CHRISTIAN HUMOR A genuinely good joke is worth a whole lot, but they should be sub jected to this test: W h en some woman blushes with em barrassment; W hen some heart carries away an ache; W hen something sacred is made to appear common; W hen a man's weakness provides the cause for laughter; W hen profanity is required to make it funny; W hen a little child is brought to tears; W hen E V E R Y O N E can't join in the laughter: IT 'S A POOR JO K E — D O N 'T T E L L IT! INTERCESSORY PRAYER Y ou cannot pray the Lord's Prayer and even once say " I . " Y ou cannot pray the Lord's Prayer and even once say " m y ." N or can you pray the Lord's Prayer and not pray for one another. For when you ask for daily bread, you must include your brother. For others are included in each and every plea. From beginning to the end of it, it does not once say "m e ." A bed— but not sleep. Books— but not brains. Food— but not appetite. Finery— but not beauty. A house— but not a home. Medicine— but not health. Luxuries— but not culture. Amusement— but not happiness. A crucifix— but not a Saviour. A church pew— but not heaven. BU T what you cannot buy, you can receive as a GIFT. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." CO-WORKERS W ild , the blossom of the field . . . O f the briar, rose Man evolves a gorgeous bloom: Loveliest that grows. God provides the fertile soil— Ours, the cultivating; His, the seed, the sun and rain— MONEY W ILL BUY
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Ours, the faith, the waiting: Thus, together, God and Man Labor to fulfill His Plan.
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