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regardless of whatever their background may be, as well as mental health and providing resources and removing stigma. I am also interested in environmental initiatives that benefit those of low socio-economic troubles or general enrollment and communities.” Student Trustees attend regular meet- ings of the UCDSB Board of Trustees and provide brief reports to the board, serve as chair (Virk) and vice-chair (Ali) of the Stu- dent Senate, and have the opportunity to attend Ontario Student Trustee Association’s (OSTA-AECO) conferences. The senate is comprised of student representatives from each UCDSB secondary school, including TR Leger School of Adult, Alternative and Con- tinuing Education, and a representative from the Indigenous Leadership Program (iLead) and Akwesasne. Senators meet four times a year, plus monthly supplementary meetings to discuss matters related to school climate and culture.

Two new student trustees were elected by the UCDSB Student Senate for the 2023-2024 school year. During the annual Student Trustee Election that was held February 28, the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) Student Sen- ate elected two new student trustees for the 2023-2024 school year. Nominations were open from December 12, 2022 to February 13, 2023 for all UCDSB students, and three candidates were shortlisted for the election. The three candidates were given the op- portunity to address the senate and outline their goals and vision for their time in office. After hearing from all three, Student Senators voted by secret ballot to elect Afaq Virk from Cornwall Collegiate Vocational School and Merab Ali from Seaway District High School as the new Student Trustees. “It’s a wonderful opportunity that has given me the chance to express the ideas that I have and to be able to bounce back those ideas and collaborate with a group of LE RÉSEAU AGROALIMENTAIRE DEMANDE LE RENOUVELLEMENT DE SON FINANCEMENT

The UCDSB Student Senate elected Afaq Virk (left) and Merab Ali (right) to the positions of student trustee for the 2023-2024 school year. —supplied photo

highly motivated students to work to create a lasting legacy in our school board, and ultimately elevate the experiences of every single one of our students,” said Virk. “I have two principles, the first one being to promote education and ensure that students are able to learn in a space where they feel they’re heard, where they have all the support they need, and I want to ensure that schools are able to have a sense of community with

each other.” “To be elected is an incredible opportunity and I cannot wait to use my position as a platform to promote positive change for equity, inclusion and mental health, as well as other initiatives that student senators and all the students at this board would like to see,” said Ali. “My goals for next year would definitely be equity inclusion, and promot- ing safe inclusive spaces for all students,

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fried chicken is back



Le réseau agroalimentaire de l’Est de l’Ontario s’est présenté devant les CUPR pour demander le renouvellement de son accord de financement triennal. Lors de la réunion du comité plénier du 8 mars, le conseil des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell (CUPR) a reçu une demande de financement de la part du Réseau agroa- limentaire de l’Est de l’Ontario (RAEO). Leur entente de financement de trois ans avec les CUPR arrive à échéance et, dans l’intérêt d’une collaboration continue, l’RAEO demande un renouvellement. Le réseau agroalimentaire est un orga- nisme à but non lucratif qui se consacre à la coordination du développement et du dialogue dans le secteur agroalimentaire de l’est de l’Ontario. Il joue un rôle clé dans le succès des producteurs d’aliments, de boissons et de produits agricoles locaux dans l’est de l’Ontario. Selon la présentation, l’RAEO met en œuvre un plan stratégique de trois ans pour définir qui il est, quels sont ses objectifs et ses priorités, et comment il mesurera son succès à l’avenir. L’RAEO travaille également sur un moyen d’atténuer les difficultés de distribution, de lancer une nouvelle marque de produits alimentaires locaux et d’accroître sa présence publique pour promouvoir les producteurs locaux. Les CUPR a une relation de longue date avec l’RAEO, et donc la présentation a été acceptée et sera discutée lors de la pro- chaine réunion régulière.

9071 County Road 17, ROCKLAND


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