King's Business - 1965-09

CEYLON axo INDIA g en era l m is s io n and PAKISTAN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Our Ministry Includes: correspondence B ible Courses nd igenous Churches ospel and Literature Distribution in istry to Lepers Write for FREE Literature NORTH HALE ST., WHEATON, ILLINOIS 60187 107-K

p e r s o n a l e vo n g e l i sm by Benjamin Weiss T he C hristian worker opened his Bible to a verse to give to an inquirer in the counseling room. He was undecided for a moment as this person was a total stranger to him, who had come at the invitation of the speaker to those who would receive Christ as their Saviour. The familiar verse, John 3:16, came to his attention. He felt that he should use that to show the in­ quirer the way to be saved. He hesi­ tated, but still felt that the leading came from the Holy Spirit. He handed his Bible to the inquir­ er and pointing to the verse, said, “Would you read this verse?” The man read the entire verse and then stopped. “Who does this say loved the world?” the worker asked. The inquirer looked at the verse again and replied, “ It was God.” Again he asked, “Who is the world?” “ People, I guess,” was the reply. “ Does that mean you?” the worker asked again. “Yes, I am sure that it does.” “How did God show His love to you?” the worker continued. The in­ quirer paused a moment and then said, “He gave His Son for me.” “Right! He gave His Son to die on the cross for your sins-” “What do I do to have Him do this for me?” the inquirer asked. "Who­ soever believeth on Him should not perish,” the worker said. “ That is all that He requires of you. If you confess you are a sinner and believe He is your Saviour, Who died for your sins, He will forgive y.ou and you will become a child of God.” The inquirer asked, “What does this mean, ‘but have eternal life’ ” ? The worker explained, “ It means that you will be born again. You will have a spiritual birth and a new kind of life—eternal life.” “ Could I have that right now?” “Yes, let us ask God right now to forgive your sins and help you to receive His Son, Jesus Christ, as your Saviour,” the worker answered. God answered their prayer and the inquirer was born again and be­ came a new creation, a child of God. It seems rather simple and ele­ mentary, doesn’t it? Yes, but this is God’s formula for receiving Christ and being born again. This is God’s way!

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