King's Business - 1936-02



K I N G ' S


February, 1936

^YOUNG PEOPLE WANT THEM! 1 “ Exposition Choruses” From San Diego ^ 40 Selections— Many 1935 Copyrights ^ 25c Postpaid ’ also “ New Singable Songs” 4 ►32 Inspiring CHORUSES and SOLOS ^ 25c P o s t p a i d — T o g e t h e r 45c Published by: ►HAROLD ALEXANDER < L K-Box 321 Los Angeles, Calif. | JOIN IN PRAYER FOR CHINA Ten thousand hearts are lifted in prayer this month for Christian work in North China. Please add your prayers daily for one week. Ask that God may bless and support the great work of helping China's helpless as carried forward by the Home of Onesiphorus and other institutions. Flood, famine and foreign aggression threaten over- I throw of missions, schools and churches. Only the might of fervent prayer can avert this disaster. A RECOGNIZED N EEDED FAITH WORK Pray especially that Mr. and Mrs. Anglin, faith workers, founders and directors of Home of Onesiphorus, largest Christian orphanage in China, may be given grace and means to carry on. Do not fail—the Northern China situation is desperate. Your earnest prayers for one week may save thousands. Booklet showing art-craft hand work made by children of the Home sent free on request. We appeal in the name of Christ for aid and encouragement. Address: American Office H OM E OF ON ES IPHORUS ! Drawer II 2811 N. Racine Avenus Chicago, Illinois O ur m ission offers a convenient channel for the d isch arge o f y o u r oblig a tion to ou r L o rd ’s brethren. W rite fo r inform ation. JEW ISH DEPARTM ENT. B IB L E INSTITU TE OF LOS ANG ELES Rev. James A. Vaus— Director 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif. 28 Years continuous service for Israel T T V V V V V V W ' V 'V 'V V C H R I S T I A N G R E E T I N G C A R D S For Sale or for Personal Use EASTER G REETIN GS— New, Attrac­ tive, with worthwhile sentiments, many with Bible Texts,— in great variety of artistic settings,—the type of Greeting Christian people are looking for. EVERY DAY Greetings,—comforting encouraging messages of cheer to the sick and sorrowing. Birthday, etc. —many with Bible Texts. Cards that are different—not found in stores—Boxed and Unboxed— good profit, no investment necessary. Write early for free Catalog and attractive Sale Plans. PEASE GREETING CARDS, INC. 260 Laurel Street Dept. K Buffalo, N. Y. EXTRA MONEY EA SILY EARNED m r i » LEST W E FORGET THE J EWS NEED THE GOSPEL

Evangelistic TSlotices

confession of faith. The meetings closed on a Sunday evening, but the evangelist was asked to remain until Monday eve­ ning, when a baptismal service was held. Before going to Superior, Mr. Harwood had experienced much blessing in evangel­ istic meetings in Thermal, Calif., in the First Baptist Church, of which Joseph McDonald is the pastor. Address: Carl C. Harwood, 244 South Avenue 20, Los An­ geles, Calif. Paul G. Wapato, full-blood Indian evangelist and member o f the Wenatchi tribe from the State of Washington, re­ ports a fruitful ministry of the Word in the First Baptist Church of Ventura, Calif., and in the First Baptist Church of San Diego, Calif. Evangelist Wapato comes to Southern California with letters of commendation from W. H. Rogers, pastor of the First Baptist Church, New York City, and from H. A. Ironside, pas­ tor of the Moody Memorial Church, Chi­ cago. Following a series of special ser­ vices in the Calvary Baptist Church, Santa Barbara, scheduled for the first o f the year, Mr. Wapato expects to return to San Diego for meetings with John Bunyan Smith, in the First Baptist Church. While he is in Southern California, Mr. Wapato may be addressed at 3029 South Grand, Los Angeles, Calif.

Leonard J. Eilers, “cowboy evangelist,” ministered in several communities in Ore­ gon before returning to Southern Califor­ nia for the Christmas season. His present schedule is as follows: Jan. 26 to Feb. 9, Baptist Church, Rawlins, W y o.; Feb. 16 to March 1, Presbyterian Church, Thermop- olis, W yo.; March 8 to 22, Presbyterian Church, Gillette, Wyo. Mr. Eilers may be reached at any time at his home address, 124 North Florence, Burbank, Calif. The Farrar Party, composed of Mr. and Mrs. Elden R. Farrar and Miss Helen Griggs, closed the year with meetings in Phoenix, Ariz., with Leonard Mercado, pastor of the Mexican work in that city. About forty individuals accepted Christ as Saviour. The Farrars also assisted in a three-day Bible conference held in the Baptist Church o f Escondido, Calif., of which E. F. Morgan is the pastor. The party is continuing its work of evangelism in California, and may be reached at any time at 1919 North Ross St., Santa Ana, Calif. Carl C. Harwood, who serves as evan­ gelist, Bible teacher, musician, and chil­ dren’s worker, recently conducted a meet­ ing in the First Baptist Church, Superior, Ariz., where Clifford Peterson is pastor. The whole town was stirred. There were forty-seven decisions for Christ. A large number joined the church by letter and on The Enemy and the Saviour R evelation 20:2 I. The Devil Is Revealed in This Pas­ sage in His Fourfold Character: 1. As the dragon, he is the destroyer. 2. As the old serpent, he is the de­ ceiver. 3. As the devil, he is the accuser. 4. As Satan, he is the adversary. II. Our Lord Jesus Christ Stands Out in Contrast to the Devil in Each of These Aspects: 1. If the devil is the destroyer, our Lord is the Deliverer. 2. If the devil is the deceiver, our Lord is the Truth —the Holy and True. 3. If the devil is the accuser—the ac­ cuser of the brethren, our Lord is the Intercessor and Advocate. 4. If the devil is the adversary, our Lord is the Friend. —From a sermon by J. T. M aw son , in Standing by the Cross.

HELPS f o r ‘Treachers an d Teachers

II. Their Abiding Characteristics: 1. Eternal (Matt. 24:35). 2. Gracious (Lk. 4:22). 3. Authoritative (Lk. 4:32). 4. Spiritual (John 6:63). 5. Living (John 6:63). III. Their Power in Our Hearts:

1. To cleanse (John 15:3). 2. To instruct (John 8 :31). 3. To impart eternal life (John 8: 51). S&ricWiNONA T in sley .

King’s Business Advertisers Merit Your Confidence

Paul’s Four “M ’s” 1 C orin th ians 1:17

1. His mission. 2. His message.

3. His method. 4. His motive. — A lice S tewart .

THE F A R R A R P A R T Y “ SHARERS OF G O OD N EW S ” SOUL STIRRING—VITAL BIBLE MESSAGES THREE M U S IC IAN S . . . TR IOS . . . DUETS . . . SOLOS TROM BONE . . . TIPPLE Elden R. Farrar - - - Miss Helen Griggs-----Mrs. E. R. Farrar Evangelist 1919 North Ross Street Santa Ana, Calif.

The Words of Christ C olossians 3 :16


Their Divine Authority: 1. Foretold by God to Moses (Deut. 18:18). 2. Reaffirmed by John (John 3:34). 3. Declared by Christ Himself (John 7:16; 12:49; 17:8).

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