ENABLE Thriving & Future-Adaptive Communities We recognise our ability to influence and enable actions that can spur positive change. By supporting communities, we hope to inspire everyone in our value chain to rally together to solve common challenges.
2021- 2030 Focus Areas andTargets
Proactive Customer
Dynamic Human Capital
Healthy and Safe Buildings
Robust Supply Chain Management
Relationship Management
We build and develop a dynamic workforce and talent pool who will enable the company to achieve its next phase of growth.
We adopt a zero-tolerance policy on practices that com- promise on the safety and well-being of staff, residents, shoppers, tenants and the public at all CapitaLand prop- erties. This extends to our construction sites and oper- ational buildings where our contractworkers are based. Target • Foster a positive and proactive ‘safety cul- ture’ with zero fatality, permanent disability or major injury across CapitaLand Group and for main contractors where applicable.
We are committed to evolv- ing our products and ser- vices to meet our custom- ers’ changing expectations and address their needs. We will work collaboratively with them to influence and support their sustainability goals. Targets • Strengthen customer relationships and attain consistently high levels of customer satisfaction. • Implement green lease programme andwork togetherwith our tenants to improve their sustain- ability performance.
We are committed to edu- cating and supporting our supply chain contractors, vendors and suppliers to improve their sustainability standards.
Targets • Equip employees with future-ready skills under the CapitaLand Building Capability Framework (BCF). • Diverse mix of employ- ees in the Group.
Target • Build collaborative relationships and
work closely with our supply chain to make a positive impact on their sustainability performance.
Funan, Singapore An integrated development in Singapore, Funan boasts the largest area for urban agriculture in the city with a 12,000-sq-ft food garden and a 4,000-sq-ft urban farm offering the community a green oasis within the heart of the city. Climate- friendly refrigerant chilled-water system is installed at Funan, preventing about 5ktons of CO2e being emitted – equivalent to the annual emissions of about 1,500 cars.
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