"THOSE WOMEN . . ." Whose names are in the book of life" (P h ll.4 :3 ). Th e y lived ! were useful, died and are unknown Th e y did their work, and then they passed away A n unknown band. W ere they young or old, rich or poor? O nly one thing is known of them— they were Faithful and true. Th e y loved the sweetness of another name A n d lived to God. Had they honors, crowns or praises No glory cluster 'round their names on earth But in Heaven is kept a book of names of greatest worth A n d there is given A place for all who did the Master's work. SACRIFICE God called to me for sacrifice— I gave what I could spare— " N o blood is on the g ift," He said, A n d as I knelt in prayer, I heard the still small voice speak to me, "G ive-give -give m ore"— He said "G ive , till thy gifts come deeply dyed, By life's blood crimson red. Give till the giving is true sacrifice Real giving is to share, Th u s follow me, Th u s give with m e." "W H EN I AW AK E " W hen I awake with each new day Give me the will three things to say: " I thank Thee, Lo rd ": "I trust Thee, too": A n d — "W h a t w ilt Th o u have me to do?" Th e first, you see, keeps worry out: Th e second drives away all doubt: A n d this completes m y three-fold cord— Some useful service for m y Lord! — Eric S. Horn BLESSED HOPE Th is is the hope that sustains us, Th is is our lamp in the night, Th is is the beacon we follow, W aiting till faith becomes sight. Th is is our pillow at night time, Th e promise in each golden dawn; Th is is the spur for the sluggard, Occupy while I am gone. Th is is our heart's choicest treasure, Balm for our sorrow and pain, Words that are precious as rubies, Christ Jesus is coming again! — Martha Snell Nicholson
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