King's Business - 1965-09

Father, and come down to earth, and become a Person with a body like ours because He came to take our place in punishment for sin. How could He do that? Jesus on the Cross was God the Son bearing our sins in His body. “ The Lord laid on Him the sin of us all.” 6 . (Place a LITTLE RED CROSS OVER THE PICTURE OF THE CRUCIFIXION AND ON EITHER SIDE A WHITE CROSS AND BLACK CROSS.) Two thieves were crucified with the Lord Jesus. This one with the WHITE HEART in­ vited Jesus to come into his heart and be his Saviour. He believed Jesus was the Son of God. The other thief (with the BLACK HEART) never invited the Lord Jesus to come into his heart. He did not believe Jesus was the Son of God. PRAISE A C R O S TIC P-raise ye the Lord: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely. Psa. 147:1 R-ejoice evermore. 1 Thess. 5:1 6 A -ll thy works shall praise thee, O Lord and thy saints shall bless thee. Psa. 145:10 l-t is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High. Psa. 92:1 S-erve the Lord with gladness: Come before his presence with singing. Psa. 100:2 E-nter into his gates with thanksgiv­ ing, and into his courts with praise; be thankful unto him , and bless his name. Psa. 100:4 7. (Place picture of RESURREC­ TION) Jesus arose from the grave. Death could not hold Him. Why? Because He was God the Son. 8 . (Place Ascension scene) “While He blessed them, He was parted from them and carried into heaven.” 9. (Place SON circle back in its orig­ inal place). Before the Son of God went back home, He told His disci­ ples He would ask His Father to send One to take His place. Soon after God the Son went back to Heaven, God the Father sent God the Holy Spirit to stay forever with every one who would invite the Lord Jesus to come into his heart. God the Holy Spirit is in the world now. He didn’t come as a baby. He came as God the Spirit to live in us. (Hold TRINITY CIRCLE with SPIRIT flap up.) When we invite the Lord Jesus to come into our hearts, the Holy Spirit (FLAP DOWN) comes to live in us always. If you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, the Saviour, the Bible says you will be saved if you invite Him to come into your heart. Will you invite Him into your heart right now?

B IBLE A N SW E R S to 2 9 4 Important Q ue s t ion s in Forty Y e a r s ’ M in is t ry

For the first time, the choicest, most important of these questions and their answers are gathered in one large volume. They are arranged in 24 chapters. The questions and Scriptures are carefully indexed. We believe there is more doctrine taught here than in a course of systematic theology, more counseling on Christian problems than a pastor could give in years. It is a big book of 368 pages, 24 chapters. Dr. Harold B. Sightler of

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