Are you finding any challenges in embracing AI? If so, how are you tackling them? We need to get much better at understanding how to extract the value from AI. At the moment, our usage is very much at a surface level. At the moment, our usage is very much at a surface level. Simple things like better prompt engineering will help. What advice would you give to other businesses that are adopting AI, behavioral sciences and design in their businesses? The adoption of behavioral science and AI can often challenge established ways of thinking. Its effective use
requires a big shift in understanding – and this means buy-in from the top is essential to democratize its use throughout the organization. You need people who understand these principles, who see the value in it, and who are willing to endorse the results that come from it. With AI in particular, there’s still a lot of reluctance to adopt it. People worry what it might say about them if they admit they have used AI assistance. So top management need to make it very clear that it is not only OK, but often incredibly beneficial, to use AI tools. If we can make progress in these two areas – endorsement and adoption – then usage will exponentially increase.
Ricardo Prieto-Ortiz Nestlé Purina PetCare, Europe Ricardo Prieto-Ortiz, Omnichannel Brand Director at Nestlé Purina PetCare Europe, has immersed himself in behavioral science to design more effective marketing strategies.
“The adoption of behavioral science and AI can often challenge established ways of thinking. Its effective use requires a big shift in understanding - and this means buy-in from the top is essential to democratize its use throughout the organization.“
Volume 10 ai:sight by Fractal
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