King's Business - 1965-09

^ c \ e M \ e . ■ & * , i P \ 1Q ' 0\L CULTS CRITIQUE by Betty Bruechert W hen E rnest H olmes died in April, 1960, at the age of 72, ligious Science which he founded in 1932 was said to comprise about 100 churches w ith 100,000 members. Doubtless it has grown since then. The cult is strictly a California product, although Holmes was a na­ tive of Maine. His 667-page volume, Science of Mind, together with the monthly magazine which he origi­ nated, also entitled Science of Mind, contain the basic teachings of the sect. Its terminology so closely re­ sembles that of Christian Science and Unity that as one plows through Holmes’ huge and dreary volume, he receives the impression that he is reading a slightly recast version of the writings of Mrs. Eddy or the Fillmores. For example: “There is something Divine about us . . . Man, the real Man, is birthless, deathless, changeless; and God, as man, in man, is Man. The highest God and the innermost God is One and the same God” ( Science of Mind, p. 388); “ The true idea of money is not material, it is spiritual . . . Daily give thanks for a perfect supply. Feel it to be yours, that you have entered into full possession of it. See money coming to you from every direction” (p: 44, Science of Mind mag. June 1957). Indeed, Holmes claim an affinity with such cults: “This teaching [Oneness of God and man] . . . is the mainspring of the teaching of modern philosophies, such as Unity Teaching, the New Thought Movement, the Occult Teachings, the Esoteric or Inner Teachings, of our own Religious Science . . .” ( Science of Mind, p. 640). Although like Unity, the Church of Religious Science is built on high- sounding affirmations, it is never­ theless filled with blasphemous de­ nials of the teachings of God’s Word. In the July 1955 Science of Mind magazine, Holmes stated: “You believe there is a God and a devil. Well, I don’t believe that. Jesus did not believe in good or bad, God and the devil, heaven and hell” ; “ The only sin is lack of intelli­ gence. There is no sin but a mistake and no punishment but a conse­ quence” ; “ All the teachings of hell and damnation and devils is so much nonsense.” In the M e taph y sica l Glossary in his book, Holmes lists

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