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? •e \T-e ^V\ eV\ Science and the Bible by Bolton Davidheiser Chairman, Science Division Biola College
LDAY S C H O O L L E S S O N S in Sfvanilh
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F o r q u it e a f e w y e a r s there has been a r unn i n g controversy about ESP, or extra sensory per ception. This is the ability to per ceive things without employing the known senses, such as sight, touch, and hearing. Those who engage in experiments in this area have made their research methods more and more rigorous in an effort to silence all critics who allege fraud. They have for some time taken the posi tion that ESP has been proven.to be a fact which needs no further demonstration, and that therefore present and future research in this area should be directed toward in vestigating the phenomenon itself. Experiments designed to demon strate the ability of some people to perceive beyond t he i r physical senses include such things as listing in order the figures on a stack of cards in the dark or on cards in an other building from several feet to miles away. Some people are able to produce results which are statistic ally better than those expected by chance, and competent statisticians accept the figures as valid. Some scientists will not accept ESP as a fact, no matter how strong the evidence. Dr. George R. Price of the University of Minnesota is one such and he admits (strongly criti cizing the position which he himself takes), “ Against all this evidence, almost the only defense remaining to the skeptical scientist is ignorance, ignorance concerning the work itself and concerning its implications.” The reason he rejects ESP is because he sees that ESP and science are incompatible. He believes it is neces sary to reject one or the other, and he prefers to reject ESP. Another scientist says that in the hypothetical situation in which he encounters a person who has seen a man turn into a bat, he would say, “All you have got is a difference be tween two patterns in which protons strike your retina [that is, first you have the image of a man in your eye and then the image of a bat], and a great deal of ignorance as to what causes the difference. Ignorance is
not evidence.” On the basis of this argument you could refuse to pay your taxes by telling the tax collec tor that he cannot be sure of the fig ures because he does not understand the difference between the patterns which different figures make on his retina. This may throw new light on the old story about the star football player who had to pass an examina tion in order to be eligible to play. A special test of two questions was prepared for him and he was re quired to answer one question cor rectly. The first question was, “What color is blue vitriol?” He answered that it is pink, and that was wrong. The second question was “When was the war of 1812?” He said he did not know. This was judged to be a cor rect answer and he was allowed to play. Perhaps he was not sure why the image on his retina when look ing at the date 1812 was different from 1860 or 1914, and therefore he reasoned it would be best to say he did not know. Maybe he was smarter than people realized. P e r -. haps he was as smart as the scientist who believes that for the same rea son a person cannot be depended upon to distinguish between a man and a bat by sight. It is generally believed that sci entists are altogether objective in their search for truth, but many ad mit that this is not so when it in volves anything which does not lend itself to investigation by the scien tific method. Many will have noth ing to do with anything supernat ural, and except for its history and ethical precepts, the Bible is to them a closed book. A couple of generations ago an anti-Christian philosopher named Leuba conducted a survey in which he found that less than half of the scientists believed in a God who can answer prayer, while more than half had a desire for personal immortal ity. It is not likely that the situation has improved since that time. Here is a wide open, though very difficult, mission field. (Continued next month)
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