Fyzical_Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist Pain

Dear FYZICAL Family,

As a physical therapist, I always enjoy the thrill of getting to watch as patients improve and heal. I get to share in your joy as you improve with your goals. And really it’s one of the best parts of my day...certainly the best part of this job. Well today, I invite you to share in some excitement with me. As many of you know I am the proud father to 5 rambunctious boys. And my wife and I have loved pretty close to every second of it. They are fun.... and wild, and sweet.....and wild, they have incredibly kind hearts...and they are pretty wild. I think you get the point, they are an awesome wild bunch of circus animals. When you are doing a job with boys, they say that one boy is worth one boy. 2 boys are worth half a boy. (They end up playing most of the time.) And 3 boys...you can just forget it. And I can officially add that with 5 boys, you can just expect consistent chaos.

Like for example: raking leaves. This year we asked the boys to rake the leaves. They actually did a pretty good job for a while, and then they had so much fun jumping in the leaves. I thought it was great that they were playing and having a good time. And then, they went to neighbors who were bagging their leaves, and offered to help them bag their leaves. Again I applauded this effort.

But when they brought 20 bags from the neighbor’s house and dumped the leaves in our front yard, I wasn’t as excited.

Anyway, the reason I tell you this is that despite really having an exhausting-but-great experience with our boys, we have always wanted to have a daughter.

I don’t know if it’s always a good idea to try again after you have 5 boys in a row, but we did try again. And I am very excited to tell you all that we are expecting a girl this April.

I wish I could better explain the excitement we all feel. The boys included. Above are a couple pictures of us soon after we did a “gender-reveal” for the boys. We threw colored powder all over ourselves, and when the boys saw the pink, they knew it was a girl. Here is a link to the 20 second video if you are interested in seeing the excitement. fyzicalutah.com/gender

Sincerely, Kimball Taylor

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