St George's Uni Of London - Assistant Director Of Estates

Assistant Director of Estates

Estates & Facilities

The Estates and Facilities Department is responsible for the management of all the physical estate at St George’s, University of London, including property management, capital projects, maintenance, support to teaching, and residential facilities, and business continuity planning (BCP). We aim to make effective use of the resources at our disposal and to maintain high standards of professionalism, courtesy and integrity. Staff in the department are expected to embrace and promote our service objectives, values and vision and ensure that these are put into practice in their day-to-day work and relationships with clients, colleagues and business partners. Our individual and collective objectives are to take responsibility for achieving results and being positive and creative in solving problems. We are all expected to treat customer satisfaction as our first priority. Our aim and purpose is to provide a coordinated approach to developing, maintaining and adapting St George’s estate and to provide a wide range of support services in order to create an environment which supports the university’s objectives and adds value to its corporate identity and brand. Nestled within the St George’s Hospital site, we have a diverse estate portfolio of complex medical research and teaching facilities as well as social, recreational and work spaces. About a mile from the hospital site is our residential accommodation portfolio, with accommodation for first year students guaranteed.

Take of tour of the campus by watching the video below.


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