We have enjoyed a happy home life, a prosperous business, and all the blessings o f His salvation until now. If now He wants us to testify for Him by giving our lives, we will g o !’ ” When one reads a testimony such as this, he cannot but exclaim, "There were spiritual giants in the land in those days!” This was the last o f the horrible massacres which our noble Armenian friends endured for Christ’s sake through the cen turies. They paid with their lives for their faith in Him. It would be tragic indeed if the sons and grandsons o f these mighty martyrs ever allowed the faith o f their fathers to become a dull, drab, perfunctory sort o f thing in their own hearts and lives in this generation. This year could well be a decisive year in the lives o f these wonderful people who fled to America to avoid the persecu tion o f those days as they remind themselves o f the supreme sacri fice o f those who have gone before and as they rededicate them selves to the high and holy purpose for which their fathers and grandfathers laid down their own lives. One cannot but contemplate very soberly the possibility that persecution could happen in our own beloved land. Indeed, some times we wonder why it hasn’t already come to pass. The tragedy is that apparently there are so many nominal Christians who hold opinions concerning the great truths o f the Word o f God but, alas, whose lives are not in the least affected by or governed by these truths. God forbid that persecution should ever come to pass in America, but if it does come, it will surely be a time of separation o f "fair weather” Christians from the real born-again children of God who, like these Armenian Christians, are willing to lay down their very lives for their faith rather than to deny the Lord o f glory. Church historians have reminded us that the faith o f believers burns brightest in the midst o f persecution. It is possible that the Christian faith is burning at such a low ebb in the visible church o f Jesus Christ today because being a Christian is entirely too easy and popular. If we were only wise enough to learn from the ex periences o f the past, we would be manifesting a more virile type o f Christian faith and practice in order that the fires o f persecu tion might not have to descend upon us to bring us into line. Alas, it appears that we, as a people, are not sufficiently intelligent to realize this, and so do not compare favorably with "the noble army” o f 1915.
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Outstanding editorials prepared by Dr. Samuel H . Suther land and appearing in Th e King's Business magazine column, " A Message from the Editor" have been compiled in booklet form. Carrying the title of the lead article which received wide acclaim, " I A m a Fundamentalist," copies of these books are available at 25 cents each or five for $1.00. Th e publication has been printed as a limited edition. Copies are available as long as the supply lasts. Other featured editorials included in the book are: " T h e Fundamentals," "H isto ry Repeats Itself," "Protestantism T o da y," "Standard for Christian M orals," "Present-day Prophetic Paradox," "Ecumenical M ovem ent;" "Academ ic Freedom ," "Is Indoctrination our Business?," "M od ern -D ay Pharisees," and "Bible Translations."
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