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A Lesson fo r Teachers o f Children
T e a ch in g the T r in ity
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by Mrs. Eleanor Blue
He loves us, and how we may be saved! PRESENTATION: Today we are go ing to think how wonderful God is, and what He is like, as the Bible teaches us that God is Three Persons in One Godhead. This is called a TRINITY. GOD is a Trinity. This is very hard for us to understand. There are things in the world which are three in one. Some of you had an egg for breakfast this morning. That egg had three parts — a shell, a white, and a yolk. Mother threw the shell away. Sometimes she makes a cake with the yellow yolk and icing with the white. Just one egg: but three parts! A family is a trinity. (Place FAM ILY PICTURE.) The father goes to work, the mother stays at home, the child attends school. Just one family, but three persons! Each of us is a trinity. We have a body (TRINITY CIRCLE: Unfold BODY) or a house in which we live. The eyes are the windows. The heart is the door. You can see my body. But I have something you cannot see: my SOUL, with which I love, think, and will to do things (Unfold SOUL). We also have a spirit with which to know and love God (Unfold SPIRIT). During the week you get up, and take care of your body. You wash it, put clothes on it and feed it. Then you go to school to train your MIND (soul). Now you are here in children’s church in order that your SPIRIT may be trained. Some people think only about their bodies and nothing about God. They are lopsided (TRINITY CIRCLE, with SPIRIT folded under). Did you ever try to roll a hoop with a flat side? It just wobbled. That is the way the lives of people are who do not know God because they have never opened the door of their hearts and invited the Lord Jesus to come in. Just as we are three parts in one person, God is Three Persons in One Godhead (Place TRINITY TRI ANGLE upper right-hand comer).
We worship One God in Three Per sons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (Place sep arately) . When sin came into the world, as Adam disobeyed God, God knew there was only One Who could save boys and girls, men and women, from sin, and that One was God the Son. So God the Father sent His Son to be the Saviour of the world ( SON circle down to middle left side of board). God the Son came down to earth to save us: 1. (Place MANGER SCENE be neath SON circle) The Lord Jesus, who is God the Son, was born as a babe and laid in the manger in Bethlehem. Christmas is only the earthly birthday of the Son of God who had always lived in Heaven with the Father. When He was bom, the shepherds came and worshipped Him. Why? Because He was God the Son. 2. (Place JESUS IN THE TEMPLE picture) In the temple the doctors were as tonished at His questions and an swers. Why? Because He was God the Son. 3. (Place picture of JESUS HEAL ING PEOPLE) The Lord Jesus just spoke to the man or to little sick children and they were made well. How could He do that? Because He was God the Son. He has made our bodies and He can fix them. If one of you boys made a kite, you could fix it, couldn’t you? 4. (Place picture of TRIUMPHAL ENTRY) This is a very sad picture. The peo ple wanted to make the Lord Jesus their King but they did not believe He was the Son of God. Just a few days later they cried, “ Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” The Son of God came down to show us God and His won derful love for us. 5. (Place picture of the CRUCI FIXION) He was willing to lay aside the glory He had in Heaven with His
Editor's Note: Following is a lesson on the Trini ty by Mrs. Eleanor Blue, since 19U1 director o f the l ar g e children’s church of the Church of the Open Door of Los Angeles (as well as a member of the staff of BIOLA ). The object of all her lessons is to lead children to a personal knowledge of Christ as Saviour and her success in this respect is attested by the fact that in the years she has been en gaged in this ministry over 2,000 children have been saved. VISUAL AIDS: Easel: flannelgraph board covered with plain, bright-blue flannel; STOP and GO sign cut from magazine, a good-sized gold card board circle, with words SPIRIT, SOUL, BODY on three edges; 3 smaller gold circles with words FA THER, SON, HOLY SPIRIT to be placed on gold triangle marked GOD; magazine picture of a family; 3 crosses: red, black, white; Scriptural scenes cut from calendars showing life of Christ from the Manger to the Ascension. MEMORY VERSE: “ But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name” (John 20:31). MAJOR APPLICATION : Jesus is the Son of God. Those who believe receive eternal life and are saved. Have you ever thought about God and wondered how He looked? The Bible tells us, “ No man hath seen God at any time.” But He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, into the world, to show us what He is like and to teach the truth of John 3:16: “ God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever be- lieveth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” God sent the angel Gabriel to tell Zacharias that John the Baptist was going to be born. He sent the angel Gabriel to tell Mary that the Lord Jesus was going to be bom. But He sent HIS SON to tell us how much
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