King's Business - 1965-09

can be added wherever needed. —1 Unpaged; Golden West Book and Bible Sales, Box 32011, Fullerton, California; $21.75. BOOK ENDS______ (A Review of Current* Publications) THE HOLY SPIRIT by Charles Caldwell Ryrie. 126 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago; $1.75. A convenient and carefully-put-together sum­ mary of the major doctrines of the Holy Spirit. He is related to creation, revelation to man, to Jesus Christ, and to the believer in the several aspects of His ministry. Scripture support is widely used and there is a brief history of the doctrine. THE PASTORAL MINISTRY OF CHURCH OFFICERS by Charlie W. Shedd. 71 pages; paper; John Knox Press, Richmond, Va.; $1.25. A much-needed manual to lead deacons and other lay officers of the church to exercise a wider ministry, which will bless the church, develop their own spiritual lives, and relieve the ordained pastor or pastors of some of their detailed work. THE CHURCH IS FAMILIES by Edward and Har­ riet Dowdy. 158 pages; paper; Judson Press, Valley Forge, Pa.; $2.00. Studies resulting from a survey among a number of denominations of family problems and how churches are meeting them. Charts, suggestions for study groups, and a bibliography o f books and other materials are presented. THE HARVEST OF THE SPIRIT by J. Lester Harnish. 126 pages; paper; Judson Press, Valley Forge, Pa.; $1.75. Ten messages by the former pastor of Temple Baptist Church in Los Angeles, now of Portland, Ore. The burden of these is to show how the Spirit is seeking "to change the child of God into the likeness of the Son of God." WORKBOOK ON ROMANS by J. G. Malphurs. 54 pages; paper; Standard Publishing Co., Cin­ cinnati, Ohio; $./5. WORKBOOK ON TEACH W ITH SUCCESS by T. Pierce Brown. 64 pages: paper Standard Pub­ lishing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; $.7o. Both of these publications have this in common, that they have questions with space in which answers may be written. In the case of the former, an out­ line precedes the questions. SIMPLE SERMONS FOR TIME AND ETERNITY by W. Herschel Ford. 120 pages; cloth; Zonder- van Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $1.95. Twentieth in a series of messages on crucial texts. Long a pastor, now an evangelist, Dr. Ford is a master at pulpit presentation. NONE OF THESE DISEASES by S. I. McMillen. 158 pages; paper; Fleming H. Revell, Westwood, N.J.; $.60. A Christian doctor finds in the Bible many principles of health with which science has caught up recently. Case histories, "doctored up" a little, make the book fascinating reading. THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS by Menahem Man- soor. x, 210 pages; cloth: Grand Rapids, Wm. B. Eerdmans; $4.00. With this volume the publish­ er inaugurates a series of college texts and study guides that survey Biblical archaeology. Interest continues to grow in the fantastic dis­ covery of manuscripts in caves near the Dead Sea beginning in 1947. The author of this volume teaches at the University of Wisconsin. ANSWERING CHRIST'S CALL by Robert B. Doing. 192 pages; paper; Seabury Press, New York; $1.95. An examination in depth of the involvements encountered in entering into and living the Christian life. The author is a lay evangelist in the Episcopal Church, and has ministered in the United States, Canada, Aus­ tralia, and New Zealand. HE CAME FROM GALILEE by Daniel A. Poling. 246 pages; cloth; Harper & Row, New York; $3.75. A well-known author turns his pen to a retelling of the story of the life of Jesus. It is, of course, fictional only in minor details, and in style of telling, best described by the comment on the jacket: "A vivid narrative re-creating the life of Jesus, based on the Biblical account and enriched by the reverent imagination of a famous Christian author." Recommended books are available from the Biola Book Room, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; and on the La Mirada Campus, 13800 Biola Avenue. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.

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