When will Your Insurance End? You will cease to be insured on the earliest of the following dates: 1.
the date this plan terminates, but without prejudice to any claim originating prior to the time of termination; 2. the date you are no longer in an eligible class; 3. the date your class is no longer included for insurance; 4. the date employment terminates. Cessation of Active Employment will be deemed termination of employment, except the insurance will be continued for an Employee absent due to Disability during: a. the Elimination Period; and b. any period during which premium is being waived. 5. the date you cease active work due to a labor dispute, including any strike, work slowdown, or lockout. Liberty reserves the right to review and terminate all classes insured under this plan if any class(es) cease(s) to be covered.
Termination Provisions
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