Clinical Benefits & The Löwenstein Difference



prisma RECOVER determines the current breathing variability from the fluctuations in respirato- ry minute volume, which are based on the deviation of rMV from 100 percent. When the variabi- lity is lower than the threshold optimized across several patients, stable breathing indicates deep sleep; the respective time period is then added to the estimated length of the deep sleep stage. It can thus be assessed whether the patient has slept soundly and long enough. This means of assessment requires no additional sensors or extra effort. Stable NREM sleep combined with a low AHI throughout the night can indicate sufficient undisturbed REM sleep. In summary, in devices of the prisma series for the first time therapy success can be evalua- ted with regard to sleep quality in prisma JOURNAL, prismaTS or in telemonitoring with prisma CLOUD.

DEEP SLEEP PERIOD - PSG: 144 min - Respiratory data: 162 min



Detected deep sleep phases


N 1 N 2 SWS

Course of the night

Figure 3: Example of deep sleep recognition in a patient during the first night of APAP therapy


Sleep Quality in CPAP/APAPTherapy

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