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A t e a c h e r IN one of our state-sup- ported colleges recently remarked that she noticed a difference between former Biola students and other Christian young people enrolled on the campus. When asked to what she attributed this, she immediately re plied, “ Their experience in Christian Service!” Biola’s training is different and, for that reason, our students reflect that training. “ In service training” prac tical work is the key phrase that iden tifies the Biola student and distin guishes him from many other Chris tian young people of this generation. A balanced program for each mem ber of our student body in the areas of academic studies, practical work and the spiritual life, becomes a vital factor in the experience o f each Chris tian young person who comes to Biola to study. Praise the Lord for the following: 1. Some 335 of our students engaged in the teaching of some 10,710 Sunday school class sessions dur ing the year, while there were 90 who participated in 2,360 . Chil dren’s Church meetings. 2. There were 159 of our young men and women who led or worked in 4,134 Sunday youth meetings or mid-week club meetings. 3. Over 102 performed in some form of musical activities in approxi- love, He says, “ I will save you and bring you to myself even though it may cost me my only begotten Son. I will give Him up freely for you!” Turning your back on this match less free gift, essentially you are saying, “ Away with God! I care nothing for Him or for His Son.” There is no hope for one who does this. No doubt you have heard of some atheist who has flaunted himself be fore the Lord, foolishly saying, “ If there be a God, let him strike me down!” We shudder when we hear this. We may say that such a man is insulting God. But wait a minute. Haven’t you done something worse than this? You are an intelligent person. When you hear the Gospel, you know it is the plan of God. Yet if you reject it, or just do nothing about it, yours is an insult worse than the blasphemy of the most bla tant infidel. You crucify afresh the Son of God. No man ever suffered as' did Jesus upon the cross. His was a three-fold suffering: physical, mental and spir itual. Since He took upon Him the anguish of sinners, he surely must have suffered as much on the cross as a lost man will suffer in hell. Such a sacrifice was made for every
mately 2,652 church services dur ing the year. 4. Child Evangelism was aided by some 52 of our students who helped in over 1,352 children’s meetings. 5. There were 30 students who had a ministry in street meetings with Open Air Campaigners and the Jewish Department, the latter jointly operated by the Church of the Open Door and the Bible In stitute of Los Angeles. 6. We have 21 young men who served as pastors or pastors’ assistants, who delivered some 672 messages. 7. Some 3,276 calls were made by 42 of our students engaged in visita tion work. 8. Over 100 services were conducted in churches by 69 of our students who served on Gospel Teams. 9. There have been 21 returned mis sionaries taking work in Biola en gaging in deputation work on weekends who spoke in 622 serv ices. 10. Th’ere have been reported 854 pro fessed conversions of people won to the Lord by our student body during the past year, averaging almost one for every student. 11. Some 44,905 tracts were distrib uted by our students while en gaged in Christian Service activi ties. person. The Bible tells us He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the whole world. His suffering was for those who accept Him, as well as for those who reject Him. Turning from Christ, a man re jects the testimony of the world’s greatest men. John the Baptist said, “Behold, the Lamb of God which tak- eth away the sin of the world.” Paul declared, “ In him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” Peter testified, “ Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Nicode- mus asserted, “ Rabbi, I know that Thou art a teacher come from God.” Polycarp proclaimed, “ Eighty - and- six years have I served Him and He has done me nothing but good.” Tol stoy stated, “ For 35 years of my life I was a man who believed in nothing. Five years ago my faith came to me. I believed in Jesus and my whole life underwent a sudden transforma tion. Life and death cease to be evil. Instead of this I have tasted joy and happ iness.” Gladstone wit nessed, “ All that I am, all that I hope, all that I like, all that I live for, is based upon the divinity of Jesus Christ, the central joy of my poor wayward life.” J. P. Morgan told the financial world, “ I give my
\ why they are different
by Kenneth B. Daniels
soul into the hands of my Saviour, in full confidence that, having re deemed and washed it in His most precious blood, He will present it faultless before the throne of my heavenly Father.” In my library I have a book with the greatest thoughts about Jesus Christ. Thou sands of men pay these just tributes to the Saviour. Can you take your stand against all of these? All truly great men have been Christians. Lastly, rejecting Jesus Christ a man seals his doom in hell forever. The Bible reminds us that the wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. God gives every man the possibilities and the oprortunities to be saved. If a man goes his own way rejecting Christ and leaving God out there is no hope for him. What does such a person have awaiting him at the end of the wav? If this is your lot today, then I call on you to get away from your sin. Whatever that sin may be, be it even unbelief, put your trust and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be eternally saved. Jesus said, “He that heareth my word, and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24).
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