“ The lost is found!” the family in a body dashed into the kitchen where together we praised God for the res toration of the tiny lens. I recalled that the woman in Luke 15 had called in her neighbors to rejoice with her over the recovery of her lost coin. Linda was laughing and crying at the same time as she held the contact as if it were the Kohinoor diamond. It is important to all of us to learn to care for our possessions but noth ing is of more value for young and old than to know that the Lord is interested in everything which con cerns His children and that they may come to Him at any time, anywhere, about anything. The lens was costly, but the spir itual lesson in the case of the miss ing contact was priceless. S t e p 1—Set out a large mixing bowl of many colors—“ red and yellow, black and white.” (They’re all precious in His sight.) Step 2—For mixing use a wooden spoon having a heart-shaped bowl. This type spoon may be hard to find. (But use it; it’s the only kind.) Step 8—Measure out one-eighth of an ephah of flour. Add a little oil. If your supply is scant the widow of Zarephath will give you enough for the dough. (Her supply never runs low.) Step 4—Add 1% teaspoons salt. Make sure the salt has not lost its savor. (Otherwise you’ll skimp on flavor.) Step 5—Add 1 teaspoon each soda and baking powder. Don’t be misled by fancy brand names. (Take heed and beware of superior claims.) Step 6—A little honey, spices and nuts may be added in Step 6. (Stir them in gently, just enough to mix.) Step 7—Now mix in the best fruit in the land. The fruit of the Spirit. Mix in with loving affection. (Re member, this cake for giving will bear close inspection.) Step 8—Bake in a very warm, but not hot, oven until tender and brown. Some cakes require longer baking than others. (But all must rise up and not fall down.) Step 9—Place cake on rack to cool. Wrap and tie with a silver cord. Then, for giving, set the day. (The only things we really keep are the things we give away.) —Jean Miettunen MAKINQ A FRUITCAKE FOR QIVINQ
An Object of Life
O b j e c t s : A dried Japanese flower, a jar of water, and a lily bulb. Scripture: “Being born again, . . . by the word of God” (I Peter 1:23). “ Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be : but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is” (I John 3:2). Lesson: Have you ever seen one of these dried Japanese flowers? It is not very attractive or beautiful, is it, sealed up in a thin piece of paper? But when you tear away the paper and place the dried-up flower in a jar of water, something won derful begins to happen. The deli cate petals of the flower begin to unfold slowly,, the green leaves push themselves out in all directions, and the long stem shoves its way down toward the bottom of the jar. What a transformation! The water has brought about a wonderful change. In place of the dried flower, we have a beautiful blossom! So it is with boys and girls, men and women. Before they accept the Lord Jesus as Saviour, their lives are as barren and unattractive and shriveled as the dried Japanese flower, sealed up, and bringing joy to no one. But as water caused the flower to develop and become beauti ful, so the water of God’s Word through the power of the Holy Spirit will cleanse, beautify, and transform a life, for we read in the Bible: “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word” (Psalm 119:9). It is through God’s Word that He gives new life, the new birth. God says that people are “born again, . . . by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever” (I Peter 1:23). Have you ever received the Lord Jesus as your own Saviour, dear boys and girls? If not, let Him speak to you out of His Word as we read Ro mans 3:23: “ For all have sinned.” The word “ all” includes you, me, and every one' in this whole world. We were all sinners needing a Saviour. But God our Heavenly
Father loved us so very much that He provided a wonderful Saviour for us in the Lord Jesus Christ. Now read John 3:16, a verse that most of you know: “ For God so loved the world [you may give your own name instead of “world,” for “world” in cludes you, doesn’t it?], that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoso ever [here you may repeat your own name, for “whosoever” surely in cludes you] believeth in him [that is, you are to believe that the Lord Jesus, God’s Son, died on the cross to be your Saviour] should not per ish [be lost], but have [now] ever lasting life.” Let us say the words slowly together. If you will believe and receive Jesus as your Saviour, your life, like the flower, will become beautiful for Him and you will bring joy to others. Do you know that if you receive Christ as your Saviour, still another change will some day take place in your life? You have seen a lily bulb, haven’t you? As you examined that ugly little bulb, perhaps you won dered whether it could ever become anything that was lovely. But if a lily bulb is placed under a blanket of soft earth and given the right amount of water, after a time there will appear a small green shoot, then a stalk and leaves, and finally a pure white lily, beautiful and fragrant. Changed from an ugly bulb to a mag nificent lily! Even more wonderful will be the change in those who be lieve on the Lord Jesus as Saviour. Some day they will be like Him, for we read: “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet ap pear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is” (I John 3 :2 ). The Lord Jesus arose from the dead on that first resurrection morn ing over nineteen hundred years ago, thus giving us the promise and proof that we, too, shall arise from the dead if we have received Him as our Saviour. If you have never opened your heart to the Lord Jesus, will you do it right now? —M. S. H.
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