King's Business - 1965-09

his views alphabetically. Christ is defined as “ the Universal Idea, the idea of Sonship, the Perfect Man . . . Christ within each and all” (pp. 57809). Of Death he says: “ The principle of Life cannot know death” (p. 583). Further definitions conden sed from this 71-page glossary include: “Devil —the only devil we shall ever know will be that which appears as the result of our negative thinking. (p.584); Hell — discordant state of being . . . not a location (p. 598); Indwelling Christ — generic man, Real Man (p. 601); Indwelling God: The Real Man . . . as much of God as he is able to embody . . . The Divine Spark, Birthless, and Death­ less; Salvation —not a thing, not an end, but a Way . . . through Man’s unity with the Whole” (p. 631). Under Saviour, Holmes states that Jesus is “ the great Way—shower to mankind” and continues, “Let us not waste time, then, in theological dis­ cussions” (p. 631). Jesus is also said to be “ the greatest of all the mys­ tics,” (p. 344) and “ A Man, distin­ guished from the Christ” (p. 603). As the central teaching of the cult is that of Spiritual Mind Healing, metaphysical treatments for 38 dif­ ferent diseases and classes of ills— from cancer to insanity — are de­ scribed. In addition, there are the in­ evitable metaphysical charts, medi­ tations reminiscent of Unity, and de­ tails about “ the thing itself, the way it works, what it does, how to use it.” As an author, Holmes was much given to capital letters, not only as most metaphysical writers are for words Truth, Life, Man, etc., but also for complete paragraphs. There is much of pantheism in this teaching: “ Realize God, in and through all, and unify with the Whole” (p. 629) and the Hindu word karma, (fate) appears frequently. “How are we to get it [the Truth] ? Only by penetrating deeper and deeper into our own Divine Nature . . . There is no place except within that we can do it” said Holmes (p. 364, Science of Mind.) References to the mind of man as part of the uni­ versal mind and absorption into the Whole remind one of the Buddhist Nirvana, the cessation of existence. This is a fearful and confused cult completely given to ontology, and containing not one single soul-saving tenet. It is another “do-it-yourself” religion, denying the sa lv a tion Christ accomplished for us. It has no substitutionary Saviour, no shed blood, no heaven, no peace, no real love of God. Those who follow it are “without God and without hope” in this world and in the world to come.

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