King's Business - 1936-02

February, I93i



K I N G ' S


DARKEST AMERICA D o you know that there are thousands of communities in Am erica where the Gospel is not preached? Think o f a generation growing up without the influence of the Bible. W hat are you going to do about it? A mission has been form ed for the purpose of supplying the Gospel to these unfortu­ nates, and Reverend H om er Stanley M or­ gan and others are going to devote their time to the evangelization o f these neglected places. This is a field worthy o f your prayer and attention. REFERENCES Dr. Will H . Houghton, Dr. H . A . Ironside, Dr. A . C. Gaebelein, Rev. W . W . Rugh For further information or to send contri­ butions—Address Christian Mission To Churchless Communities Room 602, 25 Broad Street, New York City MR. ALWYN BALL, JR., Treas. Gospel Tracts Sound Scriptural Tracts With a Real Message of Salvation Do you have a regular monthly house to house tract distribution in your town? You can preach the Gospel to every creature in your community with tracts. Pkg. Asst. Tracts, 25c 1000 Asst., $1.50 SETH ALLEN ’ S BIBLE The story of an orphan boy who wanted his own copy of the Bible and who set about to get it. How he earned that Book and how that Book transformed the life of his "adopted" mother is interestingly told. Six copies by mail, postage paid 10 cents. Also cir­ culars concerning our other publications. Order at once. WILLIAM PORTER TOWNSEND, Publisher Lock Box 253 Plainfield, New Jersey (5mn\imionWare o f Quality /EE-" Lowest Prices. Send foriilustratedCatalog INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE CO Room 3 5 6 1701" 1705 Chesfnut Street, Philadelphia.Ra. HowToReadandRemember the Scriptures A thorough course in memory training based on the Bible. Applicable to other things one wishes to remember. Price 85 cents. W. M. Davis, 949 E. Richmond, Fort Worth, Texas Sample Tracts Sent for Postage. GOSPEL TRAC T SOCIETY Box 5 Villa Park, Illinois

used to describe our Lord’s Transfigura­ tion, and Paul uses it in 2 Corinthians 3 :I$ to describe the growth o f the Christian: “W e all, with open face beholding as in: a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed [transformed] into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” May it be so in our lives.

P rophetic B ooklets BY

Louis S. Bauman, D .D . Writer of Prophetic Articles in TH E K IN G ’S BU SIN E SS

Helps for the Leader I. T he I n d ian ’ s O ffering

SH IRTS A N D SHEETS, or, Anti- Semitism, A Present-Day Sign of the First Magnitude! “ Behold, a Great Red Dragon! . . . H e perse­ cuted the woman which brought forth the Man Child” (Rev. 12:3, 13). This booklet deals with the most significant present- day sign of the closing of our age and the coming of the kingdom of God—Anti-Semitism! It reviews the entire story of the eternal conflict between “ the seed of the woman” and “ the seed of the serpent"— between the “ great red dragon" and the earthly people of God,—culminating in the latest outburst— Hitlerism. No prophetic study is more timely or more important. Order your copy today. Price, 15c, 2 for 25c $1.25 per dozen postpaid God and Gog; or, The Coming Meet Between Judah’s Lion and Russia’s Bear (2nd edition, revised) A booklet of forty pages bearing on one of the most timely and interesting subjects in the whole realm of prophecy. Illustrated with striking cartoons. Especially interesting to American Christians in view of our government's recognition of Russia. Now in second revised edition. Price, 15c, 2 for 25c $1.25 per dozen postpaid TH E W O R LD ’S H E AR T FAILURE ( Our Lord’ s Own Crystalline Prophecy of the Imminency of His Return. Lk. 21:24-33). A booklet of 24 pages presenting a graphic picture of present world conditions as foretold by our Lord should exist prior to His return. Contains two striking cartoons. Splendid for general distribution among both the saved who are not acquainted with the Blessed Hope of Christ's return and the unsaved who are showing anxiety because of present-day conditions. N .R .A .— The Sign and Its Spiritual Significance This booklet sets forth in a most clear and concise manner, the spiritual significance of the N.R.A. in the light of the Prophetic Word. Every student of prophecy will welcome this sane Scriptural study on present-day events. The following testimony esti­ mates the value of this booklet: "This is a well- written article, forcefully hitting many sore spots in national as well as individual conditions, and deserves wide distribution." Price, 10c each $1.00 per dozen postpaid ALSO TH E M ODERN TONGUE S M OVE - M EN T— in the Light of the Scripture and in the Light of Its Fruits (2nd edition, revised) The world-wide demand for this 40-page booklet has been so great that it Is now in its second edition, revised. Scores of persons have been led out of this false movement and thousands of others saved from its erroneous teachings through the sane Scriptural exposure of this delusion. Recommended by Dr. Grant Stroh to members of his class in History of Doctrine at the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago. Price of- Revised Edition, 25 cents 5 copies for $1.00 postpaid POSTAGE STAM PS ACCEPTED Order From ALAN PEARCE 1925 E. Fifth Street -:- Long Beaeh, Calif. Price, 15c each, 2 for 25c $1.25 per dozen postpaid

Most of us have heard of the poor In­ dian to whom the collection basket was passed. He said, “ Put it down a little lower.’’ When it was lowered, he said, “ Still lower,” until it was put on the floor. Then he stepped into it. He wanted to give himself. That was the way the ignorant Indian had of yielding himself up. He would be all for Christ.i The Indian can teach a lesson on self-surrender. “All for Jesus, all for Jesus, All my being’s ransomed powers; All my thoughts and words and doings, All my days and all my hours.” — F r a n k A rnold . II. L ivingstone ’ s D edication I will place no value on anything I have or may possess, except in relation to the kingdom of Christ. If anything will ad­ vance the interests o f that kingdom, it shall be given away or kept, only as by giving or keeping of it I shall most promote the glory of Him to whom I owe all my hopes in time and eternity. May grace be given me to adhere to this. — D avid L ivingstone . III. “ A ll I s C lear ” Mrs. Howard Taylor said in an address at a convention, of Student Volunteers at Toronto: “My cry had always been, ‘O God, anywhere in the world I will go for Thee, but not to China; don’t let it be China!’ But it was China, and for the first time in my life I left home, my mother and father, and sailed with other mission­ aries. But I was alone as far as my hea'rt was concerned. There came a moment when we weighed anchor, and the great ship moved slowly over the Bay of Na­ ples, the shores of Europe growing dim in the distance. I was standing alone, clasp­ ing to my heart the first home letters. I cannot tell you of the waves that over­ whelmed my soul. “Just then a sailor on the prow of the ship called to the captain on the bridge, ‘All is dear now, sir; all is clear.’ “And the captain answered, ‘Full steam ahead I’ “ The words rang through my heart, and I looked up into His face and said to Him, ‘O Christ, all is clear now between my heart and Thee, all is clear n ow !’ ” If you want to know something o f the deeper joy o f life you must go through a moment like that.— E dvard B agby . IV. O ffering W illingly Among the many passages in the Old Testament on consecration is this one m the first book of the Chronicles: “Who then offereth willingly to consecrate him­ self this day unto Jehovah?” (1 Chron. 29:5, R. V .). King David propounded this question to the people of Israel when he was about to undertake the noble project of rearing a magnificent temple to Jehovah. He called for contributions of money and

Demonosophy unmasked in Modern Theosophy


By Mersene Elon Sloan, Editor, Author A daylight treatment. World-wide endorsements. Deliver­ ing deluded people. Christians use in helping misled friends. Cut-price on remainder second edition. Cloth, 192 pages, 75c; paper, 50c, prepaid. No agents. Money-orders only. W AY PRESS, 744 East 21st Street, Indianapolis, Indiana Please mention this publication

W H IT E P IP E -T O N E F O L D IN G O R G A N S Used by the U.S. Gov't, since more than 20 years. Famous all over the world for durability. Everyone loves its distinctive Pipe-Like tone. Free catalog. A . L . WHITE MFG. CO. Dept. K. 215 Englewood Ave. CHICAGO, ILL.

ATENTION,CLUBORGANIZERS King’s Business Club-of-Ten plan Is extended to April I, 1936. See back cover of this magazine. Former readers may renew their King's Busi­ ness subscriptions at 75 cents each for one year, whether „singly or in clubs.

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