King's Business - 1965-09



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Los Angeles 17, Calif. □ I am interested in training at Biola. □ I would like to know how I can help to train young people at Biola.

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T T lr a e K i n g s B i i B i n e B B A PUBLICATION OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INCORPORATED Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman SEPTEMBER, in the year of our Lord Vol. 56, No. 9 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-five Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home k t o k WORKS OR FIRST WORKS — Vanee Havner ...................................... 12 NO STORK W ITH O U T A WEDDING — William S. Deal ............. 13 BAD MAN FROM ZUMBADOR — Tom Watson .............................. 16 MISSIONS IN REVERSE — Marilyn Heiliger ...................................... 17 UNANSWERED PRAYER — Merv Rosell ............................................. 18 TIM E FOR CONV ICTION — Thomas G. Lawrence .......................... 19 HOW TO CALL A PASTOR — Glenn O'Neal ................................... 22 REBUILT BY FA ITH ................................................................................... 35 TH E GREATEST SIN — Herschel Ford ............................................... 38 TEACH ING TH E TR IN IT Y ....................................................................... 40 CASE OF TH E MISSING C O N TA C T — Ruby Richards ..................... 42 MORE TH A N SUNDAY SCHOOL — Lawrence Richards .................. 44 F w h im MESSAGE FROM TH E EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland .................. 6 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert .................................................... 10 DR. TALBO T'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T . Talbot ....................... 26 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ..................................... 27 TALK ING IT OVER — Clyde M . Narramore ...................................... 28 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert .................................................... 30 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................ 32 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ....................... 33


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rings cleat through nineteen hundred years, and ¿till today the Scriptures have power, for young and old alike, “to make thee wise Unto salvation.” For nearly four hundred years — t longer than any other—- Cambridge University Press has held the privilege, • the responsibility, of publishing the greatest book of all, “the Holy Bible.

PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ............... 4 READER REACTION ...................................................................................... 8 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE ..................................................................... 34

— All Rights Reserved —

S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor

PAUL SCHWEPKER: Controller JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager

VIRGINIA LUBER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker



SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business/'

ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An­ geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.




More useful, more fascinating than e ve r ...

Rev. Stephen F. Olford, (right) pas­ tor of New York’s Calvary Baptist Church, recently met with Evangelist Billy Graham and Mr. Harold C. Gibbons

Dr. Paul S. Rees and Dr. Arthur F. Glasser have accepted invitations to serve on a five-member committee to administer the R. Kenneth Strachan Memorial Fund for World Evange­ lism. The Memorial Fund was an­ nounced in May for the purpose of honoring the memory of the Latin America Mission’s late general direc­ tor, aiding world evangelization by applying the principles for which Dr. Strachan was widely known. “ The acceptance by Dr. Rees and Dr. Glasser of our invitation to be mem­ bers of the committee is a source of great encouragement to us,” said Dr. Horace L. Fenton, general direc­ tor of LAM . “ The participation of these choice servants of the Lord on the committee will mean that the group will have a world-wide out­ look, and that Dr. Strachan’s concern for evangelism around the world. . . will be truly reflected in the Memo­ rial Fund which bears his name.” Mr. Cecil Potter, member of the Board of Directors of the Narramore Christian Foundation, welcomed sev­ eral hundred friends at the ground­ breaking ceremonies held on July 11 for the new international headquar­ ters of the Foundation. The property was donated to the foundation by Mr. Harry Calvin Weaver and is located

at Montego Bay, Jamaica, British West Indies. Mr. Gibbons (center) is the newly appointed manager of the Hotel Salisbury, 123 West Fifty- seventh Street, Manhattan, New York. The hotel is owned by Calvary Church and, with the church, shares occupancy of the sixteen-story struc­ ture. Mr. Gibbons was formerly resi­ dent manager at the fashionable Round Hill, Montego Bay. Dr. Donald N. Larson, principal of the Toronto Institute of Linguistics, has reported that over 70 young people attended the 16th session of the in­ stitute this summer. Almost all of them look forward to missionary service overseas. Rev. W . W . Tyler, Canadian secretary of the Overseas Missionary Fellowship (China In­ land Mission) is president of the executive committee. Billy Oceola, Indiana Chief of the Florida Seminole Indians, recently visited the 2000 Tribes Pavilion of Wycliffe Bible Translators at the World’s Fair, where he told the sightseers of his personal assistance to the work of David and Virginia West. The Wests, members of WBT, have given the Seminole language a written form, translated Scripture portions and have prepared Seminole primers and literacy aids. Chief Oceola expressed his appreciation to WBT for sending the Wests to his tribe. He states that he is a believer in Jesus Christ and a Baptist preach­ er as well as chief. R. G. LeTourneau and Dr. Ralph Byron will be among speakers at the 28th Annual Christian Business .Men’s Committee International Convention to be held October 20-24 at the Hil­ ton, San Francisco. Other speakers for the Convention include the Hon­ orable E. C. Manning, Premier, Alberta, Canada. Further information may be obtained by writing Box 208, Lom­ bard, Illinois.


HANDBOOK! The “ most trusted Bible guidebook ever published” is now even more informative, more enjoyable! It is a superb Biblical library in one convenient volume— and at a special introductory price ! You will be fascinated by the startling new findings incorporated in the new Revised Halley's Handbook. Here are facts and data, to enhance and illuminate your understanding of Holy Scripture. Never before has so much rich Bible information been encompassed within such small space to provide a compre­ hensive reference of such uncommon accuracy and readability. In the New Revised Halley's you find: • the latest discoveries of Biblical archaeologists • new maps of .the Holy Land • recent photographs • easy to read type • intriguing historical background mate­ rial on books of both Testaments You enjoy new insights into the circumstances, authenticity and meaning of God’s Word. “ Most effective aid to Bible reading and study I have ever known.” —Dr. Daniel A. Poling in Christian Herald A bargain at.many times the regular price, the Revised Halley's Bible Handbook is yours now at a special savings of 45c if ordered before Dec. 31, 1965. The standard $3.95 edition is offered at $3.50. The deluxe volume in slipcase, which sells for. $5.95, can be bought now for $5.50. Don't wait long to examine your copy! at your favorite bookstore Z O N D E R V A N PUBLISHING HOUSE • GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 49506 4

in Rosemead, California. Pictured above is the architect’s drawing of the new building which is scheduled for occupancy in early 1966. Below (left to right) are Mr. Charlie Jones from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Dr.

Narramore, Mr. William Sloat, director of development; and Dr. Robert Carpenter, physician and'medical consultant on the Foundation’s staff.


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e V x V VQVv a messagefrom the editor a .


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A N O B L E A R M Y A . m o n g t h e m a n y letters coming to the editor’s desk there recently arrived an espepially significant one from an Armenian friend. She wrote to tell what a blessing the Biola radio broadcasts are in her own life and home. She related that, while listening to a recent broadcast on the "Congo Report,” which told o f the massacres o f Christians in that area o f Africa, her memory took her back to 1915, when during the first World War, the Armeni­ ans were put through the same persecutions. Over one and a half million o f them paid with their lives because they refused to renounce their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This writer well remembers reading o f these massacres when he was but a young lad in his early teens. At that time Armenia seemed so far away and completely removed from the everyday life in this country and the "terrible Turks” was simply a phrase quite devoid o f real significance to most o f us o f that younger generation. This is the fiftieth anniversary o f the great massacres o f the Armenians which took place during the opening months o f World War I. Because o f this significant anniversary year, all Armenians and, indeed, Christians everywhere would do well to consider the sacrifice that was paid by that "noble army, men and boys, the matron and the maid,” who refused to renounce the Lord Jesus Christ and embrace Mohammendanism, choosing to die by the sword rather than to deny their Saviour. Hardly an Armenian in the United States today does not look back with respectful and loving memory to a loved one who paid the full sacrifice with his life for his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This dear Armenian friend o f Biola continues in her letter: "M y husband was one o f those victims. The last time I saw him, he was being driven into a valley with his hands tied in the back and chained to twelve others in the same convoy, simply because we would not give up our faith and accept the Mohammedan religion. I know he is in glory now, but his last words o f testi­ mony have never faded away from my memory. They were, 'My dear, if we look at this with human viewpoint, it is an un­ bearable tragedy, but when we turn our eyes to Christ, our love. and our faith in Him will constrain us to say His will be done. THE KING'S BUSINESS

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We have enjoyed a happy home life, a prosperous business, and all the blessings o f His salvation until now. If now He wants us to testify for Him by giving our lives, we will g o !’ ” When one reads a testimony such as this, he cannot but exclaim, "There were spiritual giants in the land in those days!” This was the last o f the horrible massacres which our noble Armenian friends endured for Christ’s sake through the cen­ turies. They paid with their lives for their faith in Him. It would be tragic indeed if the sons and grandsons o f these mighty martyrs ever allowed the faith o f their fathers to become a dull, drab, perfunctory sort o f thing in their own hearts and lives in this generation. This year could well be a decisive year in the lives o f these wonderful people who fled to America to avoid the persecu­ tion o f those days as they remind themselves o f the supreme sacri­ fice o f those who have gone before and as they rededicate them­ selves to the high and holy purpose for which their fathers and grandfathers laid down their own lives. One cannot but contemplate very soberly the possibility that persecution could happen in our own beloved land. Indeed, some­ times we wonder why it hasn’t already come to pass. The tragedy is that apparently there are so many nominal Christians who hold opinions concerning the great truths o f the Word o f God but, alas, whose lives are not in the least affected by or governed by these truths. God forbid that persecution should ever come to pass in America, but if it does come, it will surely be a time of separation o f "fair weather” Christians from the real born-again children of God who, like these Armenian Christians, are willing to lay down their very lives for their faith rather than to deny the Lord o f glory. Church historians have reminded us that the faith o f believers burns brightest in the midst o f persecution. It is possible that the Christian faith is burning at such a low ebb in the visible church o f Jesus Christ today because being a Christian is entirely too easy and popular. If we were only wise enough to learn from the ex­ periences o f the past, we would be manifesting a more virile type o f Christian faith and practice in order that the fires o f persecu­ tion might not have to descend upon us to bring us into line. Alas, it appears that we, as a people, are not sufficiently intelligent to realize this, and so do not compare favorably with "the noble army” o f 1915.

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Outstanding editorials prepared by Dr. Samuel H . Suther­ land and appearing in Th e King's Business magazine column, " A Message from the Editor" have been compiled in booklet form. Carrying the title of the lead article which received wide acclaim, " I A m a Fundamentalist," copies of these books are available at 25 cents each or five for $1.00. Th e publication has been printed as a limited edition. Copies are available as long as the supply lasts. Other featured editorials included in the book are: " T h e Fundamentals," "H isto ry Repeats Itself," "Protestantism T o ­ da y," "Standard for Christian M orals," "Present-day Prophetic Paradox," "Ecumenical M ovem ent;" "Academ ic Freedom ," "Is Indoctrination our Business?," "M od ern -D ay Pharisees," and "Bible Translations."



YO U A R E IN DEBT — to the Jews of New York Did yon know there are more Jews in Greater New York than in all the state of Israel? And that it is easier to win than for Christ here?

PASS IT ON We have with us an elderly couple who have taken charge o f the hospital here. They love THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS, and I pass mine on to them to read; and when they are through with it, it is put in the hospital waiting room. Please pray for us and our min­ istry here among the Indians. Miss Ula H. Smith, St. George Island, Alaska THE KING’S BUSINESS is one of the best Christian magazines, and I do appreciate your articles so much. May the Lord give you boldness to continue to speak out the truth. When I am fin­ ished reading it, I pass it on for others to read with a prayer that souls will be saved and others be strengthened in the faith. Alta M. Miller, La Puente, California You have a wonderful magazine. It is so uplifting- and God honoring. I especially enjoy the articles written by Dr. Sutherland and Rev. Vance Havner. I read the magazine several times, then pass it along to someone else. God bless you in the wonderful work you are doing. Mrs. Vina Knauss, Massillon, Ohio TH E KB OVERSEAS May the Lord richly bless the out­ reach of the Gospel through THE KING’S BUSINESS magazine. Re­ cently I had the opportunity to visit with a number of our missionaries in Central America and several of them commented what a blessing the maga­ zine has been to them. Richard Falconer, Cons. Baptist Home Mission Society, Wheaton, Illinois We have been receiving copies of THE KING’S BUSINESS through a gift subscription. We want you to know that this subscription is very much ap­ preciated by both us and the Koreans who read this most helpful and in­ structive magazine. We, the Korean staff of Campus Crusade and many of the students with whom we work, look forward to each issue. We also listen to the “ Biola Hour” over HLKX, TEAM radio on Sundays, and are grateful for this, too. Ken Kremer, Korean Campus Crusade for Christ, Seoul, Korea RENEWALS I want to thank you so much for the special missionary issue (February). It has been a long time since I let my subscription run out, but, believe me, it was not from choice. I am finally going to renew it, for I do love the magazine and have surely missed it. Just a short time ago, my little grand­ daughter said to me, “ Grandma, didn’t you ever send for THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS? I wish you would!” It some­ times has stories that she liked so much and whenever she would come to visit, she’d want to look and see if the new KB had a story for her. Thank you again for this special issue. Mrs. Lillian Larabee, Albany, Oregon

For almost % of a century, this Mission has proclaimed the Gospel on Manhattan’s fabled East Side. Ministries: Mission services; open-air meetings; hospital and home visitation; Scripture distribu­ tion; family counseling and aid.

E ditor ’ s N o t e : We wish to correct the authorship of the story, “ A Donkey’s Testimony” which appeared in the Jun­ ior King’s Business Department, of the June issue of THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS. This story was written by Miss Doerksen, a missionary serving under the Sudan Interior Missions. This story is one of nineteen missionary stories published in Miss Doerksen’s book, “Black Gems fo r His Crown,” which can be obtained from the Sudan In­ terior Mission, 16i West 74th Street, New York 2S, New York. DEFENSE OF EDITORIALS I am not good at saying what I want to say, but last night I read your edi­ torial in a recent issue and was quite upset to think that anyone had criti­ cised them. This is the first part of the magazine I read. I rather think I take THE KING’S BUSINESS as much for those editorials as anything else. They are so practical and you see so straight on every issue. God bless you fo r them. And please, keep on writing just as you have, and the Lord will bless you, I know. Mrs. Amy Clendenen, Mount Hermon, California I do so thoroughly enjoy your maga­ zine. I have used so many of the ma­ terials which you have printed for teaching, devotionals and also just to pass along to friends. My prayer is always for His work that it may be done in the power of the Holy Spirit. Mrs. Fred Cook, Cove, Arkansas My how we appreciate your maga­ zine. With our world in such chaos, every religious magazine should be sounding the trumpet as loud and clear­ ly as this publication does. I just sat down and read it straight through — every article was so good. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller, Anaheim, California APPRECIATION We would like to express our appre­ ciation for your magazine. Although time doesn’t always permit us to read it thoroughly, we do enjoy it and are thankful for articles for young people, especially some last year concerning dress, behavior, etc. We work in a mis­ sionary children’s school and so the magazine is also available for the stu­ dents here to read. Thank you for the good reading material. Mrs. Charles C. Belch, Venezuela

Have you discharged your obligation to give the Gospel “to the Jew first”? (Read Rom. 1:14-16). FREE COPY. Write for free copy of Ruth Angel’s “How to Point a Jew to Christ.” • Rev. David J. Fant, Litt.D., Pres. Ruth Angel, Genl Director • New York Gospel Mission To The Jews, Inc. Dept. Kf 149 Avenue B. New York, N. Y. 10009

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A Jewish man heard the witness from an A. M. F. Missionary in Florida. Patiently, with an open Bible the worker focused upon the need for peace in the human heart. Then pointing out some of the 333 prophecies about the Messiah, which werb fulfilled in Jesus, he turned to Isaiah 53. RESPONSE The Jewish man read of the one who was “wounded for our transgressions” . . . and by whose stripes “we are healed.” Amazed that this was not the New Testament, but his own Jewish prophet Isaiah, his preju­ dice was overcome. He found his own condition portrayed. Best of all he found the One upon whom the iniquity of all was laid. 365 days of the year by personal contact, by tracts, and by radio, A. M. F. missionar­ ies are reaching Jewish people with the message of salvation. Archie A. MacKinney, Director AMERICANMESSIANICFELLOWSHIP 7448 N. DamenAve., Chicago 45, III.




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^ c \ e M \ e . ■ & * , i P \ 1Q ' 0\L CULTS CRITIQUE by Betty Bruechert W hen E rnest H olmes died in April, 1960, at the age of 72, ligious Science which he founded in 1932 was said to comprise about 100 churches w ith 100,000 members. Doubtless it has grown since then. The cult is strictly a California product, although Holmes was a na­ tive of Maine. His 667-page volume, Science of Mind, together with the monthly magazine which he origi­ nated, also entitled Science of Mind, contain the basic teachings of the sect. Its terminology so closely re­ sembles that of Christian Science and Unity that as one plows through Holmes’ huge and dreary volume, he receives the impression that he is reading a slightly recast version of the writings of Mrs. Eddy or the Fillmores. For example: “There is something Divine about us . . . Man, the real Man, is birthless, deathless, changeless; and God, as man, in man, is Man. The highest God and the innermost God is One and the same God” ( Science of Mind, p. 388); “ The true idea of money is not material, it is spiritual . . . Daily give thanks for a perfect supply. Feel it to be yours, that you have entered into full possession of it. See money coming to you from every direction” (p: 44, Science of Mind mag. June 1957). Indeed, Holmes claim an affinity with such cults: “This teaching [Oneness of God and man] . . . is the mainspring of the teaching of modern philosophies, such as Unity Teaching, the New Thought Movement, the Occult Teachings, the Esoteric or Inner Teachings, of our own Religious Science . . .” ( Science of Mind, p. 640). Although like Unity, the Church of Religious Science is built on high- sounding affirmations, it is never­ theless filled with blasphemous de­ nials of the teachings of God’s Word. In the July 1955 Science of Mind magazine, Holmes stated: “You believe there is a God and a devil. Well, I don’t believe that. Jesus did not believe in good or bad, God and the devil, heaven and hell” ; “ The only sin is lack of intelli­ gence. There is no sin but a mistake and no punishment but a conse­ quence” ; “ All the teachings of hell and damnation and devils is so much nonsense.” In the M e taph y sica l Glossary in his book, Holmes lists

S e


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his views alphabetically. Christ is defined as “ the Universal Idea, the idea of Sonship, the Perfect Man . . . Christ within each and all” (pp. 57809). Of Death he says: “ The principle of Life cannot know death” (p. 583). Further definitions conden sed from this 71-page glossary include: “Devil —the only devil we shall ever know will be that which appears as the result of our negative thinking. (p.584); Hell — discordant state of being . . . not a location (p. 598); Indwelling Christ — generic man, Real Man (p. 601); Indwelling God: The Real Man . . . as much of God as he is able to embody . . . The Divine Spark, Birthless, and Death­ less; Salvation —not a thing, not an end, but a Way . . . through Man’s unity with the Whole” (p. 631). Under Saviour, Holmes states that Jesus is “ the great Way—shower to mankind” and continues, “Let us not waste time, then, in theological dis­ cussions” (p. 631). Jesus is also said to be “ the greatest of all the mys­ tics,” (p. 344) and “ A Man, distin­ guished from the Christ” (p. 603). As the central teaching of the cult is that of Spiritual Mind Healing, metaphysical treatments for 38 dif­ ferent diseases and classes of ills— from cancer to insanity — are de­ scribed. In addition, there are the in­ evitable metaphysical charts, medi­ tations reminiscent of Unity, and de­ tails about “ the thing itself, the way it works, what it does, how to use it.” As an author, Holmes was much given to capital letters, not only as most metaphysical writers are for words Truth, Life, Man, etc., but also for complete paragraphs. There is much of pantheism in this teaching: “ Realize God, in and through all, and unify with the Whole” (p. 629) and the Hindu word karma, (fate) appears frequently. “How are we to get it [the Truth] ? Only by penetrating deeper and deeper into our own Divine Nature . . . There is no place except within that we can do it” said Holmes (p. 364, Science of Mind.) References to the mind of man as part of the uni­ versal mind and absorption into the Whole remind one of the Buddhist Nirvana, the cessation of existence. This is a fearful and confused cult completely given to ontology, and containing not one single soul-saving tenet. It is another “do-it-yourself” religion, denying the sa lv a tion Christ accomplished for us. It has no substitutionary Saviour, no shed blood, no heaven, no peace, no real love of God. Those who follow it are “without God and without hope” in this world and in the world to come.

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by Dr. Vance Havner

first works, faith working by love. Adding more wheels to the machinery is poor procedure when we do not have enough power to move the wheels we already have. We hear much about the perils of over-organization but the trouble is really under-motivation. Nothing is so boring and tiresome as “church work” without the Holy Spirit. Today iniquity abounds and the love of most has grown cold, as our Lord predicted. Revival is simply Christians and churches getting back from works to first works. Our Lord told us how: Remember, Repent and Repeat. We must take an inventory and compare our present state with our earlier condition when we did what we did because we loved the Lord. Business firms take stock and we go to doctors for phys­ ical check-ups. The church ought to take time now and then for self-examination. Remembrance must be fol­ lowed by repentance, a radical change of mind accom­ panied by confession and forsaking of sin, restitution and reconciliation, getting right with God and people. There must be separation from the world and submis­ sion to the Lordship of Christ. Then we are ready to do again the first works, to repeat, for we will have returned to our first love which produces first works. It is Revival or Removal for our Lord says, “ Repent or else I will remove thy candlestick.” Here is the heart of our problem today in the church at large, the denomi­ nation, the local church, the individual Christian. Why do we do what we do in church? Is it “works” or “first works” ? Until we face this and do something about it we are wasting our time. There is the frightening possibility that we may be developing in our churches today a generation of Phari­ sees who, with the best of intentions and unaware of their delusion, are doing many things that Christians do without being Christians at all or without a Chris­ tian motivation. High-pressure American promotional methods under religious auspices can produce an amaz­ ing output of “ church work” without the Holy Spirit being anywhere near the place. Church loyalty totally unrelated to love for Christ can turn out statistical wonders. These dear workers would be horrified if we raised any questions but our Lord knows the difference between “works” and “ first works” and says “ Repent . . . or else.”

/^UR L ord said to the Church of Ephesus: “ I know thy ** works” (Rev. 2 :2 ). Then He commanded them to “ do again the first works” (v. 5). What is the differ­ ence between the “works” of verse 2 and the “ first works” of verse 5? It lies in what He said in verse 4: “ Thou hast left thy first love.” It has been pointed out many times that the Thes- salonian church was commended for its “work of faith and labour of love and patience of hope” while the Ephe­ sians were credited only with work and labour and patience. They were busy with church work that were not motivated by the love of Christ. One wonders some­ times what our religious activities would look like if we eliminated all that is not the spontaneous expression of our love for Christ. It is about time to ask, “Why do we do what we do in church?” Do we do it because somebody has to, because we were appointed to do it or from a mere sense of duty? Sometimes we drive the automobile into the repair shop and say “Check the motor.” It’s about time we checked the motive in God’s repair shop. There has never been as much “works” in the church as now but not much of it is “first works.” We are long on “works” and short on “ first works.” It does not seem to matter much what the preachers preach or how the church members live so long as we raise the budget and keep the statistics high. We boast of our numbers when we ought to confess the sin of pride in empty figures. I go from church to church and do not often see even half of the membership so loudly advertised. The ineffectiveness of our witness to the world today lies in the fact that we are majoring on “works” when we need to get back to “ first works.” “ First works” are the things we do because we love the Lord, the outward expression of an inner effection, “ the love of Christ constraining us.” First love produces first works. Young Christians and young churches put us to shame with their zeal. A brand-new convert is always a refresh­ ing phenomenon but in trying to assimilate him into regular church activities we often exterminate his fer­ vor. How to keep first love and first works from degen­ erating into dead works is a major problem among us today. We try to remedy the situation by stepping up our activities when what we need is not more works but



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NO S T ORK W I T H O U T A WEDD I NG “ MAY I come to the parsonage to- morrow and have a talk with you?” the dark-haired teenage girl asked. “ I have something I want to discuss with you,” she said. “ Certainly you may,” I replied, and we set the time. At the parsonage I asked the pas­ tor about this young lady. “ Oh, was it Linda? [not her real name]. Must have been. . . . She’s one of our fine young girls . . . she’s in trou­ ble with a no-good fellow,” he replied a bit hesitantly. Then he unfolded a bit of the case telling how Linda had since come back to the church, asked forgiveness of God and the people and had been restored to fellowship. Everyone was now anxious to help her as she faced this ordeal, alone. Linda’s story was not very differ­ ent from many another. She told of loving a fellow, who quit her be­ cause of parental interference. She SEPTEMBER, 1965

by D r . William S. Deal

started going with “ this guy, whom I didn’t know very well,” to try and bring around Jim, whom she really loved. Maybe he’d be jealous and would return to her, she reasoned. But this new fellow had other in­ tentions. On a very early date he took her to a secluded spot and forced the issue with threats. She yielded — now, the dreaded results! But this is not all the story. Linda had been going all out with Jim, before, hop­ ing in this way to win him. She hated the “ other guy,” but it was too late. Her yielding to him had been made easier by her sinful indulgence with Jim. One could multiply such cases, many of them in religious circles. The moral conscience about sexual indulgence is pitifully low among our young people. For example, while I was counseling Linda, she said, “ But I’m not a had, girl!” “What do you mean, you are not a bad girl? Aren’t

you going to have a baby out of wed­ lock, and isn’t that sort of bad?” I asked. “ Oh, I mean, I didn’t do anything so bad. I loved Jim. I hated the guy who forced me. I mean, I know girls in high school who go out with two and three different fellows the same night! That’s what I call being a bad girl.” In other words, the fact that she loved Jim made sexual indulgence all right to her. Here was a 20-year-old girl, reared in a deeply spiritual, evangelical church, with this kind of outlook on so serious a matter. Linda was dead in earnest. She was not hypocritical. Has someone, somewhere, failed youth in this crucial age? Have the ministry and the Sunday sch oo l teachers failed to enlighten them about these matters? Has a “ false modesty” hindered, if not almost completely shut out our ministry to 13

leap in 1963. Another amazing fact, contrary to common opinion, is that for 1963, for instance, 78 out of 119 girls came from UNBROKEN homes, while only 35 came from broken homes! Likewise, 78 of these for the same year were “ high school girls,” with only 13 college girls. The rest were working girls, except a mere 7 who were unemployed. What is even more astounding is that 85 of these came from Protestant homes, 32 from Catholic homes, and only two from homes with no religious back­ ground or some other religion! Evi­ dently, many “nice girls” are getting into trouble. Furthermore, we must consider that other types of girls who get into trouble often do not bother to go to a Home. These figures also represent a higher type of girl from better homes, and are some­ what selective. They are sobering, nonetheless, even as they stand. Fairhaven Executive D ir e c t o r , Donald Pownell, states another dis­ turbing fa ct: “While the national birthrate has been decreasing during the past four years, the illegitimacy rate is rapidly rising. The most rapid rise is among those over 20 years of age.” He explains. further: “While the number from broken homes seems to be rising, many of the homes would seem to be average in income, edu­ cation and cultural advantages. Many are members of churches . . . even the number of girls raised in par­ sonages is appalling!” (Italics mine.) Mr. Pownell noted also that “ Preg­ nancy is not scholastically selective. We have girls who are scholastically low, many who are average . . . and some who have a very high I.Q.”

Fairhaven in Sacramento, California, seeks to provide a Christian home and hospital fo r unwed mothers in need. Clean facilities are provided in the buildings.

ment plans are being discussed. Then they should be kept on the highest level and never allowed to descend to the place of passion-arousing discus­ sions. This is not love, and may lead to arousing lustful, fleshly desires, which should be repelled and held in check, even as one would hold in check any other human desires which are unwholesome. Fourth, extreme petting is possi­ bly responsible for more difficulty be­ tween couples than any other one thing. This is purely physical and biological, and has no true basis in love before marriage. This is the type of play in which married cou­ ples should engage, and is very un­ becoming for single people, even though engaged. It is both emotion­ ally and psychologically upsetting and unwholesome. It develops desire and creates tensions which cannot be satisfied without sinful indulgence, and is therefore a bad practice. Reports from F a irhaven Rest Home for Girls, Sacramento, Califor­ nia, a state-licensed home operated by a group of dedicated Christians, for unwed pregnant girls, are en­ lightening. Their official figures show a steady increase in such cases over the past three years, from 107 girls admitted in 1961 to 119 in 1963. The peak age in 1961 and 1962 was 17, while it dropped to 16 by a large

youth, in a day when they are far more enlightened about biological and physiological matters of sex than their elders? Every normal girl looks forward to a lovely wedding, and a happy mar­ riage, with a good husband. No nor­ mal girl willingly would sacrifice all this for the wanton pleasure of sex­ ual indulgence which destroys all hope of any of this in the end. What, then, are the major contributing fac­ tors causing thousands of teenage girls every year to have to meet the stork without a wedding? Several things contribute to this situation. First, far too many girls haven’t anywhere in their homes to entertain their dates. This means car riding to far away places in some instances and late hours of return­ ing. Many times it indicates bore­ dom, for the want of anything to do. So, it is natural that the couple find extreme petting, playing, and other exploratory ventures all too easy to accomplish. Second, lack of any proper recrea­ tional outlets and things to do to­ gether are also another contributor. Third, discussions of matters per­ taining to sex when alone are often responsible for ventures which are unwholesome. There is no need to discuss such matters until engage­ ment, or at least, till the pre-engage- 14

School and studies continue at Fair­ haven as girls await their time. Pointing out one reason for the rising tide of births out of wedlock, Director Pownell says, “Unfortun­ ately, unwed intercourse is becoming socially acceptable in the teenage bracket. The sin is to be caught.” He further states that “ incest is also a larger problem than acknowledged. THE KING'S BUSINESS

The cold wife with a daughter should beware.” Undoubtedly the Fairhaven report probably represents a fair national average in similar circumstances. One of, the most frustrating things is the dreadful fact that pregnancies are taking place more and more among unwed girls of a religious background, and often those who are church members. The following astounding figures are from a U.S. Public Health Sur­ vey Service, for 1962: “ One child out of every 19 in the U.S.A. is born to an unmarried mother. In 1962, 240,000 children were born out of wedlock in the United States. In 1962, teenage mothers accounted for nearly 150,000 of the illegitimate births. Of these, 5,200 were born to girls under the age of 15.” Admittedly, these are cold, brutal facts and very unpleasant to face, but so is the social and moral situa­ tion of our day. Dodging it is not helpful, and even facing it, without doing something to help change it, is of little value. What, then, can parents, ministers, and teachers do to help turn this horrible tide and save our girls from such tragedies? First, parents should read widely in youth and sex problems and come to understand the nature and needs of their young girls. Counselors face these problems all the time. Girls are constantly telling me in coun­ seling sessions that their mothers have given them little or no counsel in these matters. Often the best Christian mothers seem to have a horror of discussing sex with their sub-teenage or teenage daughters. When a mother waits till the girl is 14 or 15 to discuss such problems, she has waited far too long! Maybe this would have served a generation ago, but not today. Girls should have complete instructions in sex and morals and what to do to protect themselves by the time they are 11 or 12, and in some instances, even earlier. Do not press this informa­ tion upon the girl, but answer her questions as soon as she asks them, candidly, unashamedly. Sometimes a mother may start to discuss such matters with her 13-year-old daugh­ ter only to have her say, “ Ah, moth­ er, I know all about that!” She has waited too long; the girl’s mind may already be poisoned by alley chit­ chat and school-girl information. Second, ministers should be well prepared to counsel teenage girls and fellows in matters of sex and morals, as well as religion. Seeing what a large percentage of religious girls get into trouble, and often with fel­ lows of the church as well, the min- SEPTEMBER, 1965

and warnings about its misuse, would service to check many ventures and save the couple untold sorrow, es­ pecially the girl. Fifth, girls themselves should seek the aid of parents and their pastor or teacher in securing the best books to be read upon this most important subject. Reading is probably the sec­ ond best method for obtaining such information. The primary method is discussions with the girl’s mother; or if she is deceased, or will not dis­ cuss it, some other Christian mother may be helpful. Whatever else a girl does, she must make up her mind early in life that any type of sexual meddling, either with other girls or with fellows, is definitely OUT. In this day of grow­ ing homosexual misbehavior, every girl must be careful in her associa­ tion with other girls. The moment a girl tries to become too familiar or starts suggesting evil things, put her in her place without a second of hesi­ tation. Homosexual misbehavior, once started, may become a horrible thing in one’s life. It is often very diffi­ cult to fully break away from, even in adult life. Keep the mind pure, the body clean, the activities on the highest plane, and those with whom you asso­ ciate of the best type, and your to­ morrows will be filled with peace. There is a lovely wedding, a good husband and a happy home in your future, if you do not mess up your life for a moment of fun on your way toward it. Remember, there is no price so high as that paid by the girl who chooses sexual indulgence in any form. As certain as she lives, She must reap a bitter harvest some­ where down her lonely pathway. Make up your mind, then, that there will be no stork without a wedding.

ister needs to speak plainly in coun­ sel on this matter. Silence here may mean ruin to his youthful parishion­ ers. He should preach sermons now and then upon the problems of youth in the social, moral and religious fields. He should speak courageously and plainly about sex problems. Cer­ tainly, always he will maintain the dignity of the pulpit, but he must speak out on this most disturbing problem. Of the many young people who counsel with me in various parts of the nation possibly over half of them have definite problems arising from some kind of sex situation. To help them solve these successfully is to help them over one of youth’s rough­ est hurdles. Third, Sunday school teachers, es­ pecially, need likewise to be informed and prepared for this type of coun­ seling. Often the young girl will turn to the teacher when she will not go either to her parents or the pastor. Fourth, parents should also help their young people to find better ways of providing proper entertain­ ment, places to go and things to do on dates. Give the girls better in­ structions on how to care for unfor­ tunate situations which often arise while on dates, especially when two date alone, and in cars, the modern substitute for the older “ parlor,” or living room. Often the very fact of boredom leads to unfortunate situa­ tions arising between the dating couple. Sometimes, especially with younger teenagers, ignorance of the sexual organs and their functions lead to investigatory ventures, and hence into deep trouble. Proper and full information about all biological and physiological matters concern­ ing sex, with thorough information

A dedicated nurse encourages several of the girls at Fairhaven.


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