· Tendonitis
Your hips, knees, and lower legs are tough—but injuries happen. Your hips and knees are your largest joints, supporting your body’s weight.Theywork inclosecoordination,givingusthemobilityweneed. Betweenarthritis, injuriesandage,however,paincanflareup. Ifyou’re experiencing hip, knee or leg pain, call us to schedule a closer look. Before you do, however, let’s examine the pain itself. What Causes Hip, Knee and Leg Pain? Hip, knee and leg pain are surprisingly common. Thus, their source can come from a variety of things. If you’re experiencing pain in any part of your leg, pinpointing the exact spot can help you determine the cause. MayoClinichaspinpointedseveral leadingcausesofhip,kneeand leg pain. While many causes exist, the most likely are:
· Arthritis
· Pinched nerves
· Dislocation
· Osteoporosis
· Hip fracture
· Cancer
· Sprains and strains
Whilesomecausesaremoreseverethanothers,aphysiciancan identify each. As the body ages, joints become inflamed. Cartilage may wear down, reducing the “buffer” between bones. In some cases, limited blood flow may cause bone tissue death, or necrosis. Ifyou’reexperiencingredness, inflammationand immobilized joints, the condition may be severe.
• Acupuncture • Post-Op Rehabilitation • Pelvic Health Physiotherapy • Advanced Pain Management • Compression Stockings • WSIB & Auto Accident Injuries (MVA)
• Physiotherapy (OHIP in Tillsonburg and Simcoe Only) • Sports Injury Rehab • Shockwave Therapy • Vestibular Rehab (Vertigo) • Pre-Employment Screening • Custom Orthotics • Custom & Non-Custom Bracing
Fahad Siddique BSc.PT, DPT. Dip. AMPT Advanced Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
Fiona Third Physiotherapist
Judy Michaels Physiotherapist
Visit our website at southcoastphysiotherapy.ca or call 519.304.8822 to learn more information.
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