Associate Director (Sustainable Ops) - UAL


your role, as determined xxx, which may be as- signed to you anywhere within the University. • Undertake health and safety duties and respon- sibilities appropriate to the role. • Work in accordance with the University’s Equal Opportunities Policy and the Staff Charter, pro - moting equality and diversity in your work. • Undertake continuous personal and profession- al development, and to support it for any staff you manage through effective use of the Univer - sity’s Planning, Review and Appraisal scheme and the staff development opportunities. • Manage process of BREEAM rating on Capital Projects including post occupancy evaluations. • Make full use of all information and communica- tion technologies in adherence to data protec- tion policies to meet the requirements of the role and to promote organisational effectiveness. • Conduct all financial matters associated with the role in accordance with the University’s policies and procedures, as laid down in the Financial Regulations. • To personally contribute towards reducing the University’s impact on the environment and support actions associated with the UAL Sus- tainability Manifesto (2016-2022). Key Working Relationships • UAL Executive • UAL Operating Board • Professional Services Office (SMT) • Student Union Arts • UAL Social Purposes Advisory Group • Chief Operating Officer, Chief Social Purposes Officer and the Director of Estates Specific Management Responsibilities Budgets: Utility Budget £9m-£10m per annum. Staff: Line manage the Energy Projects Support Officer, the Postgraduate Community Coordinator, Sustainability Interns (4-5 year) as required. Other: • The International Organisation Management Standards 50001, 14001 and 20212. Statuto- ry/legislative obligations including the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard, the Carbon Re - duction Commitment Scheme, the UK Climate Change Act (2010), the Energy Saving Oppor- tunity Scheme and Display Energy Certificates. • Maintain a ‘top 10’ position in the UK University Green League.

outside of UAL. • Lead on procurement of utilities including a ro- bust risk management approach to hedging to- wards procurement. To be responsible for en- suring correct and accurate billing and payment. • Reduce CO2 emissions from utility consump- tion to net zero by 2030. • Maintain a ‘top 5’ position in the UK Universi- ty Green League from an Estates perspective working closely with Social Purpose lab on non-estates aspects ensuring a joined-up ap- proach. • Deliver effective work force training and devel - opment through Sustainability Working Groups so that UAL can demonstrate sector-leading ex- pertise and understanding of the Climate Emer- gency. • Use UAL’s digital environments to maintain de- livery of ‘carbon literacy training’ for all UAL academic and technical staff to demonstrate UAL leadership to satisfy the strategic priority by placing decarbonisation at the heart of our academic offer. • implement ISO2O221 or other measures in or- der to achieve a 80% recycling target for waste generated through enhancing policies and pro- cedures. • Work closely with all Service Directors and Di- rectors of College Administration to maintain the ISO14001 Environmental Management System (EMS). • Assist the Director of Estates in optimising space utilisation and energy usage through managing ad-hoc surveys and working towards a digital monitoring and management system. Other Conditions (for senior staff where appropriate) As a senior member of the University the following applies: • You are expected to work such hours as are reasonably necessary to fulfil the duties and re - sponsibilities of the role. • You may be required to work such additional/ different hours as may from time to time be nec - essary for the proper and efficient discharge of duties which may include evenings, Saturday, Sundays, and bank holidays. • You may be required to regularly travel to other sites as necessary. General • Assume other reasonable duties consistent with

Associate Director (Sustainable Operations)

Job title:

Director of Estates One Year Contract

Accountable to: Contract length: Hours per week:


Weeks per year: 52

Competitive Individual

Salary: Grade: Location:

Service: Estates

Kings Cross/High Holborn

advocate challenger of Strategic planning decisions from the perspective of minimising environmental impacts. The role will require the postholder to har- ness their extensive external network to understand how the Climate Emergency is influencing the or - ganisational purpose of public and private organisa- tions and position UAL as a ‘business of the future’. Duties and Responsibilities • Act as a leader in fostering a greater culture of sustainability within UAL leading internal initia- tives and programmes. • Decarbonise net emissions from utility con- sumption by 2030 whilst ensuring utility con- sumption costs are competitively procured and managed. Utilities are managed according to the 1SO150001 standard. Maintain and update the Carbon Management Plan • Ensure that all facets of UAL’s environmental management system (IS014001) comply with all necessary statutory, legislative and safety obligations. This will involve leading all senior stakeholders to enhance the processes their practices to deliver outstanding environmental stewardship which can be verified to external auditors. • Be the strategic lead seeking opportunities to develop, productise and make proprietary our approach to sustainability and the methodolo- gies we use in all business operations. • Encourage wider participation towards out- standing environmental stewardship across the diverse audiences at UAL and within the broad- er community. • Develop measures, strategies and implementa- tion plans for all key activities that will ensure UAL’s aim of carbon neutrality by 2030. • Build collaborative networks within UAL to mo- tivate stakeholders in the need for effective sus - tainability and establish professional networks

What is the purpose of the role? University of the Arts London (UAL) recognises that the Climate Emergency is one of the most urgent problems facing society. UAL also recognises the interconnectedness and complexity associated with decarbonisation, which is why the University is committed to using its unique position as a leader in human-centred research and knowledge exchange to influence the creation of a more sustainable fu - ture for everyone. The interim Associate Director (Sustainable Opera- tions) will direct all aspects of the University’s stra- tegic direction for sustainable business operations. The post holder will update and lead the estates response to the University Climate Action Plan, the strategy should decarbonise university operations in-line with commitments made with regard to the Climate Emergency. UAL will place all academic operations on a sustain- able basis through implementation of our Environ- mental Management System (ISO14001), managed and implemented by the post holder. UAL is making sustainability a required part of the student learning experience, through the introduc- tion of relevant learning outcomes across modules, starting in this academic year. This commitment will be accompanied by the roll-out of a carbon literacy training programme for all academic and technical staff. The postholder’s main objective is to shape the long-term vision and values that embed outstand- ing environmental stewardship practices at UAL To work closely with the University’s Executive, the CEO, the Director of Estates, and the Chief Social Purpose Officer. The postholder wall act as the lead

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