective existing agency in defense of the faith of our fathers. This movement functions through various state and lo­ cal organizations and also through its annual conference held in a strategic center. The 1936 convention will be held in Toronto, Canada, May 3 to 10. Sunday sessions will be held in Massey Hall, and week-day sessions in the Peo­ ple’s Church, o f which Oswald J. Smith is pastor, and in other churches in various sections o f the city. Toronto is a city of churches and is the recognized center o f evan­ gelical Christianity in Canada. This will be the second time for the Association to hold its annual convention in Toronto. Well-known Christian leaders from different parts; of the world will attend and participate in the program. Many Christian workers travel hundreds o f miles to attend these gatherings. Pray that the conference this year shall be so significant and epoch-making that thousands will find it worth while to go long distances to get the inspiration of these seven days o f mountain-top experience. Further de­ tails will be published in the near future. Let the date and the place be firmly fixed in the minds of the readers, and may there be an avalanche of prayer started among God’s people everywhere that Christ may be glorified and the Holy Spirit may have full sway in this meeting. The cover picture used this month is This Month’s appropriate for our February issue because Cover o f its subject, and also because it gives an indication of what climatic conditions are in Southern California on the first day o f the year. The Bible Institute o f Los Angeles is located in this favored section o f the country where flowers bloom all the year. World’s Christian

you heard about Christ?” was the question put to an un­ believer. “ Yes, I’ve heard so much, but I’ve seen so little,” was the reply. Are our lives contradicting our testimony ? Are we real,' genuine, sincere, transparent Christians ? Christ wants to live His life over again in us. “ For me to live is for Christ to live over again,” said Paul, in effect. Has the transforming, miracle-working power o f Christ been manifested in us? If we are to be like Jesus, we must behold Him and dwell in His presence.' W e look too much at others instead of looking at Jesus. W e are too much occupied with our­ selves instead of being occupied with Christ. “ But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” Let us behold Jesus! ideally suited to the work that is carried on. The Insti­ tute is first o f all a school where nearly one hundred young people are being trained for the work of teaching and preaching the Word of God. The correspondence depart­ ment has nearly one thousand enrolled students. A maga­ zine called Evangelism is published bimonthly. Evangelis­ tic bands go out to witness in the unreached areas, and God is blessing their efforts to the salvation o f many souls. We cannot overemphasize the importance of this school and its work in training native Christian leaders to carry on dynamically and efficiently for the Lord. The church in China is destined to become indigenous, for the days of the white man in that country and in other Asiatic countries are numbered. What could be better Christian statesmanship than to lay supreme emphasis upon indoc­ trinating and training these coming spiritual leaders ? The Bible Institute o f Los Angeles recognizes that it has a definite call from God to function as an institution that is world-wide in its vision, passion, and ministry, and therefore Biola in China is a vital part of its responsibility. Pray that a revival may come to the home base at Los An­ geles and in “ the regions beyond” at Hunan. One-half of the boys and girls in the Suffer the United States receive no Christian educa- Little Chil- tion. In Chicago alone, there are 750,000 dren to Come children unreached and untouched by Unto Me Christian influences. Among the children we have our most needy field, yea, our most promising field. It is a field “ white already to har­ vest.” “ The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few ; pray ye therefore the Lord o f the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.” We need a revival that will stir us up to evangelize the childhood of the na­ tion and of the world. It is significant that God is laying this burden upon men and women to an unparalleled de­ gree. There is a “ sound o f a going in the tops o f the mulberry trees.” Biola students are going out two and two to deal with children about their souls’ salvation. Here is a typical experience. Two girls prayed one Saturday morning that the Lord would lead them to the'right place and the right children. They walked a few blocks from the Institute and met some girls who were playing. “ Would you like to hear the story o f the Wordless Book?” they asked, and the young girls eagerly answered The Bible Institute of Los Angeles in China is located at Changsha, Hunan Prov- ince, in the midst of teeming millions of un- Institute dying souls for whom Christ died. The equipment of this institution is superb, being Hunan Bible

See page 48 for announcement



February, 1936

The march of events is causing people to ask, “ Whither are we bound or, “ What next ?” “ What will be the ultimate outcome o f all this?” There is an answer to these questions, authoritative and accurate. The answer is so easy of obtainment that no one need be uninformed. Shame becomes us as a people and as a church for our inexcusable ignorance o f the climax o f the present course o f events. And shame be upon the preachers and theo­ logical institutions and churches which fail to impart this information to the public. The whole situation is clearly analyzed in the prophe­ cies o f the Word o f God. Yet the astonishing fact con­ fronts us that the majority o f Christians and ministers dismiss the study and teaching of prophecy as unimportant, uninteresting, and unnecessary. What an unwarranted impairment o f the usefulness and ministry o f the church in this hour! I gnoring B ible P rophecy This attitude has called forth the scorn and criticism o f such a man as H. L. Mencken, former editor o f the American Mercury, who declared: “ The silence o f the theologians is one o f the incredible phenomena o f these dangerous days . . . What I desire to point out is that the New Testament offers precise and elaborate specifications o f the events preceding the inevitable end o f the world, and that a fair reading o f them must lead any rational man to conclude that the events are now upon us.” I am in agreement with Mr. Mencken that a fair read­ ing o f the predictions in the New Testament concerning conditions prevailing when this present era comes to its close, will lead any rational man to conclude that these events are now upon us. Read Matthew 24 and 25, and Luke 21. So self-evident is this fact, that a newspaper syndicate, so I am told on good authority, has prepared articles now in the files o f leading daily papers, dealing with some o f the results .of Christ’s second advent. These articles are to be published immediately after Christ has taken His church out o f the world at His second coming, which event will bring to a close this present age. C oming U niversal D ictator Immediately after Christ takes His church from tb,e earth, a period o f dictatorship will characterize the gov^ ernment o f earth’s kingdoms. It is this universal dicta-

T oday ’ s march o f events captures the interest and con­ cern of every thinking person. The more thought­ ful and analytical the individual, the more serious is his concern. Events of a significant character are hastening forward with an irresistible momentum and remarkable coordination on a world-wide scope. One factor that makes the situation the more staggering is that we are living in a peculiarly leaderless world. The fact that we are rushing forward and going somewhere without any adequate hu­ man leadership is filling men’s hearts with grave apprehen­ sion, bewilderment, and uncertainty. T he R ace in J eopardy Sir George Paish, in The Way to Recovery, says: “ It is not the wreck o f a single nation that is involved; it is the wreck o f a world. Universal bankruptcy accompa­ nied by universal revolution will place in jeopardy not merely civilization but life itself.” Ramsay MacDonald says: “ If we cannot find a solution to the present crisis, it will be difficult to stay the flood before it has over­ whelmed the whole o f Central Europe, with consequences, social, political, and financial, which no one can estimate. Time is against us. Every day adds to the risk o f the col­ lapse which will be outside human control.” These con­ clusions were fashioned in the crucible o f deep mental agitation and keen analysis o f the present situation. In a recent issue of a Portland daily paper there ap­ peared an editorial strikingly significant in the light of these facts. The editor comments on an article by H. G. Wells, the burden of which was the expectation o f a world­ wide socialistic state and which discussed also the methods o f bringing this new scheme of things into existence. Both Mr. Wells and the local editor leave with the reader the impression that they expect the march o f events to result in a universal social state directed by the ultimately trium­ phant nation or arch-dictator. So striking are some o f the sentences in this editorial in the light o f predictive Scrip­ ture that they astonish one who is familiar with prophecy. It is interesting to note how journalists and magazine-story writers today, wittingly or unwittingly, express views in harmony with the predictions o f God’s Word.

*Pastor, Staub Memorial Congregational Church.



K I N G ' S


February, 1936

ment in conditions generally, “ for . . . they shall say, Peace and safety” (1 Thess. 5 :3 ). Then when he has the world at his feet, he will reveal his true character, and earth’s great tribulation will take place (Matt. 24:15-22). In this passage in Matthew, God has given a forewarningfefWhen ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him under­ stand,) Then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains.” This will be the period o f “ Jacob’s trouble” (Jer. 30:3-7), a time o f unspeakable suffering for the Jews, preparatory to their conversion and their acceptance o f Christ as their Messiah (Zech. 12). But all nations will be involved in this brief era o f unprecedented suffering characterized by war, martyrdom, and demon activity such as the world has never experienced, nor ever will thereafter (Rev. 9 and 16). V ast D ebacle L ooms This period will be a self-imposed, self-inflicted judg­ ment upon the nations of the earth for their sin and rejec­ tion of God and His Christ. A preponderantly large part of the race will kill itself by inviting the Striking judgments of God in this brief culminating era o f man’s defiance of God (Rev. 6 :8 ; 8 :9-11; 9 :18 ; 16:18-20). Revelation 16 shows this rebellious and unrepentant attitude: “ And men . . . blasphemed the name o f God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory” ; “ and repented not -of their deeds” ; “ and men blasphemed God because o f the plague o f the hail” (Rev. 16; 9 ,11 ,2 1 ). This then is the outlook for the world. No wonder the editor who has been referred to commented as follows on H. G. Wells’ article on the world-wide social state: “ He [Mr. Wells] leaves the impression that such a state is likely to develop through some peaceful and cooperative method. [Now note the significance of this editor’s com­ ment.] He breathes not a word o f the vast debacle that looms ahead.” Could anything have been said by this editor that would have been more nearly in line with the plain teaching o f Scripture about world chaos and the tribulation in the end time? A fter this reign of terror brought upon the nations by and through and rejection o f Christ (Psa. 2 :1 -5 ), in which a large part o f the race will meet death from natural and supernatural causes, and when divine judgment will have been visited upon a sinful race, Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords, will put down all godless and [Continued on page 51]

torial rule of the world toward which present events are marching with solidarity o f rank and ungovernable force. Christ may take His church away at any moment. There is not another prophetic event which requires fulfillment before the rapture can take place. It is the removal of the church that will make possible the swift culmination of present conditions for the rule of the arch-dictator. When I speak o f the church, I do not mean any one, or all o f the denominations, either Protes­ tant or Catholic. I refer to all true Christians, however, all who have been born again by the Holy Spirit, all who have personally »accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour from sin (John 1:12, 13), and who have consequently been baptized by the Holy Spirit into the one true church (1 Cor. 12:13), composed o f believers o f all denominations. This company o f the redeemed, saved, Spirit-born, and Spirit-baptized believers in Christ is the group whom He will remove silently, suddenly, unannounced, and simultaneously from all parts of the world into His presence in glory, for “ W e shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised in­ corruptible, and we shall be changed” (1 Cor. 15 :51, 52). “ For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice o f the archangel, and with the trump o f G od : and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the a ir: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (1 Thess. 4 :16, 17). Following the removal o f the true church from the earth, the prophesied superdictator will offer to the world his superhuman solution to the problems that baffled states­ men previous to his appearance. The state of affairs will be such that men generally, including political and religious leaders and rulers, will welcome this dictator’s solution and will respond to his leadership as he promises to lead the nations out of the bewildering mazes o f financial, political, social, physical, and spiritual bankruptcy. Were this super­ man to appear right now, he would find the world in the throes o f such a general bankruptcy and in the birth pangs o f such a universal dictatorship as the Scriptures describe. T rying the U ntried Experimentation is the order o f the day. Former methods, laws, policies have either failed or are being discarded. All known and tried human ideas have been exhausted and have proved inadequate. Consequently, explorers in the various branches of science and phil­ osophy involving the scheme o f human life and gov­ ernment have been forced into the laboratory o f the untried, and experiments are being made that hereto­ fore would have been ridiculed. Men have been driven to such lengths by the development of present conditions that in their extremity a superman would be welcomed, and a superman is coming. S atan I ncarnate Who is this coming world dictator ? He will be a .man specially prepared by the devil, energized by him, in fact, he will be Satan incarnated. He will be the Antichrist. He will be able to achieve superhuman wonders and to organize the world into a great unified social state over which he will rule with an iron hand that, by contrast, will make Mussolini and Hitler seem like gentleness personified. However, for the first three and a half years o f his short reign, he will conceal his real identity. He will rule by strategy and guile. His reign will be characterized by a period o f unprecedented prosperity and a striking improve­

February, 1936'


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H DEATH the G od ’ s W ord say s : “ The wages of sin is death.” This answer, however, seems difficult to believe in the face of the fact that all except two (Enoch ana Elijah) of the great and good men of Bible times have at some time passed “ through the valley of the shadow o f death.” Can it be that such men as Abraham, Moses, David, and the apostles died as a result of sin ? Can it be that every time the hearse passes our door,’ some one has died as a result o f sin? Let us bear in mind that the word “ death” does not mean “ end,” but rather “ separation.” Let us remember also that, while we usually associate death with the physical body, the death penalty spoken of in Romans 6:23 Is three­ fold : Spiritual death, physical death, eternal death. S piritual D eath Spiritual death involves separation from God. W e find its first appearance in Genesis 3. God had commanded man that he was not to eat of the fruit o f one particular tree, and had promised for disobedience, “ Thou shalt surely die.” Man ate of that tree, and while he did not immediately die, physically, he did die at once, spiritually. Man had been living in the presence o f God, in blessed fellowship. But sin entered, and consequently spiritual death, or separation from God, followed. The happy union had been broken, and man, diseased by sin, was driven from the presence of a holy God. W e now find men with darkened understanding, “ alien­ ated from the life o f God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness o f their heart” (Eph. 4 :18 ). Before the fall, man’s understanding was not darkened. But now every person that is born into this world is spirit­ ually dead, regardless o f whether his parents are the best o f Christians or the worst of criminals. Spiritual death is the state of the natural man in his sin. I f one would truly have life, he must “ be born again,” for the W ord o f God says: “ In Adam all die, . . . in Christ shall all be made alive,” and all men are either “ in Adam” or “ in Christ.” It is possible for a man to be dead and alive at the same time—alive in his own eyes and dead in God’s sight-4 physically alive, spiritually dead. P hysical D eath While spiritual death is separation from God, physical death is separation from the body. Our body is merely the house in which we live. And some day, when the house can no longer be repaired, we will move out. When we move out, we will be just as truly ourselves as we are right now, but we will have lost our present physical limitations. Physical death is the result of sin, but it is not neces­ sarily a' consequence of personal sin, but rather o f an inherited Adamic nature. Thus Abraham, Moses, David, and the apostles and others, although they were justified by faith, died as the result o f sin—not their own sin, but rather the disease that was passed down to them from Adam. When both Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sin became uni­ versal in the human race, and universal sin could bring only universal death. Physical death is a reality. W e become so accustomed to death that we often fail to realize its seriousness. When

I N his book, THE R O M A N C E OF A DOCTOR'S VISITS, Walter Lewis Wilson, M.D., tells of the following experience that came to him when he was asked to conduct a funeral service: A cold rain was falling on the day of the funeral, and the road to the cemetery was not paved. Because of the deep mud on the road, I decided to leave my car in the town; and I asked permission of the undertaker to ride with him in the hearse to the cemetery. This request he readily granted. As we drove along slowly through the mire, I said to him— he was a young man of about thirty— "What do you suppose the Bible means by saying, 'Let the dead bury their dead' (Matt. 8:22)?" "There isn't any scripture like that in the Bible," he very promptly replied. "Yes, there is," I assured him. "Well," he answered, "it must be a wrong translation, because it doesn't make any sense. How could a dead person bury a dead person?" "No, it is not a wrong translation," I said. "These words were spoken by the Lord Jesus Himself. He always spoke words of truth, and did not play with the feelings nor the imaginations of His hearers." The young undertaker flipped out of the window the cigarette he was smoking and said, "Do you know anything about me, Doctor? Has any one told you about my life?" "No," I replied, "why do you ask?" "Because I have been burying many people lately, and it has caused me to think about my own case. Last night after supper, I got out the Bible and read until two o'clock this morning, trying to find out how to become a Christian." "Did you find out how to be one?" I inquired. "No," he said, "when I finished I was ¡ust as much in the dark as before; but tell me, what did Jesus mean by those words?" The peculiar passage was so suited to this man's mind, that it was an easy matter now to tell him about the Saviour. I said to him: You are a dead undertaker in the front of this hearse, driving out to the cemetery to bury the dead friend in the back of the hearse. That friend is dead to her family, and you are dead to God. She does not respond to their caresses, their calls, their commands; neither do you respond to the call and the love of God." "You are right about that," he said. "I cannot find God; I cannot talk to Him, for I do not know where He is, nor how to reach Him." Opening my Bible, I read to him John 10:10: "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." Explain­ ing the verse, I asserted that Christ Jesus had come to give the dead s{nner— dead ¡n his trespasses and sins— the gift of eternal life. "The Saviour is on the throne waiting to give you life the moment you believe in Him and trust the work that He did for you at Calvary when He died for your sins." "I'll take Him," he said. We arrived at the cemetery with a LIVE undertaker, though we had started on the journey with a DEAD one.

February, !936


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that ruined mass. What happens to a structure when it is destroyed? It is made unfit for the purpose for which it was built. What, then, happens to a man when he suffers everlasting destruction ? He has made himself unfit for the purpose for which he was created, and therefore he must be eternally separated from the presence of God. God’s Word describes eternal death with such pregnant words 'as “ eternal,” “ punishment,” “ fire,” and “ darkness.” Truly, we could not find words to;portray this awful state. Yes, “ the wages of sin is death’S-spiritual, physical, and eternal. But God be praised that we are not left with this statement. His Word goes infinitely beyond, and says that Christ came to earth “ that he . . . should taste death for every man” (Heb. 2 :9). His death was not merely for a few select men, but on behalf of “ every man.” Thus He satisfied the law o f justice that demands the payment of the penalty of sin. Were we to pay our own penalty, we must suffer eternal death, but “ the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all” (Isa. 53 :6 ). Accepting Him as our Sin- Bearer, we are set free. Now, in triumph, we may freely exult with Pau l: “ O death, where is thy sting?” Eternal PUNISHMENT The Doom 6 f the Finally Impenitent B y H. A. IRONSIDE* Chicago^ Illinois “ These shall go away into everlasting punishment: hut the righteous into life eternal” (Matt. 2 5 :46). I n IgHESE closing words o f the Olivet discourse, our blessed Lord indicates unmistakably a great difference in the final destiny o f the righteous and the unrighteous, of the saved and the lost. No one desires for one moment to limit the duration o f the term aionious, translated “ eternal,” when it is used to qualify the word “ life.” But many there are who would rob the same word of all its real meaning when it is translated “ everlasting” and is linked with the noun “ pun­ ishment.” And this desire, o f course, is readily understood. All who have hope in Christ are glad to know that they who now possess eternal life as a divinely imparted gift shall eventually enter into a sphere where that life will forever have its fullest possible manifestation. But know­ ing how easy it is to sin, and that many will positively refuse to be saved from their sins, there are not wanting many sincere Christians who have hope that aionious may be more limited in respect to the punishment o f the wicked than to the life of the righteous. That their position is illogical, and thoroughly un- scriptural, can, however, be demonstrated easily. I nterpreting S cripture by S cripture The best way to find out the exact meaning of any controverted term is to notice carefully how it is used by the Holy Spirit Himself in the Scriptures o f truth; and as the word in question is frequently, employed by the inspired writers o f the New Testament, it is comparatively easy to arrive at its meaning. The following references are given, that we may take in its use at a glance: “ Everlasting punishment” (Matt. 2 5 :46). “ Everlasting life” (John 3 :16). “ Eternal life” (John 3:15 ). *Pastor, Moody Memorial Church.

RESULT o f SI£J? B y LEONARD H. PRENTICE* Cavalier, NortlriDakota I lived at home with my parents, for many years there was no death in our family. But one day, the Angel of Death came to our home and took one whom we dearly loved. Then, for the first time, I came to a full realization of the grim reality of death. Let us not lose sight o f the fact, however, that death is not an end, but rather a separation. A fter physical death has occurred, life and consciousness continue. So clear, in fact, is man’s consciousness in the spiritual realm that Paul in his marvelous “ third heaven” experience was able to say: “ Whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth” (2 Cor. 12:2). Death sets a limit for man’s decision for Christ. There is no “ second chance,” for the Scriptures clearly state: “ It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judg­ ment” (Heb. 9 :27)..! Realizing these facts, “ what manner o f persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godli­ ness” (2 Pet. 3 :11 ). Christ died in the sinner’s place, suffering the penalty that belonged to the sinner, and now there remains for the believer in Christ only the “ shadow o f death.” E ternal D eath ) Eternal death is eternal separation from God. This state is the culmination of spiritual death, for “ sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death” (Jas. 1:15), Eternal death is the third installment of the “ wages of sin,” but it is unlike either of the two that precede it, for eternal death may be avoided. Each one of us was born spiritually dead. We had no voice in the matter. Apart from any choice of ours, we were born— spiritually dead. Each one of us must die physically. Again we are given no choice, for we cannot escape the experience o f death unless Christ comes to take us, with His church, to Himself. But eternal death is different—-it can be prevented. And the man who suffers this awful end does so because he insists upon paying the penalty for his own sin. The Scriptures speak o f eternal death as the “ lake of fire” (Rev. 20:10) and the “ second death” (Rev. 20:14). It is second in that it follows the first death. The first is not an end; neither is the second. There are those who would tell us that the unsaved are annihilated, and that a merciful and loving God could not have a place o f eternal punishment. In proof, they say that the Scriptures speak of “ everlasting destruction.” They quote 2 Thessalonians 1:8, 9 : “ In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel o f our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence o f the Lord, and from the glory of his power.” But is destruction annihilation? I once lived in Los Angeles, California, and was well acquainted with the portions o f Los Angeles and Long Beach that were terribly shaken in that last earthquake. If we had to examine the ruins o f any one o f those buildings, undoubtedly we would, have agreed that the building was destroyed but still in existence. Each brick, each nail, each piece of glass, although no longer useful, was still there in *Pastor, First Baptist Church.

February, 1936


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the very opposite to either annihilation or universal sal­ vation, and it takes sophistical reasoning and a determina­ tion not to accept His statements at face value to come to any other viewpoint. A n I nadequate S ense of S in The great difficulty is that our minds are so blinded by sin, our hearts so hardened by the spirit of the world, that we do not readily grasp the enormity o f human wickedness, as God has declared it in His Book. It is safe to say that no truly awakened man ever questioned the righteousness o f God in banishing sinners from His holy presence. He who sees himself in the light o f this divine holiness knows he is deserving o f eternal wrath. And this realization in itself enhances the sense of the blessedness of saving grace. “ I deserved to be lost. I deserved to be in hell. But God interfered!” exclaimed John Allen, the converted navvy of the Salvation Army. Robert Murray MacCheyne, one o f Scotia’s choicest saints, wrote, after seeing himself in the light o f the cross: W e may be assured it is not the Holy Spirit, but Satan the archdeceiver, who would have men think lightly of sin, and hence minimize the judgment that it deserves. The awful agony of our Lord in the garden and on the cross when He took our place should give us to realize how terrible it will be for a guilty Christ-rejector to fall into the hands o f the living God. To be without Christ means eternal loss. To trust Him means eternal life. Let every minister of Christ, and every individual believer, be faithful in warning sinners to flee from the wrath to come, and thus, like Paul, be “ pure from the blood of all men.” “ Knowing . . . the terror of the Lord,” he said, “ We persuade men.” Be it ours to follow his example. President Rood’s Conference Engagements The President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Paul W. Rood, is being eagerly sought as a conference speaker in many parts of the country. Following is a partial list of his appointments for the next few months. Friends of the Insti­ tute are urged to pray for these meetings, and to invite others to attend. Jan. 12 to 26— Campaign in the Melrose Baptist Church,. Oakland, Calif.; C. L. Kirk, pastor. Afternoon meetings in Swed­ ish Mission Church; Edwin S. Johnson, pastor. Jan. 26 to Feb. 2— Annual Bible Conference, Bible Institute of Los An­ geles. Feb. 9 to 22— Union Campaign, Seattle, Wash., under auspices of the Christian Business Men's Committee. Noon meetings in down-town theater, broadcast. Evening meetings in Seattle churches. March I to 15— Campaign in Glide Memorial Church, San Francisco, Calif.; J. C. McPheeters, pastor. March 17 to 29— Campaign in Swedish Baptist Church, Los Angeles; Edwin J. Omark, pastor. May 3 to 10— Annual Convention of the World's Christian Funda­ mentals Association, People's Church, Toronto, Canada; Oswald J. Smith, pastor. Simultaneous meetings in other churches. May 15 to 17— Middle East Young People's Union, Mission Covenant Church, Cleveland, Ohio. “When I hear the wicked call On the rocks and hills to fall, When I see them start and shrink On the fiery deluge brink, Then, Lord, shall I fully know, Not till then how much I owe.” .

“ Everlasting habitations” (Lk. 16:9). “ Everlasting covenant” (Heb. 13:20). “ Eternal redemption” (Heb. 9 :12 ). “ Eternal salvation” (Heb. 5 :9 ). “ Eternal judgment” (Heb. 6 :2 ). “ Eternal Spirit” (Heb. 9 :14 ). “ Eternal inheritance” (Heb. 9 :15 ). “ Everlasting kingdom” (2 Pet. 1:11). “ Eternal glory” (1 Pet. 5 :10). “ Eternal weight of glory” (2 Cor. 4 :17 ).

Here we have twelve distinct expressions linked with the Greek word translated “ eternal” or “ everlasting.” O f ten of them, there can be no question but that they refer to what shall never have an end. Concerning two of them only do men quibble, endeavoring to show that the very same adjective that is employed in all the other instances may mean less than eternity. But surely punishment and judgment are as truly eternal or everlasting as are all the others! It would seem that only a willful determination to reject the plain testimony o f Scripture in favor of a mere sentimental theory could suggest any other interpretation. But, further, if we turn to 2 Corinthians 4:18 we have added proof that the word aionious is the equivalent of our words “ eternal” or “ everlasting.” Here we are distinctly told: “ The things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” Now here aionious is put in plain and definite contrast with a word indicating that which has an end. It is as though the Holy Spirit said: “ The things which are seen are of limited duration; but the things which are unseen are of unlimited duration.” This passage, then, indicates unerringly the exact force o f the word in question. The judgment of the sinner is endless. The punishment o f the wicked is as eternal as are the life and glory o f the redeemed. T he I ntention of the B ible W riters Furthermore, may I suggest that if the doctrine of the eternal woe of the finally impenitent is not true, the writers of Scripture are themselves responsible for the conception of so many through all the Christian centuries that it i s ! This is a bold statement to make, but I make it unhesi­ tatingly. No one can read the Bible, particularly the New Testa­ ment, without getting from it the distinct impression that it does teach the endlessness of punishment for those who spurn God’s salvation and persist in their willfulness. The language used by our Lord when here on earth implies this. Likewise the definite teaching of His apostles carries this implication. Hence come the stupendous efforts o f men to twist and explain away the solemn warnings and denun­ ciations of the Word. If our Lord did not intend us to understand that the punishment of the wicked was eternal, He could and would have said s o ! . He never misled any one by mis­ using words or in any other way. There were plenty of other terms He might have used, phrases that would have left no doubt and would have raised no question in the minds of His hearers or o f those who were to read His words afterwards. Men tell us punishment is just for a limited time. If so, He could have said so. Men insist that all punishment is remedial. He could have said so. Men declare that all the wicked will be annihilated. He could have said so. Others insist that all shall eventually be saved. He could have said s o ! But the solemn fact to be faced is that He did not so say. The language He chose to use has ever been understood to mean that eternal conscious punishment will be the judgment of the impeni­ tent sinner. He spoke of an undying worm, o f fire un­ quenchable, of everlasting punishment, and o f being salted with fire. Such expressions convey to every mind an idea

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