Parent ’ s Guide Lower Site
Updated March 2023 24
Important contacts
Welcome introduction (page 3)
Role of care (page 4)
Alderwasley Hall School and Sixth Form –Lower Site Alderwasley Derbyshire DE56 2SR
Care House ’ s (page 5 )
The role of key worker (page 8)
What is an Annual Review? (page 9)
Farm View House Tel:01629 821414 Phoenix House: Tel: 01629 821416 Griffin House Tel : 01629 821418
Activities (page 10)
Damage to property ( page 12)
Medication ( page 13)
Karen Tatham— Head of Care & Registered Manager Tel: 01629 821437 or 01629 822586
Money (page 14)
Clothing (page 15)
RESIDENT PHONE NUMBERS Phoenix 01629 821 430 Farm View 01629 821 430 Griffin 01629 821 424
Meals (page 15)
House Keeping (page 16)
Possessions (page 16)
Alderwasley Hall School and Sixth Form - Upper Site Devonshire House
Keeping in contact & Visiting (page 17)
Religious, Cultural and Language needs (page 18)
Derby Road Wirksworth Derbyshire DE4 4BN
Transport (page 18)
Keeping children safe (page 19)
Devonshire House Tel: 01629 821402 Lesley Mawbey — Registered Manager Tel: 01629 823364
Safeguarding statement (page 20)
Relationships (page 21)
How we keep in touch (page 21)
Concerns and complaints (page 21)
Sara Forsyth –Headteacher Tel: 01629 822586
Online safety (page 22)
Important contacts (page 23)
Updated March 2023 2
On - line Safety
We recognise that having a child living away from home can be an anxious time for parents. Our aim is to help you as much as we can with the adjustment of having a child at a residential school and support you throughout your child ’ s time with us. Alderwasley Hall School Welcome to Although you will have contact with the staff team during your child ’ s assessment / stay, we hope this guide will re - affirm any of the conversations you have with our staff and provide a valuable reference guide for you in the future. If you have a question that you feel is not answered in the guide, or require more information on a particular matter please do not hesitate to contact me.
As a school we aim to keep our stu- dents safe. This includes keeping the young people safe when online. We
want to ensure the young people are using 'the internet and their devices that are internet enabled, safely and encourage the young people's understanding of internet safety through key learning styles delivered through the Charity 'Safe and Sound which works with our students to understand how to safely navigate the internet. The young people also receive support and learning with their key workers to develop their understanding of internet safety in their e - safety booklet. We believe by having the young people's devices and equipment checked and the IP address taken by our IT manager will keep the students safe when using their computers in school due to the use of our secure WIFI systems. Parents will need to sign to agree this and also agree to taking responsibility for any of the young people's devices they have not given consent to be checked by the IT Manager. We have an internet agreement for parents to read and, if you agree to the contents, sign the internet agreement to allow your child to have individualised access to the internet. The school and homes may make the decision to remove a students mobile phone or other device should there be concerns around the unsafe use of the internet or inappropriate use of the device, we will make parents aware of our concerns and work with you to ensure that your child's safety comes first.
Best wishes
Karen Tatham
Head of Care
Updated March 2023 22
How we keep in touch We have an online app that is called Piota that will provide you regular updates from the school. The Headteacher also sends out weekly Parent Newsletters. The homes send out newsletters every half term and you will also have a communication agreement with the care staff which will provide specific information about your child. In the event that you child forms a relationship with a peer on the house that they are residing on, the home will be required to transition your child to a different house within the school to ensure that the care team can safely support the relationship. always work with the young people ’ s therapy team to ensure that they fully understand the house rules around relation- ships so that the potential house move will never come as a surprise. The home will If you have any concern in regards to your child, your child's key team are here to support you. The key team can work together to put eve- rything is in place for the wellbeing of your child. If you have any con- cerns which you feel are of a more serious nature or if you want to make a complaint, you can contact the Registered Managers, Head of Care or Care Manager (contact details on page 23). What do I do if I have any concerns or need to make a complaint?
What is the role of care at Alderwasley Hall School ?
At Alderwasley your child will be supported and cared for within the school's homes by a team of highly trained Residential Support Workers, Senior Residential Support Workers and House Managers who all work on a rota basis across the week outside of school hours to ensure your child has access to a wide range of residential staff to feel settled and at home. The home's aim is to work collaboratively with the young people's key teams including their Speech and Language Therapist and Occupational Therapists and Teachers to ensure that your child is settled and progresses within of live skills, independence skills and high - quality relaxation time through individualised activity plans. Your child will be allocated a 'Key Worker' from the residential team as a point of contact for both your child and yourself, the Key Worker will be on hand to answer any questions and also support your child with their daily living, target progression and support with health, lifestyle and medical arrangements.
Updated March 2023 4
Safeguarding Statement
Which house will my child live in?
Alderwasley Hall School is committed to keeping our children safe. By providing a safe environment for children to live, learn and play and by identifying children who are, or may be, suffering harm, the school will endeavor to ensure they are kept safe both at school and at home.
At Alderwasley Hall School we have 3 houses: Griffin House, Phoenix House, and Farm View The house chosen for your child is determined as part of their care assessment. Residential care staff will identify what your child ’ s abilities are and assess how they will manage within each house. It is important that we have an accurate picture of your child so that we ensure that they are happy and able to make the most of their potential.
To achieve this, we have systems in place which are designed to:
• Create and maintain a safe living and learning environment. • Identify child welfare concerns and take appropriate action. • Use the curriculum to enable our children to develop keep safe strategies. • Operate safer recruitment and selection procedures to prevent unsuitable people working with our children. Anyone visiting the school shares the responsibility to keep children safe whilst on our premises and will be required to work within the guidelines of our safeguarding procedures. Our safeguarding policies can be viewed in the policies section of the website. If at any time you have concerns about the welfare of a child please contact the school office on 01629 822586 and you will be put through to a member of our safeguarding team immediately. For more detailed information, please ask to see our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy which is part of a set of policies designed to create a safe environment for our children. All of these policies are located on the school website or are available on request from the school office.
The houses on site are:
Farm View
Your child will be supported by a wide range of specialist education staff who will all work with the care teams to ensure their individual needs are met and their specific routines are accommodated. The home works very closely with Speech and Language, Occupational and CBT Therapists in their Mental Health teams. Your child's key worker will work with the key teams of each young person to ensure that your child is supported with a holistic approach to their care and development. Key Teams
Updated March 2023 20
How do you keep my child safe? We take the safety of your child very seriously and therefore ensure that all staff have completed mandatory safeguarding training as part of their induction. All visitors must sign in and carry a visitor ’ s personal identity badge. Visitors must be approved and escorted appropriately. Whenever possible, all visits to meet with young people should be planned in advance. Our school works closely with Derbyshire local Authority as well as placing authorities. We follow national and local guidance on safeguarding to make sure your child is safe at all times. All young people are individually risk assessed and staff are aware of their needs. Every off site activity is also risk assessed and on the day of the trip and another check is made to account for any changes in weather, staffing or other factors that may affect the safety of the trip. School site environmental and area risk assessments are also carried out to help minimise any potential hazards that my affect the wellbeing of young people and staff.
Alderwasley Hall School
Alderwasley Hall School is situated in picturesque Derbyshire, close to the towns of Matlock, Belper and Wirksworth. We provide specialist education, therapy and care for children and young people aged 5 – 19 years, with speech, language and communication needs and/or Aspergers Syndrome.
All homes will encourage your child to participate in activities. Trips include activities such as visiting the cinema, going to Rollerworld, Bounce Revolution and Laser Quest. These trips provide both enjoyment and new experiences for them and provide a combination of social events, physical activities and life skills training. All of the young people are asked for input into which activities they enjoy during student meetings and these are considered for inclusion trip activities .
Safe and Sound
The Residential teams works closely with the charity Safe and Sound to deliver high quality training to our staff teams and
support directly with our young people to promote the safe use of online platforms and also provide education to our young people around personal safety and progress understanding of consent. As a home we ensure that online safety is paramount to the care we deliver in an ever changing online world. Your child can request further support from the charity Safe and Sound should they feel they would like more information around certain topics of concern or your child's key worker may suggest further development in personal. Our own DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) also offers support and training for staff, parents and young people around the area of safeguarding.
Updated March 2023 6
How do you meet my child ’ s religious, cultural and language needs? The religious and cultural needs of young people and their families are respected by all staff. We work with families and the young people to ensure all cultural needs are met. Please discuss this with a manager or your child ’ s Key Worker. As a school we are passionate about supporting young people to develop their potential regardless of their disability, gender, age and sexual orientation. What are the transport arrangements for school holidays and weekend visits? Some Local Authorities will help with travel arrangements by providing a taxi or escort at the visits or by giving you financial reimbursement for visiting the school, you e beginning and end or term. They may also help with transport for weekend home will need to check with your own Local Education Department to find out what their arrangements are.
Alderwasley Hall School also has facilities for on site recreational activities such as a tennis court, sensory integration room, indoor sports facilities, music room, fully equipped kitchens and a cinema room where young people can watch age appropriate films and play on the Nintendo Wii, Switch or Xbox. As well as staying at their allocated house, group activities are organised so that all of the young people from each residential site can get together and join a trip out.
Updated March 2023 18
How do I keep in contact with my child and how do they contact me?
Will my child stay in the same house whilst they are a student at the School?
We will always help and encourage your child to contact you, either by telephone, text, email, skype or letter, and will assist them with any incoming calls/mail. When young people first stay away from home it is a difficult time for them and you, so please phone or write as you can in the first few weeks. This usually settles into a pattern of one or two phone calls a week, probably on specific days. There is a phone on each house (see contact page). Regular telephone calls between parents, young people and staff help keep all parties well informed. A Key Worker will endeavour to call parents weekly. During the times of 07.30 – 08.45 and 15.30 - 21.00 staff will ensure their time with all the young people is priority, therefore staff may not be in the office to take your calls immediately. Please leave us a message and someone will call you back as soon as they are free.
Young people will move houses during their time at the school; this may be due to their age, level of maturity or compatibility with other young people. Any potential move of houses will be discussed and agreed with you and your child beforehand. Your child will also be given the opportunity to visit the new house before they move, to allow them time to get to know the house, staff and their peers.
What is a Key Worker and what do they do?
Can I visit my child for special occasions, such as birthdays?
Every young person is allocated a Key Worker. They will introduce themselves to you and keep in contact with you on a regular basis.
The Key Worker will work closely with your child to ensure they settle in well and have their needs met accordingly. They will liaise the key team to set realistic targets to enable your child develop their life skills and maximise their potential.
We understand that it can be difficult for both young people and parents to be parted on birthdays and other special events. We therefore work to ensure these really are special days with a party supper and games. Any members of the young persons family are welcome to visit. If this is not practical then staff will work with you to ensure that your child receives their presents and cards and speaks to you on the telephone.
If you do have any worries or concerns or there is anything you wish to talk about, the Key Worker is the ideal person to make contact.
Updated March 2023 8
How is laundry and housework organised? Young people are encouraged to do their laundry, where possible. This is supervised by a member of staff and your child will be fully supported to complete their washing until they are confident enough to do it independently. Young people have laundry baskets in their room for dirty washing. The school laundry washes bed linen on a weekly basis and other items as required. Residential care staff are responsible for overseeing the general tidiness of the house, but each young person is responsible for his or her own bedroom and are asked to tidy up after themselves in communal areas. What possessions can my child Apart from pets, young people can bring any possessions from home to personalise their bedrooms. Poster, photographs, bedding, toys, TV ’ s and games consoles are all welcome. Any electronic games or DVD ’ s must be age appropriate for your child. We provide bedside tables and encourage young people to take responsibility for their bedroom key. The schools insurance does not cover items of value belonging to young people and would, therefore need to be covered by your own household insurance. All electrical equipment brought on to site must be PAT tested by a member of staff prior to use. Please also ensure that your child's name is visible on their possessions.
What are the residential staff working hours?
Currently all residential staff at Alderwasley Hall School work their shifts on a rolling rota. This enables young people to work with different members of staff on a regular basis in order to familiarise themselves with them and build positive relationships. This means that your child's nominated keyworker will not necessarily work with your child every evening.
What is an Annual Review and what do I need to do?
It is a statutory requirement under the Education Act 1981 for all children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan, to have an Annual Review, to which you are invited. As well as yourself, the following people will also be invited to attend; a representative from the authority (this is usually an Educational Psychologist), the Head Teacher or a member of senior management, the class teacher, the Key Worker and also Speech and Language Therapist. If your child has an Occupational Therapist, they may also attend. Reports are also submitted from the Health Promotions Manager, Specialist teachers (PE, Art and Music) or the Mental Health Team. Your child will also be asked for his her views by their Key Worker and these will be presented at the review either by your child or by the Key Worker, depending on your child ’ s age and ability and whether or not they want to attend. Your are likely to have already met most of the people present at the review. You will get advance notice when the review is due, and will be invited by the Head Teacher to submit your own comments prior to the review.
Updated March 2023 16
Expected School Wear
As a school we have taken the decision for our students to progress within their education in clothing that makes them feel as comfortable as possible to aid their learning and development. We do not have a set school uniform and instead ask parents to prepare their child for the educational day in clothes that are suitable for the weather conditions but feel comfortable and secure for their child. Students may be completing physical activity and therefore a pair of trainers and some sportswear may be required for these occasions. The residential team will support your child to choose clothing appropriate to wear for the school day, our students often wear dark jeans or jogging bottoms with a shirt or jumper during education. The school does provide each student with a regular swimming lesson within the school's swimming pool and therefore swimming equipment may be required for your child during these sessions.
IMPORTANT! - Please ensure all clothing items are labelled with your child's name to enable them to be easily identified.
What activities can my child do in the evening and at weekends?
Food and Menus All meals, except lunch during the week, are cooked and eaten on the houses.
Weekday meal times: Breakfast 07.00 — 08.30 Evening Meal 16:00 — 17:00 Supper— 19:30 — 20:00 Supper routines vary from house to house and dependent on young peoples needs.
After school, as part of their development, young people are encouraged and helped to make appropriate use of their leisure time. This means not only looking at individual interests and hobbies, but also extending their interests by offering them the opportunity to sample different activities. This does mean going out of school, both into the community and further afield. Some young people join community based organisations such as Cadets, Scouts and Guides. Some young people also regularly attend horse riding lessons at a local Equestrian centre. Some activities may require parental permission and additional payment, you will be contacted if this is the case. During the school week, evening inclusion visits may include a local walk, bowling, driving range golf or the cinema. Emphasis is put on developing life skills and shopping on a budget in a local supermarket, which is always a popular trip.
We have an allocated budget to purchase foods for the home ’ s weekly menu. A generalised menu will always be available to each student if they are willing to engage in this. Some individuals prefer certain brands or items that we may not be able to source so we may ask parents to provide these for their child. Please discuss directly wit the care team should your child have a specific dietary need. Each young person receives a weekly budget to complete activities of their choice however, parents are expected to provide pocket money for additional items their child may need. Normally, we suggest an allowance of £5 - £ 10 per week.
Updated March 2023 10
Who looks after my child ’ s money? Each House runs a 'bank account' system. Each young person has an individual account, where money can be deposited or withdrawn. During each transaction the young person, as well as a member of staff, signs to confirm the transaction has taken place; this way we ensure accurate and appropriate records. If your child is a looked after child, financial arrangements may be different, which will be confirmed by the Registered Manager.
Weekends are less structured as we do not always stay at school. Depending on what is planned, we might go for a picnic or arrange to have a meal out. We plan activities a term ahead and a list of these will be sent to you at the end of the preceding term. This allows you the opportunity to discuss with your child, which weekends, if any, are best for visits home etc. It also allows you to budget towards the entrance fees for the activities if required.
If you decide to send a larger sum of money for you child, please send it directly to staff or make us aware that your child has money on them that needs to go into the 'bank account'. We can only be responsible for money that we are aware of.
Pocket Money Each young person receives a weekly budget to complete activities of their choice however, parents are expected to provide pocket money for additional items their child may need. Normally, we suggest an allowance of £5 - £ 10 per week.
Other examples of off site activities that we are involved in over the year include camping, youth hostelling, cycling and Laser Quest. We also go on trips to museums, zoos, theme parks, skate parks, the seaside and theatre, as well as visiting local towns and enjoying the local countryside. Young people are also encouraged to use the on site play areas and they can also visit Alderwasley Hall School and Sixth Form—Upper Site to use the swimming pool, climbing wall, gym and squash court. While young people are away from home, it ’ s important that they do not miss out on the opportunities to develop their practical and domestic skills. Within the house, as at home, there are a number of domestic and practical jobs that need doing.
We are currently looking at a system that will allow parents to transfer money digitally.
Updated March 2023 14
Young people are encouraged to help with these daily tasks, taking turns and responsibilities for all aspects of the day to day running of the house. Young people are responsible for their own bedrooms supported by staff if necessary. As young people get older and progress, their need for independence becomes more apparent. They are supported to achieve levels of independence initially within the house and as they become more competent they are supported to become more independent within the house and eventually out in the community. Should instances of deliberate damage or theft occur, bills for the full cost of replacement or repair will be obtained and forwarded to parents of those students responsible. It is also likely that the responsible students will complete a form of behaviour reflection to understand that damage is unacceptable within the home. It is expected that arrangements for payment of these costs will be agreed by the Head Teacher and the Registered Manager and will be discussed with the student parents. What happens if your child damages School property or other peoples property?
Who looks after my child ’ s medical needs?
If your child is full time residential and you would like your child to be registered with the local GP surgery, we will need your child ’ s medical card to help with the registration. On a day to day basis our onsite Health Promotions Team monitor the health of all young people. Please contact her if you need to discuss any aspect of your child ’ s medical needs. School staff have basic first aid training to help you deal with any problems that might occur. If your child does become poorly whilst with us, we will alert the Health Promotions Manager, who will make arrangements with local health professionals for appointments if required. During the evenings and weekends we will contact NHS Direct. If necessary, we will arrange for them to be seen by the local GP. We will always contact you in the event of your child becoming ill or having an accident. If your child becomes ill, changes in medication or there is a medical discrepancy at home, please keep us informed. If your child is on any long term medication, this is monitored by Residential House staff. Records are kept of any prescribed and non - prescribed medication. It is important that all prescribed drugs are clearly marked in their original container, labelled with the young person ’ s, medication name, dosage and time to be given, We are unable to accept medication that does not include this information. All medication should be handed to a member of staff by an adult. Staff will sign to confirm receipt. Please do not under any circumstances send medication in your child ’ s luggage or on their person.
Only competent, medically trained staff are permitted to administer medication. Please keep us informed of any changes. Any medication change will need a letter from the prescriber to enable us to amend doses of medication.
Updated March 2023 12
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