an alumnus speaks
15 CENTS PER. WORD — MINIMUM $3.00 Bibles and Books Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale — AH Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main Street, Hamburg> New York 14075. RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED — Any size library. Send list, or write for details. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. Bible Lessons Krata-Kraft Bible Lessons now available. Write for free catalog. Bookstore discounts. Message of Life, Box 14, Ahwahnee, California 93601. Bibles' Rebound Write for illustrated price list from nation's largest Bible rebinding specialists. Work Guaran teed. Norris Bookbinding Co., 122 Stone, Green wood, Mississippi. For Sale Beautiful one bedroom furnished apartment in Sharon Gardens 1— Phoenix Christian retirement center. Owner, 1321 North 30th Drive, Phoenix, Arizona. Music Correct and singable hymn music, composed, ar ranged, edited and printed. Folders free. Ray mond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. Help Wanted Large Rescue Mission needs additional staff workers. Single or married. Board, room, compen sation. Write P.O. Box 202, Seattle 11, Wash. w e a r e . . . Training Indians to reach Indians for Christ in a 3-year Bible curriculum. G R A D U A TE S : Pastors, Teachers, and Evangelists. TUITION FREE Low Room and Board costs write to: IND IAN BIBLE ACADEMY Box 158 Cottonwood, Arizona Sponsored by: Conservative Baptist Home Mission Society
by John Bergen
I N 1949 m y wife Violet and I were led of the Lord to join the Sudan Interior Mission for service in West Africa. The seal of God’s approval came promptly through the supply ing of every need. We began our Christian service in Nigeria, West Africa in 1950. During the passing years we have had the joy of seeing many hundreds of Africans, both in Nigeria and in Ghana, come to a personal faith in Christ. Many of these were born again through the influence of Chris tian literature. God is doing great things through the monthly maga zine, African Challenge, published in Africa for Africans by S.I.M. As an alumnus, I look back with fondest memories to the spiritual strength and solid Bible study re ceived in the Biola I attended twenty years ago. Now we are investing our third furlough in further training at Biola College. As a student today, I thank God that I find Biola still just as faithful and true to the work and Word of God as it has ever been. As parents, my wife and I share absolute confidence in Biola’s future. Our three younger children will re turn with us to Africa when we go back. Our eldest son, Bernard, how ever, will be left behind in America. The Lord willing, he, too, will attend Biola, to prepare himself for what ever service God has planned for his young life. There is a personal burden on my heart, too. While I have not been
asked to say this, Biola needs a Mis sions Alumni building. Such a struc ture will provide offices for both the Alumni Secretary as well as for the Director of Biola’s Missions Depart ment. Most important, however, will be the vital classrooms for instruc tion in missions, a major emphasis in the training ministry through the year. As a Biola graduate and a mission ary home on furlough, I feel' very keenly the importance and urgency of this addition to the Campus de velopment program. The architect’s drawing and estimated costs have been completed. A substantial amount of money towards the building al ready has been contributed. Very wisely, we believe, Biola waits to build until all funds for the project are in hand. Most of us missionaries have only limited funds whereby we can share with Biola in this need. Join us in praying about it. Ask the Lord to increase this burden on the hearts of others as well. As all of us join together, God will touch the willing hearts of His faithful stewards. Make sure you don’t divert your regular giving. If God wants you to present something extra to Him, why not send it to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles? Clearly in dicate that it is a “ love gift” for the Missions Alumni building. On be half of fellow missionaries scattered around the world, may God bless you for sharing this burden so that we may train even more new mission aries to “ come over and help us” !
W h at does Herbert W . A rm strong actually teach concerning the Scriptures? W hat are the dead ly errors which are propounded through his publications sent to those whose names he has accumu lated? Biola recommends an excel lent new publication by M r. Paul W ilson entitled, " T h e Arm strong Heresy." M r. W ilson has made an offer to send free single copies to anyone who may desire them. Th e same author has prepared a 60-page booklet entitled " A Defense of Dispensationalism." He is also making available free single copies of this article to any who are interested. M r. W ilson is a careful student of the W ord of God and thorough in his w riting. W e commend both of these publica tions for our readers' interest.
(see helpful advertisement on adjoining page)
STANDARD PUBLISHING Cincinnati, Ohio 45231 — Alhambra, Calif. 91801 KB 965 p Please send me sample o f your A ll-N e w Graded-For-Growth Lesson Series and other teaching aids. I am interested in materials for the following age-groups:
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