URUGUAY Uruguay is open — w id e open to Scrip ture distribution and Gospel preaching in a way unknown before. O n ly five years ago, sales of Bibles were prohibited. N ow it has protection from the police. * Imm ed iate n e e d and PTL goal: 200,000 Scriptures for current campaign. Your prayer support is urgently sought for this critical venture . . . Time is short! J. Edward Smith, International Director Alfred A. Kunz, International Director Emeritus PocketTestament League 49 Honeck Street, Englewood, N.J. 07631 Canada: 74 Crescent Road, Toronto 5, Ontario i * k
Completed sanctuary of North Redondo Chapel on Dedication Sunday.
R E B U I L T D u r in g t h e d a r k h o u r s of the morning on November 11, 1963, toric North Redondo Chapel of Re dondo Beach, California, where Dr. Herbert H. Richardson has been the pastor since its founding. Due to the heavy fog enveloping the beach com munity, fire fighters were ham pered in reaching the scene. When the blaze was finally contained the facility was a complete loss. The power and blessing of the Lord, however, will always triumph. On March 21, the congregation was privileged to participate in dedica tion services for a new auditorium seating more than 750 people, with an overflow chapel accommodating another 100. In addition, because of the fire, many more rooms can be added to the church’s rapidly ex panding program in Christian edu cation through its extensive Sunday school program. At the dedication service, Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Biola chancellor, was special speaker. Dr. Ray A. Myers, chairman of the Biola Board of Directors, and contractor for the church’s construction, pre sented a set of keys for the new building to Mr. John Sotack, chair man of the building committee. It was 27 years ago that Dr. Richardson, then as a student at Biola, was called to the pastorate of the new church. During the years of its growth, God has greatly blessed the outreach of the ministry. Dr. Richardson is active in many Chris tian organizations, including his work with the Revival Prayer Fel lowship of Southern California. The North Redondo Chapel will continue its building program with
a serious fire broke out in the his
Original church gutted by fire.
the erection of a three-story admin istration-education structure also to be built by Myers Brothers Con struction Company. We of THE KING’S BUSINESS salute this outstanding Christian lighthouse in the faithful proclama tion of the Word of God to spiritu ally needy hearts and lives.
Part of new building exterior.
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